Is anyone doing her workout dvds??? Im starting tomorrow! I did it before 3 yrs ago for a couple of mths and i got tired of eating healthy so i went back to my old ways, but this yr is different! i love chalean just wondering if anyone is doing the videos :)


  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I am and loving it. You should check out the support group....
  • Just started doing the Chalean Extreme with my girlfriend. There's parts that I like and some that I don't. It seems pretty good, but very awkward at first. I'm trying to keep motivating my girlfriend and myself.
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    I must be the oddball because I really don't care for it. I've tried to make myself several times and I just loathe it. Weird because I'm a HUGE Turbo fan, but this program just isn't for me. :-(
  • I just got the videos the other day and I plan to start Monday :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Finished my first week today and I really enjoyed it.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I really like Chalean Extreme, and I like the muscles and strength it's given me. Chalene claims we'll learn to love push-ups. While I don't think I reached the "love" goal, at least I can now do a few, and I'm anxious to do more! I was a week short of finishing the 90 day program when I went on vacation at Christmas. When I returned, I started again from the beginning. I had dumbells up to 20 lbs., which aren't enough now, so my Christmas present was a set of the Bowflex SelectTech dumbells.
  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    I finished my 1st month of Burn Circuit today! So moving on to Push on Monday. I like it a lot!! Remember to go heavy. I had to buy additional weights. I use weights ranging from 5-25 pounds right now. Hoping I don't have to buy more for the Push phase.