Hiii, new to MFP & started P90X. HELP!!

Hello everyone thankyou in advance to anyone who can help me!

I'm only in my first week of p90x but have so far found it difficult to meet the right balance of protein carbs and fat, am i right in thinking i should be aiming for a 50/30/20 approach? It seems the amount of protein i'm eating is through the roof on my daily tracker and i often feel quite bloated. As for the actual workouts I'm trying to BRING IT as much as i can but am struggling to get through some of the videos, my shoulders are feeling it the most and i spend alot of time in a heap on my floor... i don't even want to mention the battle im having with some of the pull up bar routines. I know i should perservere and things should improve but any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated :D


  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well I can't see your diary, but if that much protein makes you feel bad, I would try adjusting to 40/30/30 (p/c/f). See how you feel. I know if I get much more than 120g I feel gross, too. It kinda depends on where your getting your protein from too, if I'm eating lean meats I feel better than a ton of protein shakes. But push through the soreness and modify when you need to. You'll be glad you did. :flowerforyou:
  • You are correct on the 50/30/20 for the first phase. I believe you can manually put that in on MFP. I do that on mine.

    Do you eat a small snack before working out? Sometimes a handful of nuts or 1/2 a banana or a small glass of chocolate milk can help with your energy if you work out on an empty stomach. Some people get sick though, so just beware. It is always hard to change our eating habits AND start a super tough workout program. Just know that as long as you PUSH through your workouts and are sticking to your calories, you'll be fine! I am actually doing P90X2 and find my shoulders are feeling it also! :) Once you look back after a month, you'll be amazed at how far and strong you've come. Keep up the great work!!
  • Hey everyone my name is Amy.. super new to this!! trying to gain weight and trying to keep a food log but its so hard!! But this website is amazing! :)
  • DTmedride87
    DTmedride87 Posts: 4 Member
    Im doing 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats. Working out good for me and has given me a whole new boost of energy. Just stick with it man the first week is the hardest! Believe me I remember that week like it was yesterday. Cant hardly lift myself up to throw up after the workout from working out so hard. I've done P90x 2 times now and one thing I learned and would have changed when I started the first week is to pace yourself. Like he says your not gonna do what they are doing in the videos the first week. Do about 80% your max for the first week and then really start stepping it up the second week once your body starts getting use to it. Its tough but you will grow to love it and stick to it and see crazy results if you follow the program to a T and modify where you need to to get better and stronger at certain workouts every week. Keep up the hard work believe me it gets easier.... and then when your ready to step it up to the next level you can just keep making it harder! The beauty of P90x!
  • DTmedride87
    DTmedride87 Posts: 4 Member
    Just set your goals and keep them in mind everyday you workout to motivate yourself!
  • Thanks for all the tips people, I may have been a bit quick to moan but i have found it easier as i have progressed. the one thing i really want to do now is find a way to alter MFP to my exact requirements, Ive done a lot of research and math so i know exactly how much protein carbs and fat i need per day but cant seem to find a way to change my goals, the recommended calories are of course spot on but MFP wants me to eat a ton of carbs to meet that wheres i am in the protein part of my diet. If anyone knows a way to change it so i can enter my goals to my requirements id be a lot happier
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Go to change your goals, and do custom. You can pick the amount of calories you want for your goal every day and change your protein/fat/carb ratio.
  • Go to change your goals, and do custom. You can pick the amount of calories you want for your goal every day and change your protein/fat/carb ratio.

    Yaaa,... my phone wouldnt let me do that but ive logged on and sorted it now, cheers, what an idiot eyy :embarassed:
  • As Tony says, "Do your best and forget the rest!"

    I'm in my 3rd month of p90x, and I can only now do unassisted pull ups. I started out with one foot on a chair/stool to make it easier.

    The first week of p90x is the hardest! Keep going, it gets better, although if you always "Bring It" it should always be difficult!
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    I to have just started P90x this past Monday. I did the plyo last night for the first time and it kick my butt! I'm sore as hell but ready for my third day tonight.
  • bblich02
    bblich02 Posts: 57
    hey everyone if you need help or have questions, please let me know. I'm on my third round with p90x and i'd love to help
  • PaulaALJ
    PaulaALJ Posts: 27
    First of all great job on starting out the p90x, it is super intense and believe me I have tried it out! the first time i did it, I stopped within the month because It was time consuming and i was just out of shape but don't get discouraged! I tried it one more time and completed the 90 days!! if i remember correctly if you bought the dvd set, you should have also received a food journal with recipes and tips how to follow the diet to your specific level? good luck out there!