Exercise is so boring.

I want to exercise and get more fit but i find exercising extremely boring. I prefer exercising alone but i need some ideas on how to make exercising more fun. If anyone has any tips on how to make it more fun i'd really appreciate it.


  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    For starters, what all have you tried?
    What exactly do you find boring about it? I mean, are you bored because you want to chat with someone? Because you found the exercise too easy or difficult?
  • I like watching a movie/tv while doing it on iPod. Once you're start the endorphins going it becomes easier but you have to break through that wall. Good luck.
  • All ive done is walk. Its not that its too easy. I listen to music but walking isnt fun. I want to be able to exercise and have so much fun doing it that i cant wait to do it again.
  • I like watching a movie/tv while doing it on iPod. Once you're start the endorphins going it becomes easier but you have to break through that wall. Good luck.


    I find that after the first 10 minutes of convincing myself to keep going (which is 5 times a week lol), I get that nice rush of endorphins and get through the rest of the workout.

    I'm not sure if exercising solo, doing something you don't 100% enjoy will ever make you feel like doing it again but... The results are motivating enough to keep me going.

    Stick with it and find something a little more interesting? :) Maybe new music each time would keep you distracted? (running podcasts are great for that :) )
  • mozpic
    mozpic Posts: 4
    Hi ya I'm Patricia just read ur post personally,I love exercise have you ,tried playing music n dancing? or trampolinning! Good luck n enjoy :)
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    I like the Wii. :-)
  • If you belong to a gym, I love going to classes! Spin, Zumba, and yoga are my favorites.

    There are awesome workout DVD's that you can do at home. There is also a Zumba game for Wii!

    Oh, and make a great playlist on your ipod to make the time go faster when working out!
  • I kick started mine by signing up for belly dancing lessons! It is a blast and I am not the only person in my class that is plus sized.. once I started classes I found that I was dancing around the house all the time and doing training to get my body ready for the next class. I plan on doing yoga next! I personally hate going for walks.. but I might get there by this summer.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I love walking and prefer to do it outdoors but with winter I've had to use my treadmill. At first I hated it, then realized I could watch sitcoms, movies, (Netflix) etc. on my laptop with headphones. It drowns out the sound of the treadmill and I only watch shows/movies that I reallyyyy like. This week's fav has been Raising Hope, a comedy series. Time flies and now I'm up to 90 minutes in no time!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I catch up on my show from the DVR while I ride my stationary bike. An hour goes pretty quick that way!
  • cjgsmg
    cjgsmg Posts: 131 Member
    I've done a lot of different kinds of exercise and I don't know that I've ever had so much fun that I couldn't wait to do it again. But, I love the way I feel after I've had a good work out. Have you tried videos? Your local library might have some to check out for free so you can experience a variety. I alternate running and walking on the treadmill and like to watch tv while I walk. Sometimes I also like to listen to a really good audio book. There are some other options.
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    I definitely agree that classes are very challenging and make things a bit more interesting.

    Something that I do to really push myself is set goals.

    For example, I HATE running...hate it...but I know it will help me be more fit and lose weight. when I first started hitting the gym I ran a mile and I think I did it in like 17 min which is NOT good. SO I set a goal that I wanted to reach which was definitely cut that time down. Now I can run two back to back in about 24 minutes give or take. I am really tired after so I'm just going to keep doing that everyday until I feel like my body is used to it then I will set another mini goal for myself.

    Not sure if it will work for you but I love challenging myself.

    Also- after my triple fat burner class yesterday I hit the bike and found that Netflix has 12 seasons of the biggest loser! I decided I am going to start watching that while I'm on the bike or treadmill as a little extra push!

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • sreich04
    sreich04 Posts: 11 Member
    I used to feel the same way, there was nothing more boring to me than running on a treadmill or an elliptical and staring at the time crawl by...

    I found that variety in my workouts keep me interested and motivated. I belong to an LA FITNESS and attend a different group fitness class each night of the week like kickbox cardio, zumba, cycling, pilates, and yoga. I know you said you prefer working out alone, but trust me, having other people there somehow pushes you along. Plus they play great music and get you pumped up! In the cardio classes, I wear a HRM and found that I burn 600+ calories per hour!

    I also just joined a pole dancing fitness class (no judgments!) which is surprisingly a great workout for your arms and core. Its a blast and you get to learn some sexy moves :)

    If you're bored with walking, maybe you could try bike riding? I find it more fun.

    There are also a number of great exercise DVDs and games on Wii or kinect to do at home.

    Hope this helps :)
  • You probably haven't found the right workout that fits you!!! Personally for me I have to have awesome music, I love Turbo Fire, tons of awesome music and Chalene is so motivational!!! Just play around with different ones and find what works for you :)
  • I love ZUMBA!! it's anything but boring!!
  • gonzang
    gonzang Posts: 38 Member
    Are you sure exercising alone is your preference? I have found that working out with a friend or partner makes the time fly by. If you can take an exercise class, then you should try it out. I used to hate exercising in front of others for fear of looking silly or getting embarrassed. But now I think it can be fun.

    Another way not to get bored is to try intervals. Walk a few minutes, jog, then walk, etc. You can work out for a shorter time and the time seems to go by faster too.

    Good luck and keep moving!
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    YES! I hit the treadmill for 60 minutes straight. I'm like ugh I can't do this. But I think about how much I've changed, my future goals and how awesome I look NOW! And how much more awesome I will look in the future if I continue!
  • I have discovered that I can be on the elliptical, treadmill, or bike for an hour and not even think about it if I bring my iPad and play either monoply or risk or read wth the kindle app. I dont like to read on my actual kindle because the screen is smaller and harder to focus on but with the iPad I can read several chapters and poof Ive done my hour.
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    I used to feel the same. Now I do Zumba dvds and on the Wii. Its fun and it goes fast. I can't believe that I like to exercise now.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Try lifting weights. It's much more fun than a long boring cardio session. And shorten your walks by doing HIIT run/walks for 20 minutes. I do run/walk 1:2 (run 1 min, walk 2).