Can't wait

I hate to say I am wishing my life away, but I REALLY wish it were spring right now! Can't wait to get out in the dirt and play in the garden, go for runs OUTDOORS, take off on the bike trail with the smell of spring in the air..... Winter just sucks.


  • jwalker831
    jwalker831 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh boy, do I HEAR you!! I love to garden too....fulfilled my need to dig in the dirt this winter by making terrariums and giving them away as gifts. But I want to be OUTSIDE!! Not too long now....
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I live in Atlanta and it's been 60+ all winter so far. I wish we had a little winter! I guess the grass is always greener.... Cause I'm sure the snow sucks after the novelty wears off. My parents both grew up in Buffalo so they tell me horror stories of winters there. Here, our winter is spring, spring is summer, and summer is just hell.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I hear that!
    Especially being in college, walking to class in the freezing cold just absolutely friggin sucks. I love being outside as well, and I have a circulation disorder that causes me to have to primarily stay inside in the winter. I'm going so stir-crazy! Bring on the warmth :D