Three things that made you happy today



  • 1) enjoyed 2 nice walks w the dog
    2) got a new hair do
    3) made myself a delish curry for dinner!
  • 1. day off
    2. slept in
    3. Talking to my mom
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    1) I got to sleep in today for the first time in a long time.
    2) I had a day to myself (this is also a rarity as I am married with a kid)
    3) My wife and son were home when I got back from the gym and I missed them after being gone all weekend.
  • 1. Waking up to my new puppies faces
    2. Taking a long, hot soapy bath while sipping on some cold SMART water
    3. Reviewing my new 10 minute Tony Horton workout; UTTERLY STOKED!!!

    I like this game.....gunna add you as a friend...cuz you made me happy thinking of 3 happy things tonight!:smile:
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    1) It was sunday so no work!
    2) I exercised 5 days this week!
    3) It was sunny and beautiful so I got to go on a motorcycle ride!!!!!
  • Went to Dave & Busters

    Ate Chinese food

    Scale showed a two pound loss for the week!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    1. I woke up beside my husband. That makes me happy every day!
    2. We went for a morning walk even though it was raining.
    3. I ordered jewellery to wear to my son's wedding in April
  • GoodbyeGut
    GoodbyeGut Posts: 40 Member
    1.) Got to spend the morning at church
    2.) Managed to get about a 30 minute nap in the afternoon
    3.) Cooked up a good ole lowcountry shrimp boil for dinner-delicious!
  • misslilylou
    misslilylou Posts: 71 Member
    1) Today was my first day off in a while, and I had absolutely nothing to do!
    2) I bought new coffee last night and got to try it this morning, and it was yummy!
    3) I finally got time to organize my room, and when I was done, it felt great!
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    1. Had pancakes for breakfast

    2. Went out to some sort of soup convention, had the most awesome cupcakes ever. Didn't have any soup, just cupcakes.

    3. Dad told me he was proud of me.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    1. Got a huge bag of guinea pig bedding for 13 bucks. :)
    2. Made a really yummy supper that my son said was "awesome!"
    3. Had fun playing tennis with my bf and introducing my son to tennis, which he loved.
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    1. Rode the stationary bike until I was dripping with sweat this morning.

    2. Made a new dish for dinner that one of my picky daughters will eat.

    3. Saw a woman at church wearing the same tunic sweater dress that I wore last week when I went out to lunch with a friend, which reminded me of the good time we had and the compliments I got on the dress. It also reminded me that I'm one day closer to full-time Alison, which always makes me happy. (I'm MtF transgender and soooooooo ready to transition.)
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    My children are growing up to be intelligent, respectful, kind people.

    My husband who greats me at the door with a hug.

    My friends here at MFP who let me know what I'm on the right track and kick my butt when I'm not.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    1). I'm so glad that this thread is making everyone smile!!!
    2). I got to sleep in today!
    3). Today was my exercise day off :-)
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    1. My son shot his first buck today. He and DH were SO excited.

    2. Enjoying nature - petting horses, watching goldfinches and cardinals at the feeder, brilliant blue sky

    3. My workout plan kept getting changed by things out of my control but I STILL even when I got home tonight tired... did 30DS. In fact 3 of my sons did it with me. We all had our shirts off (I had on sports bra) and it was hilarious! I am NOT a night person so this was a big deal for me!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    1. Seeing Heather...always there for me.
    2. Jess stopping by...whistletip for life.
    3. Having the "I'm worth it" thought.
  • 1 let the snow hit my face
    2 a nice morning bath
    3 relaxed all weekend
  • skarr28
    skarr28 Posts: 98
    *My sup. gave me a compliment (he said he loves my great attitude and mentioned that to the the big boss this morning! yay!)
    *I got let out of work early today (8 hours into a 12 hour shift, my feet are so happy!:laugh: :tongue: )
    *A co-worker was telling me about her big payday coming up, she was so happy about it it made me happy, too! :laugh:

    I know I know, this is supposed to be all about me, but happy ppl make me happy! :flowerforyou:
  • skarr28
    skarr28 Posts: 98
    1. My son shot his first buck today. He and DH were SO excited.

    That is so amazing! :happy: Really, when the kids start off on their hunting, always a proud moment, lol ~ I remember the day my nephew went on his first hunt, I was telling everyone :laugh:
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    1-Church service this morning was exactly what I needed to hear (series about writing a better story with your life, and I am right there with changing so much about what is going on in my life)
    2-PERFECTLY ripe avocado+little bit of salt+spoon= :)
    3-Feelng generally good about my eating since starting MFP. I'm not starving, not overeating, not craving like crazy, not eating too much crap, lots of f/v's and REAL food. And I had bacon and homemade scones at breakfast, completely within my plan. I do not feel deprived!