Help - Hard times!

iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
Hey MFP!

I've lost 6 pounds so far, but I still feel the same. This slow weight loss is very hard and I start to eat again when I dont see the results that I want. I am trying to eat better, but I LOVE ice cream and my schedule is crazy busy!

Any tips?


  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Permanent weigth loss is a lifestyle change. You are never going to be able to eat the way you did before. Slow, steady progress is better than losing huge amount, going back to your old ways and gaining it back. Keep the faith. If you make the lifestyle changes, you will see the progress.
  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks, I appreciate your words of encouragement!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Open your diary!
  • hollwoods
    hollwoods Posts: 27 Member
    To this point, that hardest part of weight-loss has been the start. It's slow and can feel isolating, but the numbers will add up if you keep at it. You can do it!
  • upwiththesun
    give yourself 90 days, any major changes in the way you look and feel will happen during that time. It's a lifetime adjustment and can't happen overnight. Good luck,
  • Sandydee60
    Sandydee60 Posts: 29 Member
    I love ice cream also. I have found that what works for me is to allow some calories for my sweets. Sometimes it can be something as simple as reducing my portion size during meal time. Then using those calories for a treat. Taking a walk can earm you extra calories that you can use for a treat. I read an article that said after the first three bites of an item the taste was greatly diminished. I remind myself that I can have treat whenever I want but I have to adjust my caloric intake for it and limit the portion size of my treat. Mini icream sandwiches are a great small, all ready measured out treat. Keeping going and you will find a happy medium, it just takes a while to get itm figured out.
  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone!
  • 7fin7
    7fin7 Posts: 3 Member
    It may sound silly but I keep myself motivated by trying on my old clothes. I pulled various sizes of my old "skinny" clothes out of my attic and, as my daugther calls it, play dress up. I try on a size I have no business trying on at this time and then I try on my next size down. The smaller of the two gives me the kick in the butt to keep working while the larger of the two lets me feel the progress I am making. I started with the clothes in my closet that were the same size I was originally wearing but never fit quite right. I am now two sizes down and working on my old stuff from the closet.

    Like I said, it may be silly, but it really works for me.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • chooseyou
    First let me say that your weight loss is inspiring, especially to those of us just starting!!!! The good news is that an extended period of healthy eating can help break some of the cravings for foods like ice cream. I have noticed that some of my cravings for high fat foods come when I'm stressed, emotional or if I haven't eaten consistently throughout the day and suddenly feel like I'm "starving". If I can identify one of these causes for the cravings I deal with it specifically instead of masking it with the fatty food.
    The other tip I have specifically for ice cream is to freeze yogurt. Essentially you're creating frozen yogurt already in a single serving size.
    Good luck!
  • kbbeale
    kbbeale Posts: 77 Member
    My tip is to find a better/healthier alternative to the foods you love. OR, have a splurge day now and then as a reward for doing so well. :) Im a big ice cream lover too. I recently found a ice cream called Lovin' scoopfuls at HEB (Texas)...not sure if you have this grocery store near you or this ice cream (check their website)....but it's da bomb diggity! I dont feel like Im eating something "in place of" what I really REALLY want. 100 cals for 1/2c serving. Cant beat that for FAB ice cream.

    I also agree with the PP that said your cravings will start to decline. I had ice cream for the first time, two nights ago and havent had it again. Right now, Im really craving a fruit smoothie. Give it will do great!
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    6 pounds is not something to ignore! Youve already accomplished something!

    "When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down
    And you feel like the biggest failure in town
    When you want to give up just because you gave in
    And forgot all about being healthy and thin
    So What! You went over your points a bit
    It's your next move that counts.....So don't you QUIT!

    It's a moment of truth, It's an attitude change
    It's learning the skills to get back in your range
    It's telling yourself "You,ve done great up till now
    You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."
    It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal
    You're still going to make it, just stay in control
    To stumble and fall is not a disgrace
    If you summon the will to get back in the race
    But, often the strugglers' when losing the grip
    Just throw in the towel and continues to slip
    And learn to late when the damage is done
    That the race wasn't over and they still could have won
    Life-style changes can be awkward and slow
    But facing each challenge will help you grow
    Success is failure turned inside out
    The silver tint in the cloud of doubt
    When your pushing to the brink just refuse to submit "
  • wl4good
    wl4good Posts: 49 Member
    One pound at a time. Every pound is one pound closer to your goal. As long as you don't gain anymore you are doing well. Whatever your "trigger" foods are, don't keep them in the house. You can't eat it if you don't have it, and if you have to drive to go and get it, you might think twice about whether you really want it or not. Losing weight is not easy and sometimes you have to remind yourself of that, but you are worth the hard work. 6 lbs in 3 months isn't bad. If you keep that rate going you'll lose 24 in a year. It all adds up.
  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    thanks for the "don't quit" poem! I know the original reference to the other poem and say it all the time, but I'm glad to see this version!!

    Thanks for the help everyone!! Good look with your journey, you all truly have inspired me to keep going!
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