Hi guys.

I do sooo well during the week with my diet and i log everything on MFP, then the weekend comes along and I forget all about MFP and eat crap until Monday!

Any tips for this? Its starting to annoy me - feels like my diet during the week is going to waste!

Feel free to check out my diary.


  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    I'm pretty much the same!
  • Ditto!!!
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    Why do you feel the need to eat unhealthy during the weekends? Is it because you want to treat yourself, because everyone else does during the weekend? Are you drinking, or partying a lot during weekends?
    Do you work out at all during the weekends? I find I eat better and healthier when I have worked out long and hard, even if it's the weekend.

    Would it help if you logged everything you ate, even at bad days? It is so easy to just slip up and not log food, but at the same time you're never going to hold yourself accountable if you only log the good days.

    Sorry, lots of questions, I just feel like I need to know more about why you're not doing good on weekends.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I looked at your diary, but as you don't bother to log your food at the weekend, it's not exactly enlightening.

    Perhaps look at how your weekend differs from the week, when you are happy with your diet?

    If you plan meals in the week because you're busy, do that at the weekend.
    If you don't snack in the week because you're busy working, find something to occupy your weekends as much as work occupies your week days.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I see you don't log at weekends. Maybe you should do and see how much you're actually consuming. It might help you to curb it if you see it all there in black and white. Or maybe it's not as bad as you think :) Either way you'll have an idea of how bad the weekends are and be able to make an informed decision.
    Best of luck x
  • Me too :((
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Sounds obvious, but, START LOGGING WEEKENDS.

    Even if you don't like what you see. Call it damage limitation.
  • Thanks for the replies! :)

    Why do you feel the need to eat unhealthy during the weekends?

    I look at weekends as if its a 'day off' from eating good, i dont know why..
    I dont party or drink a lot, and i dont work out during weekends..

    I used to be a gym addict; but i recently bought 30 day shred so im starting it today and will stick with the diet and regime properly.

    FOr instance i had a dominos takeaway yesterday :|
  • I've done the same. And I've put weight on.
    It's a case of "I'm fed up", using food for totally the wrong reason.
    I was clearing up the larder yesterday, and 6 yes 6, breakaways (children's own) fell in my mouth.
    It needs to be said I was feeling very very down this weekend and I need to pick myself up.

    I consumed nearly double my calorie intake recommendation on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    And yes, wine was involved, which usually messed up everything.

    I'm such a failure.

    It would seem that the eating is either boredom, low mood or "it's the weekend"! from the other posts.
    One thing we have in common, we're not doing ourselves any favours.

    I log everything, good and bad, so that I get a real picture. It's disgusting.
  • If it because you are out drinking then forward plan b4 hand look into calories in spirits and mixers and decide what your going to drink, Also make sure you do lots of dancing as this will help burn those extra cals. Also (and yes i did this recently) If you like to get something to eat after try taking a healthy snack with you to pick at or have a healthier option waiting for you at home like low fat sausages cooked and ready to heat or a low fat burger.
    I deffo agree that you should log everything even on bad days so you can look back and see if you can make changes, also if you start to lie to yourself this will not help any future weight loss.
    I find it easier to make a plan for the weekends look at what you have planned for example if youe going out for a meal look into the cals of what they have a make a meal choic before hand etc.
    Good luck it can be done.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    My advice would be to log everything you eat and drink at the weekend. Take ownership of it and then build that into your weekly calories.

    Knowing how many more calories are you eating at the weekend is vital and once you know you will be able to build an exercise program that can compensate for a few weekend excesses.

    The idea that having a pizza at the weekend is somehow unhealthy and will ruin your diet is nonsense: eating pizza every day for lunch and dinner is unhealthy, but not as part of a balance diet.

    I usually stick to 2000 Calories on week days, but at the weekend that can go up to 2500 and sometimes 3000, but I am also swimming for at least an hour 4-5 days a week, so over all it all balances out and I'm losing about 1lb a week.

    You're only trying to lose 10lbs which in the grand scheme of things is nothing. You really ought to be on maintenance calories (which I presume is way more than the 1200 kc you're keeping to through the week) with a nice balanced diet of all the things you love and enjoy and then using exercise to keep you trim.

    You look stunning and I think if you truly live by the Theory you state on your profile you'll achieve everything you want to :flowerforyou:
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    For me, I feel the same way for awhile. Then, I started going to the gym in the morning on the weekends. It starts me out right and keeps me from going over board. My husband will still eat out sometimes, but I try to remember portion control. I don't stop myself from eating junk, I just try to limit how much.
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    I would suggest you to allow yourself one real free day per week, but still record it on MFP.
    try to keep that free day under 1800-2000 though.
    It shouldn't affect your weight loss this way
    Everyone needs to take some time off a diet/ healthy eating. Deprivation is hard to hold on to in the long run.
    Hope it helps :-)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I look at weekends as if its a 'day off' from eating good, i dont know why..
    You need to work on changing that mindset.

    If you don't want to start a cycle of destructive yo-yo dieting, you're going to have to "eat good" on most days for the rest of your life. If you aren't enjoying the food you're eating during the week enough to want to eat it at the weekends too, maybe do more reading about healthy cooking so you can find things you like that you can look forward to at the weekend.

    Maybe some exotic fruits, a nice piece of salmon or whatever?
  • Thanks everyone you answers are great. I'm going to log what i ate this weekend (try and remember) so its a realisation.

    Feel free to check!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    It's all about lifestyle changes. And you can't have a different lifestyle on the weekend if you want permanent change. You need to eat healthy 90% of the time. You need to log every day, even the weekends, at least until your patterns have changed and become habit.
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks everyone you answers are great. I'm going to log what i ate this weekend (try and remember) so its a realisation.

    Feel free to check!

    I have similar issues at the moment due to a lot of parties. I log my saturdays (with estimates) and it's not pretty...
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    My weekends are desperate too, this one gone was particularly bad :angry:
    The weird thing is, I know exactly how to do it, lost about 30lb on MFP last year. I only rejoined two weeks ago for those last 6 "vanity pounds". And what do I do? I only put ON 3lbs, so now I've 9lb to lose. Such an idiot.

    My main problem is that what I eat on week days is perfectly loggable, but on weekends we tend to go out for lunch, have little snacks here and there outside the house, that I just don't have a clue about how much it is. I know I'm cheating myself, guessing would still be better than not logging at all after all....

    Best of luck anyway! I feel motivated again, hope you do to! :flowerforyou:
  • Listen to your gut..literally. If you know you shouldn't have it then don't. I agree everyone needs a cheat day once in a while, but don't spoil yourself with it EVERY weekend. Start tracking what you eat and again listen to your gut. Time to put your foot down and be dedicated if you really want to see a weight loss. You can only hold yourself accountable. You can do it! :happy:
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I've done the same. And I've put weight on.
    It's a case of "I'm fed up", using food for totally the wrong reason.
    I was clearing up the larder yesterday, and 6 yes 6, breakaways (children's own) fell in my mouth.
    It needs to be said I was feeling very very down this weekend and I need to pick myself up.

    I consumed nearly double my calorie intake recommendation on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    And yes, wine was involved, which usually messed up everything.

    I'm such a failure.

    It would seem that the eating is either boredom, low mood or "it's the weekend"! from the other posts.
    One thing we have in common, we're not doing ourselves any favours.

    I log everything, good and bad, so that I get a real picture. It's disgusting.

    Ah don't say that, you're not a failure. If you are, I am and I refuse to see myself as a failure.
    Just dust yourself off and get on with it.
  • Ok I've logged what i ate this weekend.

    Please have a look! :-)
  • Simzzz
    Simzzz Posts: 8
    I hear that!! I too find it hard! Especially when there is wine involved :) .. It's like vino is the devil & allows me to have a license to eat whatever I want!

    I found filling my diary out (no cutting corners) to be a huge wake-up call.. The reality of undisciplined weekends is in your face & you can't hide behind the unknown, so definitely worthwhile to log weekend calories
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    Do you record exercise?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Why do you do that? I would investigate the reason behind that behavior and work on that first.
  • Do you record exercise?

    *guilty face*

    I havent exercised for a couple of months. I used to run 10k 5 days a week during the summer. I recently bought 30 day shred and i'm starting that today. I'm a fit person too so its ashame..!
  • As per everyone else's comments - LOG YOUR WEEKENDS!! I tend to mess up on a weekend, but the more you track it all, the more you start to realise the choices you are making.

    For example, yesterday I was hungover a bit and decided to have a carb fest with McDonalds. I logged it, had a huge shock, but realised that I could still keep within my daily limits if I was careful. It isn't the right way to do it - I should have thrown in some more healthy foods (even if it took me over my daily intake).

    I don't beat myself up about it, just realise that next time I have a craving like that I need to look at something else. The more you track it, the more you start to dislike it, your weekends will just become another healthy day (even with the occasional gorge..haha)

    Keep going and don't beat yourself up, but do make a point to track everything..
  • elsalily
    elsalily Posts: 47 Member
    Okay, just rememeber you can also record walking.
    When I was talking about one free day per week earlier, I meant one day at 1800 if your daily goal was 1500, and also meant that the rest of your days should remain within MFP limits.
    You don't have a lot of weight to lose, no need to drive yourself crazy over a diet, that's also why I suggested a free day.
    I'm sure you'll manage just fine, don't worry ;-)

    And as others said, still log everyday (incl. the "wrong ones")
  • thankyou everyone! i know now that i'll be logging my weekends so I realise what i'm eating instead of trying to hide it..

    :) feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Meeeeeeeeeeee too!! I dread the weekends! Especially with teenage boys and junk food! It's so hard and I keep healthy food fruits and veges around but that bag of doritios is sooooo much better....urggggggggggggggggg......
  • Monet1107
    Monet1107 Posts: 3 Member
    Me Too! :-(