Anyone NOT with an ED want to be friends?



  • AlwaysStellarSarah
    AlwaysStellarSarah Posts: 14 Member
    No ED here!

    I am however doing the Reboot juice fast, not as a quick fix to lose weight, my motivation is to boost my energy, un-fog my head and to help my current carb filled diet become more plant strong.
  • JenniferH007
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    <--- I do intermittent fasting. It's not an eating disorder lol. Instead of 6 small meals I have 3 big meals in an 8 hour window everyday! You're confused about fasting. You don't get like this having an eating disorder.

    As long as people are aware that fasting and eating disorders are not the same thing I am happy. The way people are talking it seems like they don't. I am irritated by this :P
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Sorry to be so blunt, but I had to delete most of my friend list after realizing most of them were encouraging each other to fast and to become 85 pounds. As being a person who is already having a hard time looking in the mirror even when most people say i am fine, i need support from healthy people :)

    Anyone trying to do this the healthy way?

    Feel free to add me with a message as to why you want to be friends :) Thank you

    I have to ask something and I hope I don't offend you. I am asking only out of concern. You say you have a hard time looking in the mirror even though people say you look fine. My questions are what your height and weight are now plus what is your GW?

    I agree, I saw your pictures and you look fantastic, I saw you still want to lose weight though on your profile... /: I think you'd personally just want to tone not lose more body fat.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Anorexia is an ED, but an ED isn't always anorexia.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Anorexia (poor appetite) is a symptom. It may be a symptom of a number of diseases or disorders.

    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. But not the only one, as you noted.

    Anorexia is an ED, but an ED isn't always anorexia.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Anorexia (poor appetite) is a symptom. It may be a symptom of a number of diseases or disorders.

    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. But not the only one, as you noted.

    Anorexia is an ED, but an ED isn't always anorexia.

    Anorexia in the layman is usually synonymous with anorexia nervosa, but that's semantics. The point I'm trying to make is the stereotype of a person with an ED of a teenage girl that's severely underweight isn't always the most accurate. Binge eaters (while the term can be overused) are a subset of people suffering from an ED that often gets overlooked.
  • I could not have an Ed because I love food too much! XD lol. I am going on a healthy lifestyle soon cause I'm gonna join track and do the 400 and 800 races. :) and I'm going to sleep more and eat healthier and drink more water! :D
  • debshedkg
    debshedkg Posts: 28 Member
    hI, i think it is so important to be in touch with people living or aspiring to live healthy - I weigh 123.8kg & 5.2 so I have got a long way to go.

    My doctors were encouraging me to go for the lapband operation - I have a fatty liver, pre diabetes and just not healthy - this was three months ago.

    I joined MFP in november and started reading up about the operation and I had to see a dietician and get fitter before the op and thus my journey started - could not get up the stairs, or even out of bed at times - slowly slowly I carried on - my dietician who gave me a calorie diet - all health and just taught me about healthier choices.

    So my journey has begun and what a wonderfull journey it has been - I was eating 3000 to 4000calories no problem - now I manage on a healthy 1200.

    I suffer badly from osteoarthritis and through help from physiotherapy and moved onto accupuncture and reflexology - was thrilled with the results - now my lifestyle of eating is changing each day as I educate myself on wholewheat products, foods to help my osteoarthritis, WATER WATER WATER - cannot believe what a difference it has made in my life.

    So yes - we should be friends as I would love to hear what you eat on a daily basis and let us share idea.

  • nrcarter81
    Encouraging others to do this is just wrong. If people want to do it that's up to them, but not on a website that is here to promote healthy living.

    People's lives get destroyed by ED's and encouraging others to fast is just ignorant, selfish and dangerous.

    Good for you. I'll send you a req.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Encouraging others to do this is just wrong. If people want to do it that's up to them, but not on a website that is here to promote healthy living.

    People's lives get destroyed by ED's and encouraging others to fast is just ignorant, selfish and dangerous.

    Good for you. I'll send you a req.

    I encourage others to fast because it is healthy and a perfectly legitimate way to lose weight. It has nothing to do with eating disorders.

    I don't mean to be rude, but I would say you are the one who is ignorant (on this particular topic).
  • nrcarter81
    You are ignoring the fact that the OP stated that they were encouraging each other to fast and become 85lbs?

    I wouldn't say that is a particularly healthy weight, would you?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You are ignoring the fact that the OP stated that they were encouraging each other to fast and become 85lbs?

    I wouldn't say that is a particularly healthy weight, would you?

    True, that's not healthy, I was more referring to the "encouraging others to fast is just ignorant, selfish and dangerous." bit. If that's just in reference to people with eating disorders, that's fair enough.
  • Alida1985
    85 pounds isn't healthy unless you are just a very small person...but fasting doesn't always mean an eating disorder. The term seemed scary and incorrect and unhealthy to me too for a long time, but I have since learned that that isn't correct either. Intermittent fasting is not unhealthy and actually does the opposite of storing fat. It's not for everyone an I am typically to weak to do it regularly myself--but respect the people who do it and are able to get to their goals more quickly through the discipline. Brad Pilon's written about it ("Eat Stop Eat") and he's anything but starving and he looks amazing. Not eating at all is one thing...but fasting correctly is another. Just make sure you're doing your research before you make assumptions that what is generally accepted by the overweight population is correct. I have made that mistake myself and have had to eat my words.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You are ignoring the fact that the OP stated that they were encouraging each other to fast and become 85lbs?

    I wouldn't say that is a particularly healthy weight, would you?

    That has nothing to do with fasting & everything to do with ridiculous weight goals.

    I don't encourage people to fast as I don't really care what other people want to do but I will definitely back it up with scientific research if clueless people are bashing it.
  • Alida1985
    I wonder myself if the 85 pounds was an exaggeration and she just didn't like the sound of fasting.
  • Trilaina
    Feel free to add me, I'm all about losing the healthy way and being at a healthy weight. :)
  • waterbrghtasdskyy
    I have been in recovery from bulimia nervosa for the past 2 years, and currently run a pro-recovery/postive fitness blog on tumblr. I am also a resource navigator for the national eating disorder association. If you come across people with severe disorders it's best to stay away, maybe refer them to or (=

    that being said, after putting a halt to my destructive habits and forming a love interest with running i lost 20lbs the right way and was in the best shape of my life training for and running a half marathon! Right after which i found out I was pregnant and am now working on getting rid of the baby weight the right way! (=
  • petewilson69
    I'm such an idiot...I couldn't figure out ED to save my soul. :)

    We all want to lose weight quickly but that's not the healthy way to do it. Be friends with the people that support you and motivate you. Because it's not about anyone but YOU. So find the people to support you thok I'm an idiot. What's ED mean . Lolat click with you and your goals.

    That's what it's all about....
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    lmao, thought you had too many guy friends with ED (not eating disorder!!!)