


  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Its important that you have rest days , you will burn yourself out.

    If you dont feel like training , do something , going for a walk is better than not going.

    I do 12hr shift work and I struggle on many days.

    Also with your training try intervals , go flat out for a time for example 30 sec , then slow down or rest for the next 30 or even 1 minute. You'll probably find you cals burn improving.

    Good luck , its the mental demons we have to conquer
  • Kromero09
    Its important that you have rest days , you will burn yourself out.

    If you dont feel like training , do something , going for a walk is better than not going.

    I do 12hr shift work and I struggle on many days.

    Also with your training try intervals , go flat out for a time for example 30 sec , then slow down or rest for the next 30 or even 1 minute. You'll probably find you cals burn improving.

    Good luck , its the mental demons we have to conquer

    i totally agree! its the mental demons! nice idea on ''if you dont feel like working out'' another question, if i go walk, how do i know how many calories ive burned?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Here is what you're going to do right now.

    Step away from the computer and do 25 pushups (or as many as you can)
    And 25 jumping jacks
    And 25 body weight squats
    And 25 crunches


    Repeat again.

    Starting tomorrow, get your *kitten* back on a regular workout schedule. :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's hard... but I have a few suggestions:
    - keep logging regardless of how much you eat or exercise. I find that just writing down what I've eaten makes me more aware (do I really want to write down that I ate 4 cookies? Maybe I'll stop at 2!)
    - don't wait around for motivation to come and find you, it doesn't usually work that way. Make a routine and fit in some exercise even if you don't feel like it. If you can't fit in your regular exercise, try a 15 min walk or a 10 min cardio or strenght routine - there are lots of apps that give you ideas or you could just dance around the house like a crazy thing for 10 mins. Any movement is better for you than none!
    - can you get up 30 mins earlier and exercise in the morning? This works best for me because then I don't think about it, I just do it. If I leave it until after work it is too easy to make other plans or just change my mind and not work out.

    i hate waking up early! its bad enough for skool! one of my coworkers (male) is losing weight by eating only pears tuna apples and drinking water! isnt that bad?

    So you're going to have to experiment to work out the best way to fit in a workout - can you walk during the day, or schedule a class on your way home? I can't say I love waking up early, but I do it anyway, because once i have been for a run I am so full of energy for the rest of the day. Maybe you should try it!

    And I'm sure you know the answer to "is it bad to only eat [insert any kind of food here]?" It's never going to be sustainable or healthy, so while he might lose some weight, the chances of keeping it off without making real changes to his eating and exercise habits aren't goo.
  • Kromero09
    ok im getting now all your opinions. make it into more of a habit, rest my body for 2 days at the most, do something else when feeling lazy. now another question for you all: what should i eat??? someone brought up about my food diary and i like the honesty! i live with my mom im 20 yrs old and she makes some good mexican food (im mexican) and most of this stuff is greasy, fried, high carbs, etc. and i usually dont eat that well because im always on the go (thats a college student) so ideas plz!!!
  • Inacay
    Inacay Posts: 47 Member
    so i havent worked out in 3 days...fri i was tired from work and i overate that day...sat again tired from work and ate a little over my calorie tired from doing stuff all day...ate under my calorie goal, but ate twice today. i ate some 2 bowls of posole and a burger and fries at the bowling alley. i know i slacked off and i wont be near my goal of losing weight like this...need help and motivation. my bf had drill this weekend and i usually go work out with him. i am going to workout tomorrow tho cuz i feel like a lazy *kitten* help plz. what should i do to keep on track? feel free to look at my profile

    Hi friend.

    So, something outside the box that I tried was hypnosis. Whenever I am completely stressed, overeating, or not working out I listen to a CD by Glenn Harrold on Weight loss. It helps motivate me to work out, eat right, and manage stress. You can you tube him and find his weight loss sessions. Here is one by another that I just did that might help you.

    This will only take five minutes. Try it and see how it works for you.

    Hope this helps.
  • Kromero09
    so i havent worked out in 3 days...fri i was tired from work and i overate that day...sat again tired from work and ate a little over my calorie tired from doing stuff all day...ate under my calorie goal, but ate twice today. i ate some 2 bowls of posole and a burger and fries at the bowling alley. i know i slacked off and i wont be near my goal of losing weight like this...need help and motivation. my bf had drill this weekend and i usually go work out with him. i am going to workout tomorrow tho cuz i feel like a lazy *kitten* help plz. what should i do to keep on track? feel free to look at my profile

    Hi friend.

    So, something outside the box that I tried was hypnosis. Whenever I am completely stressed, overeating, or not working out I listen to a CD by Glenn Harrold on Weight loss. It helps motivate me to work out, eat right, and manage stress. You can you tube him and find his weight loss sessions. Here is one by another that I just did that might help you.

    This will only take five minutes. Try it and see how it works for you.

    Hope this helps.

    i will try this before working out!
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    thanks! thank god anytime fitness is anytime! but right now im doing my econ hw...test in the morning! id rather much be working out than sitting at work for 4 hrs...and i also have another job on weekends and it sucks. idk i like to work out late in the afternoon. i am going to school in yoga pants tomorrow so i can work out after work. i know that if i slack off i have to go workout either way. this weekend was tiring!

    I don't want to sound harsh, but in reading your posts I'm going to tell it to you straight up...

    Motivation comes from either do it or you don't. What you are getting here is not motivation but support. The decision to make it happen is still all up to you.

    I hate to say it, but we are all busy people with a lot of things going on in our lives (jobs, second jobs, kids, studies, cleaning house, cooking meals, caring for our partners, etc.). Everything you offer up in your posts are simply excuses NOT to do it "I'm too tired" or "I have to study". If it were truly a priority for you, you would find a way to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

    All you really need to be successful in weight loss is to eat less calories than you are burning off. As someone else mentioned, your food choices need a lot of work. As for working out, you don't have to work out 7 days a week, and you don't have to do it for hours on end to be successful. I know people who have lost a lot of weight without exercising at all.

    So...make a choice, is losing weight, eating better and becoming healthy a priority for you? If so then make it happen and quit making excuses.

    Again, I don't mean to bash you as I am sure that your life is truly busy, but if you choose to make it a priority in your life it will happen.
  • Fififantastic
    Hi, I had a quick look at your food diary (hope you dont mind) and I noticed that you eat alot of fast food. I understand that you are very busy with school and work and fast food is convenient, but Im wondering if all this processed food has anything to do with you feeling tired? Fast food is full of calories, salt, sugar etc and doesnt really give your body the good fuel it needs to get through a busy day. Im no expert and dont claim to be in any way, Im just going by my own experiences. Maybe try preparing some healthy, nutritious food to take to school with you, someone here said they log their food for the day as they are preparing it to take to work the next day, to make sure they stay within their calorie goal, which is a great idea. Im betting that if you filled your body with more fresh fruit, vegies, lean meats, nuts and some dairy like yoghurt and low fat cheese etc, you will find that you feel fuller, have more energy and will be able to concentrate better. Also its much cheaper and the money you save can be put towards rewarding yourself with nice things like new clothes, jewellery, shoes, movie tickets etc. Also I understand how you feel when it comes to exercising when you feel too tired, I had a couple of days like that myself this week, but I got on MFP, had a bit of a sook about it and then after receiving heaps of encouraging words from some wonderful MFP friends I was back on track again. Have a look at the food diaries of some of the people on MFP that have lost large amounts of weight and maybe you will get some good food ideas. Good luck on your journey, Im sure you will get to your goal and will probably inspire others along the way as you learn more and more about what works for you and what doesnt. :smile:
  • Kromero09
    Hi, I had a quick look at your food diary (hope you dont mind) and I noticed that you eat alot of fast food. I understand that you are very busy with school and work and fast food is convenient, but Im wondering if all this processed food has anything to do with you feeling tired? Fast food is full of calories, salt, sugar etc and doesnt really give your body the good fuel it needs to get through a busy day. Im no expert and dont claim to be in any way, Im just going by my own experiences. Maybe try preparing some healthy, nutritious food to take to school with you, someone here said they log their food for the day as they are preparing it to take to work the next day, to make sure they stay within their calorie goal, which is a great idea. Im betting that if you filled your body with more fresh fruit, vegies, lean meats, nuts and some dairy like yoghurt and low fat cheese etc, you will find that you feel fuller, have more energy and will be able to concentrate better. Also its much cheaper and the money you save can be put towards rewarding yourself with nice things like new clothes, jewellery, shoes, movie tickets etc. Also I understand how you feel when it comes to exercising when you feel too tired, I had a couple of days like that myself this week, but I got on MFP, had a bit of a sook about it and then after receiving heaps of encouraging words from some wonderful MFP friends I was back on track again. Have a look at the food diaries of some of the people on MFP that have lost large amounts of weight and maybe you will get some good food ideas. Good luck on your journey, Im sure you will get to your goal and will probably inspire others along the way as you learn more and more about what works for you and what doesnt. :smile:

    yea i do...and i dont buy food at my house, my mom does so she pretty much controls the food. she cooks and she runs a day care so sometimes there isnt food to eat so i try to grab a quick bite on the go. my mom doesnt really make healthy foods. and she does have a point when she says healthy foods cost more. i cant afford to buy my own groceries but i try to do what i can at home. but a lot of ppl are pointing that out about fast food so i realize i gotta cut that down. but i would eat a lot more than that before MFP, trust me...i would eat taco bell one day, mcds the next, chinese after, mongolian, etc. but i cut down. everyone has a point