strength training logging

I'm starting to incorporate strength training in my workouts and was wondering, do people log those as calories burned? I was leaning toward just logging my cardio, since I'm doing both. Does it matter?


  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I log my strength training... I always burn almost as many calories strength training as I do with cardio, per my HRM.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    There is a strength training portion in the cardio logging. I usually burn quite a bit (according to my HRM or BodyMedia) and just log as cardio. I keep track of my actual moves in a notebook. :)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Under cardio, strength training.
    I alternate using that and "circuit training" though depending.

    If i just leisurely lift weights, strength training, if i superset and keep rest short, circuit training.
  • Munchi8175
    Munchi8175 Posts: 73 Member
    I log it just so I have a record of what I did and my progress, but I don't have a HRM so no real way to track calories burned from it.