trouble eating 1200... should i really eat when i am not hun

Since upping my protein intake which was formerly quite low (I am a vegetarian, but don't eat nuts or beans often enough)... i am definitely experiencing the "filling" qualities of protein. I work out a fair amount (this week biked 70 miles, ran 20, and circuit/strength trained for 100 minutes). I am worried about messing up my metabolism if i eat TOO low, but i am averaging around 1000 and i am seriously full... I can't imagine eating back my exercise calories!!!

I am about 15 pounds overweight and 25 from my goal weight. I feel energetic, dont have headaches or any other symptoms of hunger. I just can't beleive that i should be eating when i am not hungry when i am on a diet!!! Any opinions?


  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I say if you are at the 1000 range, you should be fine. Maybe more veggies?
  • hagamivida
    I am in the same boat and just hoping if I exercise enough I will soon be able to eat more. I do believe there is a starvation mode, but I wonder if it really does hover around 1,200 or if it can vary individually.
  • jillmsweeneytaylor
    I am only 1/4 as active due to medical issues but I find it hard to eat the 1200 as well.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    I am in the same boat and just hoping if I exercise enough I will soon be able to eat more. I do believe there is a starvation mode, but I wonder if it really does hover around 1,200 or if it can vary individually.

    i wonder this too... looks like no one knows the answer :) haha
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    how much do you weight!?!??! Your pic seems as thought you are VERY thin. If thats what you currently look like... you sure as hell need to be eating more.
    That being said, no one should be eating less that 1200 cals. Try eating greek yogurt packed with granola and or fruit-honey if you need it.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    It looks like you are eating 800-900 a day the past few days and one one of those days a third of your calories came from vodka and not even food (obviously no nutrients in vodka- sadly). Some days you have over 1000 left for the day. I'm no doctor, but this seems quite low. (especially if that's you in your profile) I'd definitely try some nutrient packed, calorie dense additions to your day. Nuts and nut butter. A banana with peanut butter is an easy way to get 300 calories right there. Swap that 60 calorie carbmaster yogurt for some whole or 2% Greek yogurt and add granola. Easy way to go from a 60 calorie yogurt to a 300+ calorie one. There are lots of ways to add calories without getting too full.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    how much do you weight!?!??! Your pic seems as thought you are VERY thin. If thats what you currently look like... you sure as hell need to be eating more.
    That being said, no one should be eating less that 1200 cals. Try eating greek yogurt packed with granola and or fruit-honey if you need it.
    It is me in that pic.... but that is at my former weight (140's 5'7") Right now i am 164.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    It looks like you are eating 800-900 a day the past few days and one one of those days a third of your calories came from vodka and not even food (obviously no nutrients in vodka- sadly). Some days you have over 1000 left for the day. I'm no doctor, but this seems quite low. (especially if that's you in your profile) I'd definitely try some nutrient packed, calorie dense additions to your day. Nuts and nut butter. A banana with peanut butter is an easy way to get 300 calories right there. Swap that 60 calorie carbmaster yogurt for some whole or 2% Greek yogurt and add granola. Easy way to go from a 60 calorie yogurt to a 300+ calorie one. There are lots of ways to add calories without getting too full.

    haha i know !!! alcohol is how i put on all the weight in the first place. i have drastically cut back, believe it or not. They really need to make a nutrient fortified vodka... :)
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I had some trouble eating 1200 when I first started. After I started lifting weights and developed more muscle, my appetite increased. Now, I have to be careful!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    YES, you definitely need to be eating more... today you burned more calories than you ate, and what you ate was practically nothing in the first place. I don't know how you made it through your workout, seriously. :noway:

    There will be plenty of people come into this thread with bad advice, and then a lot with good advice. I just want to say, take care of your body and it will treat you better in the long run.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    At 1000 calories a day, with exercise, you are at a nutritional deficiency, not just a calorie deficiency. so yes, you need to eat more. I love my vodka as much as anyone (I'm having some right now in fact!). but the priority is to make sure I get all of the nutrients I need, and you're not.