Looking for new friends, and have a story to tell..



  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome Back!!! I will add you!!!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Would love to join you in this journey.
  • IShowUp4Me
    IShowUp4Me Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome Back...... I am new here but am super motivated! Feel free to add me I can use the buddies to keep me motivated too!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Did you ever figure out what was causing your celiac symptoms?

    The doc said maybe dairy, but I then cut out dairy and still had symptoms. I'm not one to go to the doctor often, so probably the next time I go (which probably won't be for a while..) I'll mention it, but for now I'm just dealing with it. My plan for now is to eat less gluten and less dairy than I usually do, because it's better for you anyway. Last time I did this, I tried to eat as much whole foods as possible. So whether I still have symptoms or not, a whole foods diet is good for pretty much anyone.

    I just got into this "thing" where I stopped caring about what I ate. For the longest time I would go to the grocery store and I was careful about the things I picked out. I chose my fruits and vegetables carefully and bought organic when possible because I feel strongly about chemicals and pesticides and stuff. And then, like a light switch, one day I just didn't care anymore. I was back to McDonalds several times a week and just eating crap all the time.

    Anyway - long winded response for a short question.. sorry :)

    I love a thorough response! I was asking because I have a friend who can't eat gluten, among other things (like MSG, eggs, or soy) because of a strange food allergy she developed as an adult. She is undergoing treatment for it but still has to cut those things out of her diet until she recovers. You might have to cut several things at once to see an improvement, now if only your doctor could've told you what to avoid!

    And I totally understand what you've been though, I call it flipping the eating switch. I go through phases like that where I just flip that switch and anything goes and the words "portion control" are suddenly missing from my vocabulary. My husband and I rented a house with my mom for about six months and she kind of took over the kitchen. We found it easier to eat out all the time than keep our groceries separate and we both ended up gaining a lot of weight. I felt like crap all the time, so I believe it is very true that you are what you eat.

    Nice to meet you!
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I live this site also! It sure helps a lot to account for every bite that goes in your mouth.
  • Though I joined this in October, this is the first week I've been back. For some reason I feel very motivated now. I've spent my life killing myself with diets. You know, lose 5 gain 10. I swore diets off and I'm finally learning how to eat right to get healthy. Always looking for new friends to support and be supported by. :happy:
  • Welcome! I've also been on this site before but I wasn't truly motivated, but now it's 2012 and I'll be going to college in September and I feel like getting my life on track for good. Maybe we can motivate eachother :)