I'm new, scared to death, any help appreciated!



  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    I agree with everyone else, relax girlie! :wink:

    If you google things like "healthy eating plan" or "healthy food/recipes", thousands of results come up. Make a list of the things that you think you may like for breakfast/lunch/dinner and make a trip to the grocery store. Try to get rid of unhealthy/fattening/junk foods from home to help with resisting temptations and cravings. Try to follow a specific calorie intake goal for the day and just count the calories for each of the items that you consume for each meal. I stay within 1200 cals per day: 300 for breakfast, 100 for a (healthy) snack, 300 for lunch, 100 for another snack, 300 for dinner, and another 100 for the last snack of the day. Drink lots and lots of water, along with an exercise plan and you'll be all set! Hope this helps. :happy: Good luck!!!

  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    Eat Dinner! Just try to be healthy. Veggies and fruits are ALWAYS good choices. So are proteins, as long as they're prepared well (avoid frying and breading). They fill you up too. Scramble a few eggs with some non-stick spray and you've only consumed about 200 calories, but it is very filling.

    If you are unsure how to start, try to limit your carbs (breads, pastas, and potatoes). They are good in moderation, but they are also full of calories. If I have a meal with a lot of carbs, I'm almost guaranteed to be over my calories for the day. I have also noticed that whenever I am really carb-conscious, the weight comes off easier. The carbs also slow my metabolism down. If I eat a lot of carbs (like pancakes) for breakfast, I'll need a nap by 11am.
  • pinktink1955
    processed, like lunch meat or ham! I see trader joes stuff on there. is it like Organic health food stuff? And sorry, but what is Hummus?
  • workout60
    workout60 Posts: 12
    Find the safest and most satisfying type of exercise that you enjoy and start moving along with your healthy eating plan. If some of the posts have items in them you don't know (hummus) don't worry about it, if you haven't had it before you don't have to start now. Just get rid of the highly processed foods, eat lots of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, lean protein (chicken, turkey, eggs, light cheese, almonds) and you'll be surprised at how much food you'll be able to consume. Also, don't weigh yourself every day, that can be so discouraging sometimes. You have to look at the progress your making over a length of time to get the true picture of how your body is changing. Be sure to log everything you eat, it will help keep you honest all day long and will make you change your mind on some foods. Also, every time you exercise and log it in, you get some more calories to consume, quite a fun payoff along with your improved health. I'm on the same trip you are, so let's keep in touch and support each other.:wink:
  • pinktink1955
    I joined a gym and go regularly, muscles are toning up, but no weight change in about a month. after logging todays food, I see why! I cook all my food, am not a junk food person, but I think portions might be out of whack. and perhaps bread products. the guy at the gym says I am building muscle so don't worry, but the fat is what I want to get rid of. I don't want to look like a man, just slim down.
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    processed, like lunch meat or ham! I see trader joes stuff on there. is it like Organic health food stuff? And sorry, but what is Hummus?

    Hummus is a dip/spread made of mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini (grounded sesame seeds), olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. It's delicious! :happy:
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    After I logged all the food I ate and realized it was too much, I sarted to make better choices for the same food I like and always eat. For example, I like mexican, so instead of the 180 calorie tortillas I bought 50 cal tortilla, and put fat free sour fream and fat free cheese on them. I saved 300-400 cal on it! Writing the food down made me realize I drank too many calories, so I started to dring more water, fruit tea, green tea (not bottled, made from tea bag) instead of juices. I do not eat carrots and celery every day, but I do count out almonds (chips, etc) in a zip-lock bag so I don't end up with a Costco size portion on my lap, and I do look for recipes with fresh veggies and fruit in them. I have dessert every day, that's just who I am: if I have to, I work out to have a little "extra room" for them!
    Also, sign up here for challenges- like the "No Late Night Snacking" challenge, you'll be suprised how motivated you get, even when nobody sees you! :happy:
    You will get a hang of calorie counting very quickly, if you start to read labels in the store and check out a few websites. You can also buy (or get from a library...) the "Eat this, not that" books.
    Once you realize a store bough muffin could have 500 calories in it, trust me, you'll think twice before you eat two before 9 am!!!!:noway: (My solution: I bake miniature size muffins on the weekends and freeze them down for breakfast during the week, they are about 40 cal each!)
    Don't be scared to death....good news is, apples don't bite back!:laugh:
  • pinktink1955

    I make everything! I dont buy packaged stuff! I even bake my own breads so I guess I need to do the recipe calorie counter thingy. I do use alot of imported cheeses and red meats. I make a killer Alfredo sauce. I guess I should not brag about fattening things tho. I go to the farmers market every week. I believe in supporting the farmers, they after all feed us all. my breads are from red wheat and quinoa, mostly. I thought I was doing so good. My husband really likes the foods I make and he is not fat!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    I joined a gym and go regularly, muscles are toning up, but no weight change in about a month. after logging todays food, I see why! I cook all my food, am not a junk food person, but I think portions might be out of whack. and perhaps bread products. the guy at the gym says I am building muscle so don't worry, but the fat is what I want to get rid of. I don't want to look like a man, just slim down.

    are you doing cardio at the gym, getting your heart rate up and sweating, best way to burn calories. Mix it up at the gym with weights and cardio.
  • pinktink1955
    yes that eliptical machine and the treadmill. they have personal trainers, but it is so expensive and they always try to sell you supplements and stuff. I think they get commission for it. Sorry if any of you are personal trainers. But they always try to sell me something.
  • pinktink1955
    So tomorrow I plan on having red wheat and quinoa bread french toast. apples and milk with REAL MAPLE syrup for breakfast. 8 ounces of nonfat milk. where is this calories for home made recipes site again?
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    you can do this Tink! don't give up!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Any new discoveries today, I remember feeling alone and like no one cared, hope you are finding your way around!
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107

    Once you enter the ingredients and get a total for your dish, you can save the info on MFP under Food, My dishes. Piece of cake!
  • cyajen
    cyajen Posts: 7 Member
    I am a health and exercise science major. What I have learned personally is to make healthy choices. The healthiest weight to lose, in my opinion, is 1 lb each week. I know this is slow, but you will have your goal in 4 months. 3500 calories equals 1 lb of fat. I eat fillers for snacks. Edamame is in the frozen section. It is soy beans. I eat this a lot for snacks because it's low calories. Turkey sandwiches are great: watch the calories in the mayo! Healthy choice frozen dinners are great.
    You can do it! Hope that helps even a little bit.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    One thing you can do as well if you are wondering how people stay within thier calorie intake and still have a variety is to peek at other members food diaries. Not everyone has it open to the public but I think there are probably a fair amount. Mine is even open to the public cause I ask for advice sometimes.
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    Oh my goodness, Breakfast was horrible! I guess sausage is out. I am afraid to log the spaghetti and meat sauce lunch! What kinds of foods are low calorie but filling?

    Part of the learning process is counting and logging your food. This way you understand and see everything you eat and then learn to make better choices. It's fun! You can come up with healthier alternatives and discover that it isn't about denying yourself delicious food.

    There are some wonderful people on this site who are sooo supportive and knowledgeable. Jump in the water's fine!
  • pinktink1955
    here just more than 24 hours, and feeling more confident. I stayed in my calories today! I did it! One more day tomorrow.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    here just more than 24 hours, and feeling more confident. I stayed in my calories today! I did it! One more day tomorrow.

    great job!!! :)
    Just keep telling yourself exactly that each day... one more day :)