i am soo depressed i want to quit this!!



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Honestly without your food diary open people would have to be psychic to offer much help. Dont give up

    I love this!
  • I don't know what kind of a diet you are on but here's what's working for me. It is the American Fare 1200 calorie diet. You can get it off the internet and it has worked for me. Try that and see what happens. Hope this helps. Hang in there and keep trying you will see results.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    I agree with the above - get checked!
    And even healthy folks feel as you do at times.

    Actually, most people do quit, so if you did, you'd be in the majority.
    It's hard work, and some weeks, progress seems so slow.
    I feel you!
    We can offer you encouragement and inspiration but motivation is all on you.
    That comes from within; it's internal.
    Not withstanding any medical issues, there are things you can try.
    To punch through this wall of doubt, look within and answer for yourself:
    Why do I want to be healthy and fit?
    And attach great pleasure to that as you set these goals.
    And then ask yourself why do you NOT want to be fat?
    Attach great pain to all the reasons you do not want to be fat.
    Few people can actually do this which is why most people just quit.
    This is the key to internal motivation.
    Take the time to do this, and you'll never really consider quitting ever again.
    Sure, you may have challenges; we all do, but you'll keep punching and reach your goals.

    All Is Possible!

    Awwww.... :) super cute. What he said!! ^^^^^^
  • bobbin1
    bobbin1 Posts: 60
    Don't be too hard on yourself. I try to exercise 4 times a week including Zumba and haven't lost much weight only 4 lbs. In fact I had lost 5lbs then gained a little back. I was told it is because I am lossing fat and gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more and I wasn't drinking enough water so my body is retaining it to repair muscles that I really didn't know I had. Hope this improves your mood.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Your diary is not visible to us, so it's anybody's guess. I could probably guess what the issue is, but it would be random and irresponsible of me to say anything without seeing what you've been eating.

    This...open up your diary.
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    okay first off thank you all for your input...
    i have been checked and was told to loose weight i'm healthy except i have high colestoral

    i cancelled my last doc appointment because if my cholestral numbers didn't go down she would put me on pills and i don't want that.. it's taken a while for me to realize just how big i have gotten

    so jan of this year i decided this is my year i am putting myself first and up until now i have this is the longest i have ever done anything fo rmyself.. in all aspects of life its easeir to do for others.

    i have opend up my diary for all to see i thought/think i am eating very healthy...

    i cook from scratch and i am the only one in my fmaily who is overweight.. i am an emotional eater but realized this is destroying me, so if my husband an dkids are munching on chips while watching tv i go to another room watch tv and i workout( i have never done this before) thats why this morning was so depressing !!
  • vachm
    vachm Posts: 19 Member
    It's the menopause monster - soo sooo easy to gain and soo soo hard to lose. I'm in the same boat. Some days the scale goes up just by thinking about food or wine! The meno-monster plays tricks with our minds and makes us want to quit - it's hard - i have no magic advice to give -let's just keep plugging along - I think a week where you don't lose weight is better than if you had gained weight. No matter what anyone says about "throwing out the scale" - I can't - stepping on a scale once a week helps my brain register what I did right or wrong the week before.
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    Quitting after 1 week?

    Keep going, you will see a change. Maybe not right away!
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    no i've been doing this on a daily basis since jan 10.
  • Colleen268
    Colleen268 Posts: 25 Member
    When was the last time you had a blood workup? Is there a thyroid issue, possibly? And yes, are you fueling all that activity appropriately? Don't give up! You can work through this!

    I was having the same problem and just found out that I have a thyroid issue that is making it harder to lose weight. Get some bloodwork done, full thyroid, it is an extremely common issue. I just started synthroid yesterday. It will take a few weeks to kick in. My sister started it and she took 30 lbs off from the meds.
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    You probably arent eating enough.
    That effects hormones!

    Calculate your calories at Fat To Fit Radio under tools.
    Do the military body fat calc then the BMR tool.
    Someone at your age under eating is deadly!

    If you need help let me know.
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    okay will try this too.. but i find it hard to believe i am not eating enough!
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Are you measuring. Sometimes people might not lose in a week but inches still shift. Don't give up!!
    As mentioned above, are you also taking your body measurements? Are you drinking all of your water? Are you eating all of your calories, and at least some of your exercise calories? Are your calories comprised of "healthy foods" or do the calories contain a high proportion of "junk" food (sweets, cakes etc)?

    Once you have been using MFP for a while (say a month), I would also suggest varying your exercise routine.

    Remember why you joined. To improve your health and fitness. You are doing this through the exercise you are taking. Why would you want to give up now? You have already taken the hardest step.

    Keep up the good work - I'm sure you will succeed.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    You're not eating enough, you need to eat more! Maybe not all your exercise calories, but you need to have less of a deficit than you currently have.

    Edit: Like Wolfena, I've lost more than my signature. In the last year I've gone from 185 to 142, then back to 151. At 151 I'd had enough of regaining the weight and found this site. Admittedly I've never tried losing weight with the menopause, though I guess I will someday! I'd imagine it's harder if your hormones are all over the place but you can still do it, you've lost 5, you're totally capable of doing this!
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    First off, you want to do this slow. You lose it fast you will most likely gain it back.

    Second, watch your calories intake. You should be taking in close to 1500 to 1800 calories a day, correct if thats not enough guys. I did 1200 calories per but I lost it way too fast. So check your calorie level
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    i've been trying to excersie more... but if that means i need to eat more than can i not excersice as much.. because i am using my exxcersie time by not doing other chores and things so i am getting a bit behind but my family never says anythign they want me healthy too!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    It is one week in which you did not lose any! ONE week...Your body does not have a calendar....I've lost 50 pounds over two years....and it was not divided exactly in x lbs per week.....sometimes you don't lose, sometimes you lose more than one pound...
    that happens - if I had to quit after the first week of not losing, I would still weigh 50 lbs more, still be unfit and on the verge of having to take medication, and so on....It's not a race, and you did not add the weight to your body at exact weekly intervals - you won't lose it that way either....
  • cdbravo
    cdbravo Posts: 41 Member
    We are having a Biggest Loser competition at my job, and there are some weeks where I am so mad on Fridays because I am exactly where I was the Friday before. Then the next Friday rolls around and I've suddenly dropped 7 or 8 pounds. Sometimes it seems like you aren't losing and then it shows up the next week.

    Another idea is to watch your sodium intake and drink more water. If you are retaining water that will definately make that scale sit still.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    i am having such a hard time i know i am in menopause but still you would think i'd loose something!!

    Can somebody help me!! i have walked/eliptical for this past week for a total of 39.07 miles i did this for two hours everyday except wed... i didn't lose any weight at all this week..

    i write down everything i ate, pulled myslef downstairs to workout when i am really tired and this is what i get.. nothing..

    i don't know what i am doing wrong, i keep a pedometor on me at all times and this is how i figure my steps then convert them to a calorie burn i don't use the calories that are exposed on either the treadmill or the eliptical..

    i have plantar faciatas in both of my legs and very bad ankles thats why i kept to the walking this week i was going to swtich things up but i don't want to get hurt... i have to stretch for 10 min before i get out of bed and walk down three flights of stairs as my heels hurt so bad

    i appreciate any advice.

    Honestly, working out alone will NOT make you lose weight. You have to control your diet and your sodium intake (high sodium intake = retained water weight).

    Don't give up! It took months for me to get my diet under control. You didn't gain overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight.
  • Janalynrenee18
    Janalynrenee18 Posts: 11 Member
    i know you have kids and all but stress and sleep all factor in... I take d3 and B12 everyday to help me feel energized ( b12 actually helps keep your metabolism working and good) Maybe try getting some more restful sleep with melatonin which is natural in your body anyways and then boost your b12 levels. I mean its hard to want to work out and feel great when your TIRED and feeling run over with a truck... maybe find a group of girls at work that are interested in dieting so it wont feel so bad when your family pigs out in front of you.. OR find options like air popped popcorn or 100 calorie Popsicle ( ALDI's has some fruit bars in lime and berry that are AMAZING!) OR get the Special K chips- they are very tasty.. but count your chips. Im starting again... and its hard... but if I can do it.. u can too! Add me as a friend! Ill help motivate you! YOU CAN DO IT!