Ladies - if you started over 250....



  • SarahS410
    SarahS410 Posts: 2 Member
    I started at 258. Some people started to notice around 20/25 lbs. I bought new pants closer to 30, but I should have gotten them sooner! People Really started to notice more between 30 and 40 lbs.
    You are doing great! Keep it up!
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    I didn't notice until I had taken pics. I started at 267 and am down to 248, twenty lbs. well, probably a full nineteen. I haven't lost a size. I asked someone if they noticed, and they said yes. I see it in more in my arms and legs, and upper belly. I lost two inches in breasts, hips, waist, something like that.
    I'm plateauing this weekend, as I didn't get enough exercise, and am more strength training.
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    I didn't notice until I had taken pics. I started at 267 and am down to 248, twenty lbs. well, probably a full nineteen. I haven't lost a size. I asked someone if they noticed, and they said yes. I see it in more in my arms and legs, and upper belly. I lost two inches in breasts, hips, waist, something like that.
    I'm plateauing this weekend, as I didn't get enough exercise, and am more strength training.

  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    I was over 300 pounds and took 30 pounds before anyone said anything to me. You can check my profile that has when I changed clothes sizes if you like, I think it's public...LOL
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    I didn't notice until I had taken pics. I started at 267 and am down to 248, twenty lbs. well, probably a full nineteen. I haven't lost a size. I asked someone if they noticed, and they said yes. I see it in more in my arms and legs, and upper belly. I lost two inches in breasts, hips, waist, something like that.
    I'm plateauing this weekend, as I didn't get enough exercise, and am more strength training.


    YES very noticable! Keep it up!
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    I started 35 days ago at 251. At weigh in today - I am at 236. So far, no one has noticed. I can tell in my clothes. They are getting looser. I can also tell that I am getting stronger. I can walk and ride further and faster every week. I don't know when anyone will notice, but thats ok with me. This time, I am doing this for me - and I can tell. :smile:

    Keep working towards your goal. People will begin to notice your weight loss soon. Don't let yourself get discouraged.

    Thanks everyone for your replies - I think it's because *I* feel so darn good and light and DIFFERENT right now, I'm just anxious to get to a point where I look that way too. I really feel so much better, so much more energy, more stamina, moving is not a chore, I don't ache anymore.... I just want to LOOK that way!

    No way I'm giving up!

    ETA: And I'm in US sizes - right now a 22 is almost too big but the 20 is still a little too snug for comfort. One day soon...

    I am the same way..22 almost too big and so close to a scrubs are looking baggy, underwear that was too tight, fit again.
    I, too, feel lighter, sleeping better, looking foward to my meeting with a trainer at the gym, so I can start including strength training along with my treadmill (getting bored on it lol)

    We will get to that LOOK, and I plan to have fun while doing it!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I started at 252 and was in a size 24. After about 20 pounds some friends noticed, although i didn't see it until i lost about 30. When i dropped 35 pounds and was down to an 18-20, it began to feel real. Down 70, everyone comments:-)
  • For me it took a long time before anyone noticed--maybe 30 lbs. Partly, the issue was that I was wearing the same clothes, so I looked like I weighed the same.

    Same here when I had gained weight last year (215 to 250) I am still wearing the same clothes I was at 215 they're just really uncomfortable. I do that though because it keeps reminding me that I need to lose weight. I'm at 247 right now and wear a size 20. I won't be able to fit into 18's again until I get down to at least 220. When I lost weight a few years ago I had to drop down to 190 before 16's were even close to being loose around the waist. It is different for everybody but when I lose weight I see a big difference in my face first, then it goes to my legs and arms. Keep going and it'll get better! (:
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I started at 265.8, I'm down to 240 (not officially weighed in yet) and although I have got into a pair of jeans that I couldn't get up my legs before I can't really see a difference. My mum said she can but she said that after 6lb so I think she's just being nice. I would have thought that after nearly 2 stone I would be able to tell, but no, not yet :ohwell:
  • I started 35 days ago at 251. At weigh in today - I am at 236. So far, no one has noticed. I can tell in my clothes. They are getting looser. I can also tell that I am getting stronger. I can walk and ride further and faster every week. I don't know when anyone will notice, but thats ok with me. This time, I am doing this for me - and I can tell. :smile:

    Keep working towards your goal. People will begin to notice your weight loss soon. Don't let yourself get discouraged.

    Thanks everyone for your replies - I think it's because *I* feel so darn good and light and DIFFERENT right now, I'm just anxious to get to a point where I look that way too. I really feel so much better, so much more energy, more stamina, moving is not a chore, I don't ache anymore.... I just want to LOOK that way!

    No way I'm giving up!

    ETA: And I'm in US sizes - right now a 22 is almost too big but the 20 is still a little too snug for comfort. One day soon...

    I am the same way..22 almost too big and so close to a scrubs are looking baggy, underwear that was too tight, fit again.
    I, too, feel lighter, sleeping better, looking foward to my meeting with a trainer at the gym, so I can start including strength training along with my treadmill (getting bored on it lol)

    We will get to that LOOK, and I plan to have fun while doing it!

    I hate being in between sizes. I wear a size 20. Loose in the legs but snug in the waist while 22's are too big in the waist and leg. -__-
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    I was 258lb when I started my journey. I was somewhere around 230-ish before people started making comments. I'm now at 198lb and went from a size 22 to a 16/18. The sizes definitely take longer to lose, especially since my middle will be the very last thing to go.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    I started at 259 and I lost 11 lbs so far. I notice subtle differences, my daughter I think is quietly cheering for me she is the only person who has noticed anything so far. She knows how I feel about all the extra crap (fat) on me and wants it off me as much as I do so I can be happier person. I can't wait until I can drop down a size it has been soooooooo long since I've gone down in size . I can't wait !!!! Even though I have no choice of waiting until I lose it but I can't wait all the same. Sorry, I get excited
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    Great Job you look wonderful
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    UK based and started at 273 lbs approx. 6 months ago. Dropped from a size 22/24 to an 18 quickly (10 weeks) at which point people started to comment on my weight loss. Much slower to drop to a 16, the size I am at now, but finding massive differences in what size a 16 is in the UK from shop to shop. This time around I am exercising a lot, so its not just the weight that has dropped off that is noticable, but also how toned I am. I also think that people notice my weight loss as I am more confident in my choice of clothing. As I am tall, I am expecting it to take some time, and a lot of weight loss, to drop down the next dress size, but I know that I will get there :happy:
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    I didn't notice until I had taken pics. I started at 267 and am down to 248, twenty lbs. well, probably a full nineteen. I haven't lost a size. I asked someone if they noticed, and they said yes. I see it in more in my arms and legs, and upper belly. I lost two inches in breasts, hips, waist, something like that.
    I'm plateauing this weekend, as I didn't get enough exercise, and am more strength training.


    YES very noticable! Keep it up!

  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    People didn't start noticing until I had to buy new clothes... once I had to start buying new clothes (because the old ones were falling off of me) I got lots of comments.... I think that was around 35lbs or so.

    Now I've lost 45lbs I get comments by almost everyone I haven't seen for a while.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I started just over 300 and it was about 30 pds before people started to notice,
  • It takes...
    4 weeks for YOU to notice.
    8 Weeks for FRIENDS to notice.
    12 weeks for STRANGERS to notice.

    GIVE IT 12 WEEKS! Don't give up. :)
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I lost it in my upper body first. I still have a lot of weight in my abdomen. My legs are skinny now. I've gone down 2 sizes in my pants after losing 77 lbs., but I've gone down 3 sizes in my shirts. My shoes even fit looser. People are now noticing my weight loss.
  • jaynniembaby
    jaynniembaby Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't really felt any change in my clothes, but some of my family have noticed that my face isn't as bloated as it use to be, this could have been from the horrible amounts of soda & sodium I was consuming! It takes time & It will only get better, once you do recieve the amazing comments, you will only keep going to shock everyone even more! <3