Eat as much as I want?!?!?

I was actively converting friends to the site the other day when a friend of mine told me counting calories is a great idea, however... He said I should feel free to eat as much fruit as I want without worrying about the numbers. For example.. it was around 9pm, my calories were tapped out for the day (maybe even a little over) and he said I should feel free to eat strawberries, grapes, apples etc.. to my heart's content. Seems reasonable.. or is it just what I want to hear?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You'd have to eat a lot of fruit to blow your diet, but it is possible. Bananas are calorie-dense for fruit.

    Just eat within your calorie limit. Don't make it more complicated than that.
  • You'd have to eat a lot of fruit to blow your diet, but it is possible. Bananas are calorie-dense for fruit.

    Just eat within your calorie limit. Don't make it more complicated than that.

  • lja20
    lja20 Posts: 54 Member
    Although fruit is healthy and good for you, it still has calories... I'd be careful with that and would still log it myself.
  • Yeah I agree. If I personally eat too much fruit (enough to make me full) I feel sluggish because of all the natural sugar in it. If you're going to choose something to be able to not count, eat celery or cucumber or something. ^^
    or at least I would. Just listen to your body.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    No. Going over your calories for ANY food will make you gain weight. You can eat a lot of fruit, but it still needs to be within your calorie limit for the day. Just follow MFP, eat healthy foods, work out hard, and stay above 1200 calories, drink lots of water. That's basically all you have to worry about.
  • One serving of fruit can have as much as 100 calories, depending on what you're eating. I think your friend has good intentions but if you're really watching everything that you're eating, I would always count the fruit. EVERYTHING in moderation, even fruit. That being said, if you're tapped out at 9 p.m. but you've still got a few hours before you hit the sack, I think it would be alright to opt for some watermelon or strawberries. They're filling and will give you just enough of a boost to make it to bedtime. :)
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    Well, I'd think you could probably eat all the vegetables you want without it being a problem, but fruit is a lot more calorie-dense.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hmmmm, well technically only going over your net maintenance calories will make you gain weight. As long as you are eating between your target and maintenance levels you will still lose.
  • Fruit can be quite calorie heavy, depending on which you choose. I'd stick to the plan. Your numbers are set within healthy levels. Plus, the natural fructose IS still sugar and you'll end up feeling tired and hungry if you overdo it. The acids can also have a really adverse affect on your stomach if you eat large amounts later in the day. If you like fruits, just add them to your snack list for later so you have that allowance there for an evening snack. A little protein mixed in (almonds, etc) will also counteract the sugar low and hunger afterwards. A balanced snack is a healthy snack. Good luck!!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Let's put it this way. I track my calories and my weight. Everyday. On a day when I eat nothing but junk and stay in my range, I'll lose weight. On a day that I eat super healthy, but go over on my cals. Nothing or very little lost. It really is calories in and calories out for me. The only thing i can say is, if I'm going to go over my calories, I'd rather do it the healthy way rather than going out on a box of donuts and a gallon of milk.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    You'd have to eat a lot of fruit to blow your diet, but it is possible. Bananas are calorie-dense for fruit.

    Just eat within your calorie limit. Don't make it more complicated than that.

    a 100% quality answer. couldn't have put it better.
  • She is thinking of the "negative calorie" idea that foods that have less calories in than it takes to burn them are then negative, this isnt true but it is true that fruit and vegetables are more forgiving than other foods, if you are going to go over your reccomended daily calrie allowance then do it with fruit or veg. You will get lots of vitamins, water, and the calories (especially in veg) are very low xxx