Any other homeschooling moms?

Hey everyone,

I'm a a stay at home, homeschooling mom. Just curious if there is any others on here. It would be nice to find some others that go through the same struggle of educating kids and trying to balence fitness and household chores into their daily lives.

I'm from north Texas, and I currently have a Kinder and 1st grader.

Would love to hear from you!


  • luvmybaby333

    I live in TN. I have a 2nd/3rd-grader and an "unschooled" preschooler. It's definitely a challenge to balance everything. It's hard not to want to eat stuff when your kids are asking for snacks all day. It's hard to exercise when the kids constantly want to join in or "help" you. I wouldn't trade it for anything, though. :-)
  • mrslupercio2011
    I have no kids yet, but definitely want to homeschool them when I do, just have to get my husband on board before the time comes. Tell me what are the pros/cons.
  • always12go
    always12go Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a homeschool mom. Our youngest is 12 and our oldest is 14. We currently only homeschool the 12 year old.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm interested in homeschooling but my husband wants our kids to get more social interaction, so I'm not sure what we'll do when the time comes. The idea does seem a little daunting, especially while they're still little. I've done a little research, but I just don't know where to begin.
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    First of all, I applaud you. My mom homeschooled all 6 of her children, and I thank her everyday for it. It was the best experience for me growing up. The close bonds between me and my mom, and me and my siblings are so precious to me. The values and life lessons that she taught me are my most prized possessions.
  • vryanz
    vryanz Posts: 49
    HI! I have a 14 month old and a 6 year old. I homeschool my 6 year old. I also work full time as a paramedic, so I can work 40 hour shifts and have the rest of the week off. I am very blessed in that aspect!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I'm interested in homeschooling but my husband wants our kids to get more social interaction, so I'm not sure what we'll do when the time comes. The idea does seem a little daunting, especially while they're still little. I've done a little research, but I just don't know where to begin.

    My family was close friends with many other home schooled families. We went on field trips together on a regular basis. My family was involved in youth groups, choirs, plays, ballets, music lessons and many other activities. There was no lack of social interaction :smile:
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    We homeschool our three kids, 10 & 12 year old boys & almost 14 year old dd. My kids are by no means socialized. We are active in several homeschool groups and also our church & 4-H. Laws vary from state to state, but Indiana is a great place to homeschool. Anyone that wants to add me as a friend, feel free to do so.
  • brianz72
    The more interesting question is whether anybody homeschools who isn't an evangelical born-again fundamentalist gay-hating Harry-Potter-fearing science-bashing Christian?

    I really need to move to Sweden or New Zealand...
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    The more interesting question is whether anybody homeschools who isn't an evangelical born-again fundamentalist gay-hating Harry-Potter-fearing science-bashing Christian?

    I really need to move to Sweden or New Zealand...

    <--- This girl. and I'm not homeschooling... yet, but I'm just one straw away. My son has physiological neuro disorders that affect the way his brain functions. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him, or interacting with him for that matter, but the public school system sucks for him.
  • jaded082
    jaded082 Posts: 107 Member
    Wow, glad to see lots of other homeschoolers on here! Thanks for all the responces. :-) I love meeting other homeschooler mamas that know what it's like to fight the battle of staying in shape while educating our kids.

    For the person who was asking about socialization. That is the least of my worries. Actually it makes me laugh out loud when I hear it. My kids are SO socialized. NOt shy in the least either. They stay plenty socialized between co-op every week, piano lessons, gymnastics, scouts class and friends nearby.

    **Oh a side note. Please try to keep the comments friendly in here. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks**
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm a former secular homeschooler. My kids aged out of homeschooling (they are 19 and 16). They read Harry Potter and learned about evolution (GASP!) Friend me, if you like.
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Homeschooling and loving it! Have to say, the fitness journey is sometimes difficult to squeeze in (especially since I work PT too), but determined to make it work! Feel free to add me! I always love to associate with other homeschoolers. Makes me feel less alone in my journey. :)

    P.S. Please feel free to add me!
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    I'm a former secular homeschooler. My kids aged out of homeschooling (they are 19 and 16). They read Harry Potter and learned about evolution (GASP!) Friend me, if you like.

    Ha Ha! This one just made me laugh out loud! Thanks for that! I think you must have two very well-rounded children. :)
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Even though we are Christians, my children still know about evolution and they have read and watched Harry Potter as well.
    I'm a former secular homeschooler. My kids aged out of homeschooling (they are 19 and 16). They read Harry Potter and learned about evolution (GASP!) Friend me, if you like.
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Amen! :)
  • cassblue21

    For the person who was asking about socialization. That is the least of my worries. Actually it makes me laugh out loud when I hear it. My kids are SO socialized. NOt shy in the least either. They stay plenty socialized between co-op every week, piano lessons, gymnastics, scouts class and friends nearby.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    The more interesting question is whether anybody homeschools who isn't an evangelical born-again fundamentalist gay-hating Harry-Potter-fearing science-bashing Christian?

    I really need to move to Sweden or New Zealand...

    That was just rude. :grumble: and btw, while New Zealand is fine with homeschooling, in Sweden homeschooling is illegal. First huge fines, then social services will apprehend homeschooled kids.

    Anyway, that aside .... Me :) 4yo is currently doing some preschool work and 7yo is somewhere around grade two. We follow our own curriculum to accommodate their interests and skill levels where possible, so she's doing grade one math, grade two science and social studies, but reading at grade four or above.
  • cassblue21

    For the person who was asking about socialization. That is the least of my worries. Actually it makes me laugh out loud when I hear it. My kids are SO socialized. Not shy in the least either. They stay plenty socialized between co-op every week, piano lessons, gymnastics, scouts class and friends nearby.

    I always laugh when people say "you were homeschooled?! but you are so normal!" Like all homeschoolers are strange aliens or something! I did not enjoy my homeschooling experience since I was a horrible student for my mom, but also not pushed or had the help in the certain areas that I needed. That said I will probably not homeschool as I feel I would not be a great teacher and would like them to get a different learning experience than I had. :) But it has nothing to do with the socializing aspect at all!