Whats everyones current workout routine?



  • Ive really grown to lvoe it in 30DS but now need some at home workouts for weights as I can't get to a gym (single mum and need to be careful with money!!)
    Any tips on good programmes for home? xxxx

    I know of a few great at home workouts that include weights and some plyometrics! Jamie Easons has a great push & pull at home workout routine and I know of a few great plyometric workouts for at home! I get most of my workouts from bodybuilding.com because they are free, detailed and effective!
  • Theres a great push pull lifting routine for at home I recommend if your interested? Have you heard of Jamie Eason? But thats EXACTLY why I recommend introducing weight lifting or atleast some kind of resistance training into your routine a few times a week. Most people are loosing weight but they are still skinny fat because they are not building muscle, reason is... they are only doing cardio or aerobic classes to burn the calories which burns the fat but those classes are not building those muscles. Muscle thats built through strength training increases your metabolic rate and tones your body. This helps with LONG TERM weight control and also creates a more toned physique. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn! I would definitley use your husbands weights! What kind does he have? Plates,. Dumbbells, barbells? Kettlebells are good! I would do some weight training before the zumba to work it in , what does the Jillian Michaels video workout consist of? Lots of cardio or plyometrics?

    i was thinking the same thing about lifting before zumba...he has the kind that you can change the weights on them lol whatever you call that haha...as far as jillian they are interval training dvds.....3 mins weights 2 mins cardio 1 min abs for 30-45 mins (ripped in 30anyway) then no more trouble zones she again tries to incorporate weights with cardio enough to keep your heart rate up the whole time...just thinking with 3lb weights will i ever really get there? she says yes because you are do long interval instead of short,,.i dunno...been at it a few weeks now and don't see much tone really :/
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    I started couch 2 5k in May 2011. Loved it...it got me interested in running, health and fitness again after I gained back 30 of 40 pounds I had previously lost. After running 11.2 kms in a relay in September, I took a little break from heavy running and this fall did a hybrid of step classes, Jillian Michaels DVDs (30 DS and Yoga Meltdown) and running...something different every day, 6 days a week. This is where I saw the best results start to happen, in terms of changes in the shape of my body. Between Nov. 11 and Dec. 31st I lost 6 inches off my waist!

    I started the Insanity 60 Day Challenge this past Sunday, and so far I love it! It is a challenge! Following Insanity, I am training for my first half marathon at the end of April. In June, I have plans to participate in a mini-tri and follow that up with another half in September!

    After all that, I would love to try P90x.

    I just printing the Couch 2 5K today! I am excited! It really worked for you?? I am a little nervous because I have never run!

    It worked wonders for me! I was literally NOT doing anything fitness wise before I started. I am on my feet a lot at work, but other than that...zero exercise. I started with couch 2 5 k, and it was challenging...but I had a buddy and we just went out and did our best every time. Week 2 or 3 I had brutal knee pain, but I iced, stretched and pushed through and it went away! When the longer runs came along, I remember thinking..."how the hell am I going to do this?? A few weeks ago I couldn't even run 1 minute!!". But I COULD do it...I had built up stamina in that few weeks! If you have to, repeat a week here or there to slow the increase in time/distance.

    For anyone looking for home workouts that are really challenging, take a look at bodyrock.tv.
  • Theres a great push pull lifting routine for at home I recommend if your interested? Have you heard of Jamie Eason? But thats EXACTLY why I recommend introducing weight lifting or atleast some kind of resistance training into your routine a few times a week. Most people are loosing weight but they are still skinny fat because they are not building muscle, reason is... they are only doing cardio or aerobic classes to burn the calories which burns the fat but those classes are not building those muscles. Muscle thats built through strength training increases your metabolic rate and tones your body. This helps with LONG TERM weight control and also creates a more toned physique. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn! I would definitley use your husbands weights! What kind does he have? Plates,. Dumbbells, barbells? Kettlebells are good! I would do some weight training before the zumba to work it in , what does the Jillian Michaels video workout consist of? Lots of cardio or plyometrics?

    i was thinking the same thing about lifting before zumba...he has the kind that you can change the weights on them lol whatever you call that haha...as far as jillian they are interval training dvds.....3 mins weights 2 mins cardio 1 min abs for 30-45 mins (ripped in 30anyway) then no more trouble zones she again tries to incorporate weights with cardio enough to keep your heart rate up the whole time...just thinking with 3lb weights will i ever really get there? she says yes because you are do long interval instead of short,,.i dunno...been at it a few weeks now and don't see much tone really :/

    Ive heard good things about Jillian's DVD home workouts. I definitley think with a great diet and sticking to the routine of the videos you could see weight loss, however im not sure if you will see TONE based on the fact that you are only using 3lb weights and its basically from what Ive read a cardio based workout. Doing reps back to back and using light weights are like a circuit which in weight lifting is used when you are trying to cut weight to show the muscle you put on. As a girl we have to lift HEAVY and we need an adequate source of nutrition (protein, carbs ,calories &healthy fats) to help us build. We are just not genetically built like a guys so it is alot harder for us as women to build muscle to look "toned" thats why I always recommend to incorporate weight training into your routine (even using 15-20lb dumbbells or barbells at home) IF you are looking for that toned look!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    never the same two days in a row, but an hour or so of cardio (I count krav maga and punching bag in this category) and an hour or so of weights ( I count abs and squats, etc in this category)
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    Morning and afternoon walks, at least 4 miles total, at 3.6-3.8 mph depending on how my body is feeling about it. Most times I rotate back and forth, getting a good bit of interval training. Lifting weights every other day, but not on Sunday - leaving two days off. Walk whenever I can and take stairs whenever I can. Yoga two times a week. Tai chi daily. That's about it.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Here's my current routine:

    Monday: Pilates + workout at gym (usually cardio) in PM
    Tuesday: Weight lifting & cardio at gym + running in PM (optional)
    Wednesday: Pilates + workout at gym (usually cardio) in PM
    Thursday: Weight lifting & cardio at gym + running in PM (optional)
    Friday: Running or cardio at gym in PM
    Saturday: Weight lifting and cardio at gym
    Sunday: Run or cardio

    I'll be doing this until about the end of March when I ramp up for my marathon in July. Then it'll be running 5 days a week and weights on 3 or so. :)
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I do 30DS 5 - 6 times a week, walk 2 miles on my lunch 4 days a week, am starting to do C25K (week 2) 3 days a week, and this last week i walked an extra 5 miles on Sunday. Wow never realized that I did so much.
  • aagnew01
    aagnew01 Posts: 33 Member
    Mondays- High Impact Aerobics
    Tuesday -30 min elliptical/ muscle conditioning class
    Wednesday- 60 min Yoga/Cardio Mix class
    Thursday- 45 min total body strengthening class/ 30 min elliptical
    Friday- My own workout - 30 min elliptical & some weights
    Saturday- Hot Yoga
    Sunday- Rest or Hot Yoga if not on Saturday.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Boot camp: Mon, Wed, Fri for one hour
    Run four days a week
    Yoga once or twice a week
    spin class once or twice a week
    Core class 3x a week (that's only 15 minutes long)
    And I try to do an "extra credit" run with boot camp - that's Tuesday mornings for an hour.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Mine's really difficult, it consists of sitting on the couch staring at the P90X dvds.
  • For the past month I've been doing P90X in the mornings and doing some form of Cardio every afternoon. I would love to be able to run, but for some reason I can't get my breathing down. I burn calories on the elliptical, stair master, or any other machine I can. I do my best to get in 3 to 4 miles a day on these machines.
  • I've done two rounds of the P90X Lean routine. You're doing something different every day so you never get bored and your muscles are consantly confused, giving you quick results. It's the best program I've found. On days when I don't have an hour to workout,I do the AbRipperX DVD along with a quick circut of push ups, sit ups, and squats.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I walk to my school and back ( Teacher) everyday thats 15 mins either way. I also do 30 Mins free step on the WII FIT with hand weights while watching MTV. I then do 45 mins of zumba on the wii and 30 jack knifes I try and do this 3 /4 times a week.
  • Chalean Extreme/Turbofire Hybrid, plus running one day a week (don't want to stop that all together)

    Had been doing P90X lean and P90X+, liking my new regimen much better!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Monday- 2.0 Mile Trail Run in the Morning and another trail run in the evening with fiance. Core workout at gym

    Tuesday- Sprints/ Chest & Triceps at gym.

    Wednesday- 2.0 Mile Trail Run in the Morning and another trail run in the evening with fiance. Shoulders at gym.

    Thursday- 3.0 Mile road run. Back and Biceps at gym.

    Friday- 2.0 Mile Trail Run in the Morning and another trail run in the evening with fiance. Core workout at gym

    Saturday- 1.0 Mile Run/ Leg workout at gym/ 10-20 mins on Stairmaster

    I've been in the Army for 11 years and have constantly worked out but as my metabolism slowed and my eating habits became worse I've put on some extra weight. Just started using this App this week and hope to be at my desired weight by my wedding on May 18th!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    M/T/W/T/F/S: 30DS (Day 20 today!)

    M/W/F: C25K

    No access to a gym, but I do have access to miles and miles of beautiful Lincolnshire countryside! Looking forwards to changing 30DS for Ripped in 30 or Killer Buns and Thighs and I'm aiming to get to 10K with the running :-)
  • I love the mention of your fiancée! And our wedding!!! I love you!!! Sorry I was trying to add to goldspurs comment!