i am soo depressed i want to quit this!!



  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    What will quitting gain for you (other than possibly more weight?) Feeling frustrated or depressed is normal, seeking advice, suggestions and doing research is great! Quitting is just not acceptable! :glasses:

    Just to let you know my personal experience, my "work" or lack of it.... usually shows up about 2 weeks later. I rarely see results the very same week.

    I agree Quitting is NOT acceptable.....believe me I have wanted to many many times and all my MFP pals have kept me on track. Try to mix up your workouts so you are not doing the same thing everyday. You can do this!!! Hang in there and never feel bad about asking questions etc.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    I got to week 3 and felt like this. I decided to sttick with it and six months later, 56lbs down.

    What can you take from this?????
    1) this site works.
    2) I feel better about myself
    3) My family are less worried for me
    4) I can now help others that felt like I did in week 3, if they let me.

    Please stay with it, you owe it to yourself and remember why you joined in the first place.... for you
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    this is what usally happens to me but iv changed my whole lifestlye and havent given up and iv lost 7 pound in 3 weeks even thou its not not my weigh in day yet all i can say is dont give up i have problems with my feet i was born with crab feet and at the minute i wear special insoles in my shoes which make my legs ache i cant wear heels for very long and after work i feel like crying with pain but the only other opition for me is an operation 2 break my bones in my feet and rebuild them but i have 2 young children and a job i love so this is a last resort and i also have tendonitis which can effect any part of my body at anytime but i never let it get 2 me wen you do loose you,ll feel so much better i no i do it just takes time and mabye measure your self the scales arnet always rite il support u if you want 2 add me xxx
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I took a look at your diary and I see several things that is getting in your way! I just wanted to give you a bit of things that got me to lose weight fast! Try to only eat things like: lean meat like salon, tuna, sirloin beef, skinless chicken, and turkey. Processed foods like lunch meat, hot dogs, sausages, any fastfood,Creamy foods like Ranch dressingall canned goods . If you have to eat pasta, make sure that it is wheat or whole grains and if you have carbs, try to have those right before you go workout because that is good for an energy source. After you workout have those proteins or have a protein drink because that helps your muscles recover faster. And of course WATER WATER WATER! 99% of fast food is totally unhealthy so you should stay clear of that completely. They make your foods with the cheapest fatties most processed and artificial products so that they can save money and make loads of it. You may know all of this stuff all ready but I just thought I'd share this with you because I viewed you diary and it had some things on there that we should stay away from
  • LessJos
    LessJos Posts: 113 Member
    Losing weight is mostly what and how much you eat. Exercise is great but don't overdo it especially when you have injuries already. You definitely need to eat more when you work out that much i.e. reduce your workouts. Why don't you start eating what's suggested here on MFP and then add some lighter exercise. See how you feel for 2-4 weeks and then adjust. I don't eat 100% back what I exercised but I definitely eat some back. Otherwise I won't lose.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    At this point in your life it is still possible to lose, so don't give up. I have only been at it since Oct, but I am delighted to have
    lost 8 pounds. I am older than you, but it seems the older we are the longer it takes to lose some weight. Slow but sure has become my philosophy. I am much more likely to keep it off this way. Everyone else has already given you some good suggestions. I also had plantar fiscitis last spring with one foot. It kept me fairly inactive for at least 3 months doing very little walking until I found Dr Scholls shoe inserts at Walmart. These are a bit pricey $41. but they have worked for me. He has a new machine out that is computerized. It asks several questions before he tells you what insert to get. It s all programmable. Also it took me almost 3 wks to see a small change in my weight. A lot of of people like asics shoes, but I prefer Sauconys as I have a narrower foot. New shoes also made a difference for me with my feet and don't forget the ice too. Hope this helps ............. Good Luck !!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I looked at your diary for yesterday and it seems that you are eating fairly good options but you are eating way under your calorie goal. Not sure how your calorie goal was set but if your goal is correct then you may need to increase your calorie intake to at least your goal weight. Be patient with yourself. You didn't get to this weight in a few months and you will need more time to see losses. Everyone is different. Hang in there.
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    well done ohDD65 iv heard the older you get the harder it is to loose weight id rather loose slowly than fast and i think theres nothing worse than having sore feet because they seem to have an impact on the rest of your body i see a specailist about my insoles but they just keep saying wear them and you,ll get used to them but 6 month later i still get pain and i never thought of ice lol keep up the good work xx
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Remember that MFP is not the Biggest Loser. You cannot expect to lose 10 pounds every week. Healthy weight loss should be slow. Sure, some people start off with a huge weight loss, but not everyone does. When I started Weight Watchers a couple if years ago, I lost one pound. Many people don't lose at all the first week, and some even gain. But trust me, the weight drops off eventually. On Weight Watchers, I went from 220 to 170, and since November, 2011 when I joined MFP, I've lost 12 pounds. I average about a pound lost a week, and that's fine with me. The way I figure is: it took years of bad eating habits and no exercise to get this heavy. I should not expect to lose all this weight in one week. Be patient.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    i am having such a hard time i know i am in menopause but still you would think i'd loose something!!

    Can somebody help me!! i have walked/eliptical for this past week for a total of 39.07 miles i did this for two hours everyday except wed... i didn't lose any weight at all this week..

    i write down everything i ate, pulled myslef downstairs to workout when i am really tired and this is what i get.. nothing..

    i don't know what i am doing wrong, i keep a pedometor on me at all times and this is how i figure my steps then convert them to a calorie burn i don't use the calories that are exposed on either the treadmill or the eliptical..

    i have plantar faciatas in both of my legs and very bad ankles thats why i kept to the walking this week i was going to swtich things up but i don't want to get hurt... i have to stretch for 10 min before i get out of bed and walk down three flights of stairs as my heels hurt so bad

    i appreciate any advice.

    Please don't quit. You may not know anyone personally on this site, but there's a bunch of people here pulling for you! There's tons of people probably going through the same thing or maybe you've already gone through the same bad phase.

    I guarantee out of all these people, at least one of them has sound advice that can get you through this. You're reaching out, so you obviously want to get better.

    Don't quit, don't ever quit. It won't do anything but make it worse, so what's the worse than can happen if you stick with this, right? You might make a few more friends and gain some knowledge to get you through this.

    Here's hoping you change your mind...
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Losing weight is mostly diet. Some experts say that you should get rest and enough sleep. If you are truly tired, then take a break. Sleeping an extra hour or rest days are very good.

    You don't HAVE to workout to lose weight. It's diet. Keep under your calories, measure and weigh absolutely everything. Don't forget that 1 tablespoon of oil is 140 calories. So many people forget about how many calories they are adding by cooking with it. Don't forget water too :) Water is GREAT!

    If you are having problems, figure out your diet first, see a drop in weight first, then add working out. Working out is absolutely wonderful for your body, but not necessary for losing weight. Gotta get the diet down first.. this is just my opinion.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    You could be making MUSCLES!!! and losing inches. Muscle is heavier than fat! DONT STOP NOW!!

    I wish people would stop saying this.

    A lb of muscle =pound of fat. But an analogy is, put a pound of stones in you hand and compare is to a pound of feathers. The feathers take up much more room. Same goes for muscle to fat ratio.

    Having said that, Muscle burns more calories at rest. With a calorie deficit, and excess cardio, you could be burning lean muscle tissue as well. thus lowering your metabolism., and making it slightly harder to lose more weight. I would suggest a strength routine at least 2-3 times a week.

    Take measurements as well as scale lbs. Keep a chart. When you start a fitness routine, your body will fight the routine change. You will retain water. {if you are sore, you are retaining} This is one way the body repairs it self. The scale may not move but the measuring tape will get tighter.You may not see scale victories for up to 6 weeks.

    Keep your diet clean, and healthy. Get plenty of sleep [That help with the bodies repairing itself}, keep up with the water intake. Get good healthy proteins in, and don't forget the healthy fats. You can do this. I am sure you did not gain the weight in one week, it will take time for the losses to be obvious.
  • sh3lby12
    sh3lby12 Posts: 11 Member
    Dont quit!!!!!! I too felt very frustrated after doing this and I lost then gained back what I lossed. I now have to remind myself its not the numbers on the scale but how my clothes feel. I have only lost 4 lbs but I have noticed my clothes dont fit as tight. Dont give up!!!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You could be making MUSCLES!!! and losing inches. Muscle is heavier than fat! DONT STOP NOW!!

    I wish people would stop saying this.

    A lb of muscle =pound of fat.
    No, it true; Muscle weighs more than fat -- BY VOLUME!

    In other words, a gallon of muscle weighs more than a gallon of fat.
    Why? Muscle is more dense than fat like lead is denser than water.

    That's all people mean when they say muscle weighs more than fat.
    Some may not express the concept correctly, but that's what they mean.
    There is no reason to correct everybody who expresses the truth that muscle weighs more than fat.
    It does - BY VOLUME!
    And that's what people mean. Constant debate on this just confuses newbies.
  • RedHeadChick
    RedHeadChick Posts: 39 Member
    Have you considered your hormone levels? They play a huge roll in weight gain and loss. Don't give up. There is always an answer, you just have to know where to find it.

    Also have you ever considered seeing a Chiropractor? I didn't used to believe that they could ever help. But I found a really good one near where I live. My hubby made me go, and what do you know, NO MORE HIP PAIN! Whoot Whoot! The guy was really gentle and I no longer have lower back and hip pain. One of my friends suffers from planter fishiatis(sp?), so I ask him about it. He said that Chiropractic can help most issues.
  • JeffCarlin
    I also have the plantar fasciitis. I have switched to Reebok DMX Max shoes and thrown out my orthotics. Orthotics and exercise IN MY OPINION do not mix well. The morning pain is going away. Occasionally I have to wear my night boot to keep the tendon stretched. I find that the orthotics just give my foot a reason to live with the unstretched tendon.
  • vsmccormack
    I know it can be really hard. One of the most important things is your diet - and I don't mean that as restricting, but simply as the fuel or food you put into your body. The absolute BEST thing for you to fuel your body to your best potential, is whole food - fruits and vegetables being at the top. Your body will know exactly what to do with these and by putting in the proper nutrients, your body will rid itself of unwanted waste (fat, toxins, excess water weight, etc.)

    We are ALL routing for you - we are all routing for each other. Don't let the number on the scale get you down, how are your clothes fitting, do you FEEL better?

    It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing. It takes 8 weeks for friends and family and it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world. KEEP GOING!!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    You could be making MUSCLES!!! and losing inches. Muscle is heavier than fat! DONT STOP NOW!!

    I wish people would stop saying this.

    A lb of muscle =pound of fat. But an analogy is, put a pound of stones in you hand and compare is to a pound of feathers. The feathers take up much more room. Same goes for muscle to fat ratio.

    Having said that, Muscle burns more calories at rest. With a calorie deficit, and excess cardio, you could be burning lean muscle tissue as well. thus lowering your metabolism., and making it slightly harder to lose more weight. I would suggest a strength routine at least 2-3 times a week.

    Take measurements as well as scale lbs. Keep a chart. When you start a fitness routine, your body will fight the routine change. You will retain water. {if you are sore, you are retaining} This is one way the body repairs it self. The scale may not move but the measuring tape will get tighter.You may not see scale victories for up to 6 weeks.

    Keep your diet clean, and healthy. Get plenty of sleep [That help with the bodies repairing itself}, keep up with the water intake. Get good healthy proteins in, and don't forget the healthy fats. You can do this. I am sure you did not gain the weight in one week, it will take time for the losses to be obvious.

    Like this. Good analogy.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    It's a marathon, not a sprint. We all have good weeks and bad weeks. Just keep pushing yourself and you'll get there.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    I have had this happen to me a couple of times. It usually happens after a time of bad eating, when I'm trying to get back on track. Sometimes it just seems like you have to prove that you mean it before any results show. It's one of those "character building" experiences we'd all rather skip! You can make it though! You've already done the right thing by looking around for support and more knowledge rather than looking around for a cookie!! Keep it up!