**Calling out to those that have been obese most all of thei

Yes, I have lost over 118 pounds, just not recently. It took me trying this n that, taking this n that, giving up n gaining back, etc...If you've been there you know the cycle. No, I didn't lose the weight in the past year. I lost it over a course of 12 years, with the last half coming off when I really got serious about it almost 2 years ago. I lose weight slowly due to PCOS, depression, and just being me.

My question is to those of you that have been obese most of your adult life like I have, how do you handle all of the stretch marks and saggy skin??? My upper arms and entire middle section of my tummy are the worst. Not super loose, but noticeable, especially when I sit. NO- I cannot get a little nip/tuck here n there, just curious as to if anyone has had any luck on toning these areas up.
Also, I am covered as you may be too from the neck to my toes in many different forms and colors of stretch marks. Aside from getting a new body, lol Is there anything that will help? I still have around 30 pounds or so until I reach my goal and I have heard that the more I end up losing, the more everything will be less noticeable. If you have reached your goal, do you find this to be true?
I appreciate any positive feedback and I apologize for excluding anyone, but I wasn't one that gained weight just for a few years, I was morbidly obese almost half of my life and really need others that have been in a similar situation to advise.

Thanks ~Kassie


  • amkelley
    I have HEARD but not experienced but I am HOPING to experience...that doing weight lifting while losing the weight makes there be LESS saggy skin anywhere on your body. Ive had 3 kids in over 3 1/2 years and my stomach is AWFUL....I am doing circuit training several days a week and trying to do different types of exercises- not JUST walking- because I want to get toned while I'm losing. It is definitely taking a LOT longer to lose weight this time around (lost 70 lbs after I had my 2nd son) but I HOPE it makes my stomach not so saggy...I have NEVER been the skinny girl but I have dealt with weight issues almost my entire life!!! I have been thin a coulple times....and I hope I can get THIN again!!! I HATE the mirror right now though.....
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Everyone keeps telling me that exercise will make them go away - but I don't believe them. Hopefully someone will have magical information for us!!
  • Havend1
    Havend1 Posts: 52 Member
    I still haven't met my goal weight but I have dropped about 60 lbs since my heaviest in high school. I don't believe you'll be able to tighten up the loose skin especially if it's a significant amount. Skin looses elasticity and you cannot regain it back hence why it sags. You can do strength training if you aren't already and see if that helps. I wish I could afford surgery.
  • butterflimom
    Thanks for all of your honest and heart felt responses. I haven't gotten into strength training much yet, although I do lift heavy hand held weights from time to time. I guess right now I just want to focus on eating better and losing a bit more before I start some sort of weight lifting routine. It was pretty rough on my body when I was 17 years old going from 130ish to 275ish at 18 years old. This was all in about a 10 month span. I'm not sure what I can't stand looking at more, the stretch marks which are literally head to toe, or the saggy middle section of my tummy and my bat arms :( I can't afford surgery either and am just hoping there is something out there that will help. I know that I won't ever look the way I used to again, but maybe there will be a way that I can look 'better'...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    It really comes down to how much you lost, how much your skin as stretched out and for how long, age plays into it... I have done everything the right way, losing the weight slow, strength training, etc and because of my massive weightloss I Will be having multiple surgeries at the end of my journey. I have met with a surgeon and am looking at around 30 lbs. of skin removal. It is very annoying and causes me problems almost daily (skin infections, skin tearing, etc) but it is seriously a small price to pay now that i have my life back. 31 months ago I was homebound, could barely walk and had not really left the house in over 2 years and today in a couple hours I will be heading to the Y to get my daily workout in and living life so no real complaints here.... Only thing I will be doing is driving my paid off pickup truck for the next 3 or 4 years while i pay off my skin surgery bill... Good luck to you......
  • butterflimom
    Thanks, but seriously CONGRATS to you!!! What an amazing accomplishment!!! And I wish you well for your surgery.