Any active vegans or vegetarians on here?! :)



  • uk_james
    uk_james Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I'm veggie and have an open diary for friends. Log on MPF daily and have a goal of getting to the gym 6 days a week. Feel free to add me, I like having a nose at other veggie food diaries too :)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I am neither, but I am trying to minimize my consumption of animal protein and I am looking for inspiration from others. Apart from animal protein and the occasional steamed sweet potato my food is raw. No grains no dairy, down to 100 grams of animal protein a day.
    I am looking for ways to balance my fat/carb/protein without giving up and resorting to something that had a face once.
  • thesameas
    thesameas Posts: 65 Member
    I'm a vegertarian. I requested you, anyone can request me too if they want. My diary is open, so anyone is free to look in their for meal ideas.
  • GretaJane
    GretaJane Posts: 64 Member
    I am pescatarian but eat mostly vegan with a little low fat dairy and fish thrown in. I was vegan for 9 years, though. I have tons of recipes and I am starting a blog with them! Any fellow veggies feel free to add me! <3
  • rore1
    rore1 Posts: 110 Member
    hi!!I am a vegetarian,by choice. At age 5 I announced to my parents I would no longer eat just grosses me out. BUT if somebody makes some for me I may have a little bit.....I am trying to find a better way to balance my diet....I am severely anemic so obviously I have not quite found the right balance....some great info in the responses!!!!! DEf trying to up my beans and nuts and have cut bread,rice and pasta,I never thought I could but now it is really not that bad....
  • As you can probably tell by my username, I'm vegan :)

    I've been vegan for about 3 1/2 years - feel free to add me!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I'm a vegan and want to befriend some peeps with similar diaries and active exercise logs. If anyone has some some tasty food recipes or vegan-oriented tips that would be awesome too. :)
    P.s. As a vegan or vegetarian what is your biggest nutrient concert and how have you overcome it?

    I've been a Vegetarian my entire life (since birth, literally)

    I am now bordering on Vegan.

    I try not to consume eggs and most dairy, and I never consume Soy (Unfermented Soy is Toxic for all humans, but it's also horrible for my Thyroid)
  • I have been a vegetarian for my whole life :)
    Inbox me any time for some cool recipes of my mothers and grandmothers :)
  • I'm getting back into vegetarianism and would love to have you add me! As well as anyone else following a vegetarian/vegan diet - I enjoy looking at diaries for ideas! My very favorite thing is my breakfast smoothie:

    1 cup coconut milk
    1/2 cup oats
    1 tbsp cocoa
    1 banana
    About 4 ice cubes

    I use my magic bullet to blend/grind it all into a delicious chocolatey smoothie!
  • I'm as active vegetarian as they come, with a goal to become fully vegan in July of this year.
  • I'm vegetarian and sometimes vegan :). Friend me.
  • I am a vegetarian. Not vegan though, as I rely rather heavily on greek yogurt and egg whites for protein.

    My doctor recently suggested that I cut out cheese and reintroduce white meat and/or fish in my diet for health reasons but I really don't want to. I would really appreciate any veggie friends with open diaries to help me prove my doctor wrong!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    What has the doctor said that you need to prove wrong?

    I am a vegetarian. Not vegan though, as I rely rather heavily on greek yogurt and egg whites for protein.

    My doctor recently suggested that I cut out cheese and reintroduce white meat and/or fish in my diet for health reasons but I really don't want to. I would really appreciate any veggie friends with open diaries to help me prove my doctor wrong!
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Vegetarian since birth and became vegan jan 2010, then when I became pregnant I started consuming cheese again, now I regret it horribly and hopped back on the anti-cheese wagon since new years. Vegan from here on out ;)
  • blondebiker
    blondebiker Posts: 19 Member
    Vegetarian here! Friend request sent.

    I've been vegetarian for 12 years. I cook most of what I eat and most of the recipes I use come from or I've recently started strength training so I've have been trying to eat more protein and have been able to hit the daily goal pretty easily with beans, quinoa, nuts and yogurt. I run and bike. I just had a physical in December where they did a complete blood chemistry and everything was great, including B12 which is the hardest to get for vegetarians/vegans. So a vegetarian/vegan diet can be healthy and nutritious with careful planning and knowledge. I think cooking your own food is the best way to ensure this.
  • marigold8g
    marigold8g Posts: 51 Member
    I've been vegetarian for about 18 years (vegan for a few)... Would love more friends with open diaries as I too end up in food ruts so anyone feel free to add me!
  • Hi Everyone,

    I didn't know if you any you gals/guys have heard but Shakeology has come out with a new Vegan shake...Tropical Strawberry.
    * 100 % Vegan
    * Dairy free
    * Lactose free
    * Plant-based proteins
    * Ideal for those who cannot tolerate whey protein, animal proteins, dairy, soy, or wheat/gluten

    It's available on February 14th. I can't wait to try it out!

    I have alot more information on it including the whole Nutrition facts label if anyone is interested.
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    I am a vegan for more than 10 years. It has been so long that I have to chuckle when folks ask me if it is hard. it actually seems easier to me since there are so many unhealthy foods you just don't eat.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I'm not into shakes anyway, but it's got rice in it, so it's out for me!
    Hi Everyone,

    I didn't know if you any you gals/guys have heard but Shakeology has come out with a new Vegan shake...Tropical Strawberry.
    * 100 % Vegan
    * Dairy free
    * Lactose free
    * Plant-based proteins
    * Ideal for those who cannot tolerate whey protein, animal proteins, dairy, soy, or wheat/gluten

    It's available on February 14th. I can't wait to try it out!

    I have alot more information on it including the whole Nutrition facts label if anyone is interested.
  • Courtneycms88
    Courtneycms88 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I didn't know if you any you gals/guys have heard but Shakeology has come out with a new Vegan shake...Tropical Strawberry.
    * 100 % Vegan
    * Dairy free
    * Lactose free
    * Plant-based proteins
    * Ideal for those who cannot tolerate whey protein, animal proteins, dairy, soy, or wheat/gluten

    It's available on February 14th. I can't wait to try it out!

    I have alot more information on it including the whole Nutrition facts label if anyone is interested.

    I personally use the Sunwarrior brand of protein powder every morning with some PB2, and it tastes amazing without such a huge cost. Sunwarrior is vegan with sprouted brown rice and I feel full for a good couple hours. Also the calorie content compared to nutrition is awesome.

    I have been off and on vegetarian/vegan for a while now, but as of last month decided to go back to as close to vegan as I can. I love the light feeling on my stomach at all times even after eatting till I am full. I also love the taste of food when the flavors start coming out brighter and lighter.