Is your family active or lazy?



  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    My immediate family of spouse and child are very active. I"m the lazy person.
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I'd say active reading most of the posts so far. However, they are not athletic. It made me sad you said you "make" your child go outside :(

    Why does it make you sad that I make my son go outside and play? I see nothing wrong with telling him to shut the TV off and go outside to play. If the sun is shining and it's a gorgeous day, then yes I'll send him outside. Why? Because technology gets in the way of kids being kids. Kids don't belong in front of a TV or PS3 all day long. They need to get outside, get dirty, be a kid. There's plenty of time for him to sit inside when he's older....
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'd say active reading most of the posts so far. However, they are not athletic. It made me sad you said you "make" your child go outside :(

    Why does it make you sad that I make my son go outside and play? I see nothing wrong with telling him to shut the TV off and go outside to play. If the sun is shining and it's a gorgeous day, then yes I'll send him outside. Why? Because technology gets in the way of kids being kids. Kids don't belong in front of a TV or PS3 all day long. They need to get outside, get dirty, be a kid. There's plenty of time for him to sit inside when he's older....

    You misread my point entirely. Its sad to me you would have to "make" him do something he should be thinking on his own of doing. My kids have a wii that is rarely ever turned on except maybe to play just dance with me or wii sports with dad. But the fact you are making him shut the tv off or making him go outside is sad to me in general that kids have become so sedentary to have to be made to go outside. I'm happy you are "making" him go but don't you wish he went on his own?
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member

    You misread my point entirely. Its sad to me you would have to "make" him do something he should be thinking on his own of doing. My kids have a wii that is rarely ever turned on except maybe to play just dance with me or wii sports with dad. But the fact you are making him shut the tv off or making him go outside is sad to me in general that kids have become so sedentary to have to be made to go outside. I'm happy you are "making" him go but don't you wish he went on his own?

    Gotcha! Yes there are days when he's the one pestering me to go outside and play football or basketball with him. If he sees the boys next door outside then he'll throw on his shoes and go on his own.

    But yes, in general, kids should get more exercise and WANT to do it on their own. But if we as parents don't lead by example, then they're going to do what they see. Or don't see for that matter. :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    My family is lazy, but for the last month or so have been leaning towards the healthier side. My Dad all of a sudden starts counting calories, but so far has yet to lift a finger to get any exercise in. In his opinion, an hour's worth of casually strolling the grocery stores is proper exercise (well it's moving, I'll give him that)... but then he ruins it by choosing high fat snacks and junk food to eat throughout the day. My brother has started exercising a little. I mean it's just doing squats every single day with a weight bar, but hey---it's some cardio and resistance.... The laziest one is my mother who is 120 lbs. She fears that getting any exercise at all would cause her to lose even more weight (she's insanely scared of losing, so this means getting NO kind of exercise).
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I wouldn't say my family is lazy, but more busy. Growing up my brother and I were active in sports, my dad went to the gym several times a week, and my mom cooked fairly healthy meals daily. We had a few snacks in the house, but nothing too excessive, and if we had soda, it was diet.

    When we got older, my dad started working 60-70 hours a week, my mom started working crazy hours, I stopped playing sports and went to college, and my brother went to college. Needless to say, we all gained weight, my brother the most (over 100lbs in college).

    Well now everyone is kinda getting back into the swing of things since my brother was just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and he's dropped 60lbs. My mom has been on Weight Watchers and has dropped 40lbs, my dad has dropped 20lbs, and I'm working on dropping my excess 30-40lbs.