Add me if 2012 is gonna be your year too!

nymple Posts: 55 Member
So I turn 30 this year (July) and it will have been half my life that I have struggled with my weight. I DO NOT want to enter another decade letting my extra weight hold me back so I need to get my butt moving this year and kick this thing into my past for good.

I finally feel like I have all the knowledge I need to lose the weight that has been holding me back and yet, I tend to do really well for a few months and the slightest hiccup sets off crazy mindless comforting eating. Damn you emotional eating! I am working through the issues I have that cause me to do this but could use some extra friends and motivation on MFP to turn to when I have a wobble. I love seeing everyone else succeed, or giving them motivation if they wibble too so would love some more friends on here? So if 2012 is your year too, add me!

I have about 75lbs to lose so July is a bit too unrealistic to set as a deadline so I am actually aiming for October when I have a wedding to attend and look fabulous for. I feel like 2lbs a week is ambitious but doable. I am moderately active, walking 30 minutes to and from the train station each day (60 minutes all told) and working out (circuit training) almost every day for at least 30 minutes however I feel like I need to step it up a little to stick to my target of 2lbs a week so I have a question as well.

I was considering getting a personal trainer. I know obviously this will help me with my fitness but have the people who have personal trainers found them to be helpful with motivational wibbles too? Or am I hoping for too much from one to one fitness coaching? Would I be better off taking another route (therapy, life coaching?) or will the one stone potentially conquer both birds (ie will the exercise and fitness mentality help me pause and think through my nutritional decisions more so than I do currently). If it is possible, how do you pick a good one/one that fits you? Having never done anything like this I have no idea where to start. It's a lot of money that I can't spend lightly so don't want to rush in to it and then end up feeling like I have wasted my money.

Anyway, hello everyone and sorry for going on a bit... I hope to see you in my News Feed soon!


  • jheath123
    jheath123 Posts: 101
    You can do it. Possibly not all by July all depends on your commitment. Not only will you be losing weight, but also gaining muscle. Soon as you begin to see results it will motivate you even more. Make sure you adhere to staying under your calories and everything else. I had a trainer get me started and after that one day 15 minute session I set off on my own. Best of luck at the beginning of your journey this is a great place for motivation and support, everyone here is more than happy to share their experiences and knowledge.
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you. I worry about aiming for July as I am trying to break my all or nothing mentality. I think if I aim to look smoking hot by the wedding in October I give myself time and relieve some of the pressure but I'm gonna go for it and if I get there by July I'll be ridiculously proud of myself.
  • Kate_321
    Kate_321 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I think the best thing to do is not look at the overall weight you want to lose. Break it down into smaller goals so, it seems more doable in your mindset. Iykwim?! Maybe look at it in 7lb stages. So that's 1/2 a stone each time and approx 1/10 of your overall goal? If you aimed for 7lb every 4weeks you'd be there by October. And if you mange 2lbs per week, your get there earlier?!

    Good luck and feel free to add if you wish :)
  • saahild
    saahild Posts: 12
    You can do it! The main thing is you want to do it, and if you want to do it you'll make it happen!

    I'd suggest concentrating on eating the right stuff and most importantly working out to lose the weight. And also read loads and loads on the stuff so you can work out for yourself what you need to do, rather than paying someone to tell you what you need to do, when there's a large chance they just want the money (though there are genuine caring people out there too). Having the support of people is a big part of it too if I'm honest but the main thing is you must WANT to do it for yourself and that will mean you will do it.

    Oh and the application of this website is amazing too to keep track of what you're taking in. Really helps. On your android or ios device :).
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks Mummy Kate, I've added you. Also that is the cutest picture ever!

    I try to look at the smaller picture but I have a devil on my shoulder who constantly tells me how far I have to go. Instead what I have done is plotted out the weight loss according to my 2lb a week plan and stuck it into my diary so I can look ahead and see that if I stick to it, I could be such and such a weight by Easter, my birthday, the hen night etc. I find it is helping me to keep my eye on the bigger picture without getting overwhelmed.
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks Saahild. I want to do it but doubt myself and my abilities. I feel so much more sure of myself this time than I have in the past though. Maybe I won't wobble this time but if I do, hopefully having the support on MFP will be enough.
  • JLD_1985
    Good luck you can do it, try not to doubt yourself. I find it helpful to have smaller goals but also focus on size and body shape rather than the numbers on the scales. Sometimes I will stay the same weight but lose inches. I have a shirt in a smaller size that I'm aiming towards.
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks JLD! I am measuring as well so I know that even though I didn't lose weight last week, I lost 1.5 inches (1 off my waist, 0.5 off my hips). I tend to find I stall for a bit when I first start going for it on my exercise so measuring really helps to know I'm progressing when the scale is being stubborn.

    I have a load of smaller jeans to aim for as well, all the way from 16 to 8... so each new size I fit in will be a mile stone and like I managed to rewind to my old wardrobe (I lost the weight before but so unhealthily hence putting it all back on)
  • mcldk
    mcldk Posts: 15
    NYMPLE .... 2012 will be your year.... I turned 30 last year and like you decided enough was enough, I started dieting and exercising last Jan just after my 30th and a year on I have lost 5 stone!!
    I worked on the principle eat less move more, my friends were so helpful and supportive and still are, which is so important.
    I've only recently joined MFP, its such a useful tool, and I still have a few stone to go so its really helping.
    Good Luck!
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Wow mcldk that's pretty inspiring! Would it be ok to add you? Seeing how you are doing down the line from me would be really helpful.
  • happymouse
    I'm 66 now. When I was 33 I looked in a mirror ans saw a very unhappy person. I was over weight in an unhappy marriage and at that moment decided to change my life. I went on a diet. lost 54 ponds,found a job I loved and my life changed for the better. I retired a few years ago and put on weight again.Also had two strokes. My Son called me and told me about this website to get me motivated. It worked I am determinded to lose the weight again. You can do it and when you do it will make you healthier, you will have more confidence. I know so may people who didn't think they could do it and DID. I think the most important thing is keeping busy. If your busy you won't be thinking about food and when the pounds start dropping seeing your old cloths hanging on you will keep you going until you get to the weight you want to be.
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    I hear you ! We are in the same boat. The year of the change :-)

    In starting it was easy to do 2lbs / week but now it's getting harder..let's see..
  • teresab46970
    teresab46970 Posts: 35 Member
    you can do this... i am on my way and i cant wait im here if you need any support
  • mcldk
    mcldk Posts: 15
    Yeah course :-)
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey hunny you can do it!

    2012 is going to be my year! I have lost half what I wanna lose, now just gotta lose the other half (: whilst I start my certificate in Personal Training next week :D

    A Personal Trainer WILL do what you want them to do - you tell them you want them to kick your *kitten*? They will do it! They are also there for motivation and support.

    Friend request sent your way (:
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    HappyMouse - I hear you about keeping busy. I am so bad with boredom eating. I am gonna start with adding in extra exercise of an evening to keep me occupied :)

    Nu2012 - Damn Skippy, the year of change indeed! The 2lb isn't set in stone but it's helping me stay on track during these early days by looking forward and imagining what I could look like if I ignore this and that temptation.

    Teresab - Thank you - Friend Request on it's way.

    mcldk - Friend request sent. Thank you!

    Deja Blu - Oh yes, I'm Joining the revolution! I'm sending you a friend request as your profile made me smile and you are doing so well!

    BeautyFromPain - Thank you. I have added you. I look forward to hearing how your PT training is going :)
  • 1969rr
    1969rr Posts: 6
    this is my year also
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    When is your bday? I turned 30 last july and find that your goal is attainable. Would like to to be friends...

  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    1969 - Hell yeah!

    Lindsay - It's on the 21st. It might be attainable but I don't want to be under too much pressure. As long as I look good for the wedding, I'll be very happy!