want to do 30day shred, need advice!


thanks for reading my message.

I want to lose and keep off about 25 pounds in 20 months. I know that is a very relaxed pace, but I need that because if I lose weight quickly, it always comes back just as quick.

I plan to do the shred 5 - 6 days a week (I can sare about 30 minutes for exercise).

I eat reasonably now, (though i cant say that about the past), about 1200 - 1500 calories a day, lots of fresh fruit and vegetable, low GI unprocessed carbs and good protein.

Do you think I can make it?

Thanks for your advice and suggestions!



  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    yes! you'll be sore at first but after a couple days it gets better.

    I did my first round of 30 day shred when i was 230lbs :) I made it!
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    yes! you'll be sore at first but after a couple days it gets better.

    I did my first round of 30 day shred when i was 230lbs :) I made it!

    how much did you lose during the 30 day shred?
  • Well everyone is different and burns at different rates. But with those diet modifications, you should already be seeing some changes...an average of 1lb per week.

    The shred will definitely help you loose some weight, but again, it is different for everybody. Myself personally, I am down 8lbs in 3 wks. I'm on level 3 now and should be done by Friday. I've lost 4.5" all over my body too, so I estimate another 2 lbs by then.

    Someone else lost 17lbs, another 12lbs in the 30 days, so it ranges greatly by percentage of body fat, how much you put into it, eating habits etc.

    I would say GO FOR IT! You will gain much more than what you think you'll loose. Confidence, health, strength and a toned / firmer body.
  • Er, just to let you know, the shred won't necessarily get you at 25 pounds lost in 2 months (a pace that isn't actually relaxed, considering that the max you ought to lose healthily--as I understand it--is 2 pds per week, so 10 pds per month) but it will let you lose inches. It's not too difficult--but it gets monotonous, so it might be difficult to keep with it!

    I would suggest doing 30DS 6 days a week, with one day break, and doing cardio too. Good luck!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    It may be possible, but it would be a challenge. If you want that kind of weight loss in that time period, it would be better to do a more rounded routine. I'd say maybe 2 days cardio, 3 days strength training, and 1 day of mind/body exercise (yoga/pilates/tai chi). Works wonders.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    25 lbs in 2 months is a "relaxed pace"? Wow, and here I thought I was pushing it trying to lose a pound a week (about 8-10 lbs in a 2 month span). Isn't a pound a week loss the recommended amount?
  • 30 day shred isn't bad, but by day three all I want to do is smack her face off her head. It gets to the point I can't do it, because of her. I have to agree, 25 pounds isn't relaxed, some weeks you'll lose more than others, but don't let it keep you from pushing for it. Adding in more cardio than the Shred offers would help with droping the weight too.
  • What is a thirty day shred? I want to lose weight so bad :cry: but it is a new goal for me and I am still learning...advice please?
  • sandymanx
    sandymanx Posts: 4 Member
    Opps, that was supposed to read 20 months, and not 2 !! I've corrected it now.

    You do agree that , now THAT is a relaxed pace, right? Sorry for the confusion :-D