Eating right on night shift.



  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    How many of us in this post are working right now? Slow night for me - logged in to update my food diary and check the message boards!

    Me! It's a slow night here too. I like it like that. It makes my 3rd night easier to defeat.
  • niknak30
    I do shifts as well- a mixture of evenings and nights mostly. The key for me on nights more than anything is to make sure that the dinner and snacks I pack are things that I love. No leftovers of food that is just food. I have to make sure it is something I am really looking forward to eating and that way I don't mind knocking back other good things.
    It helps with my motivation and keeps me mentally satisfied
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i'ma nighter too. ( hospital O.R clerk )

    just had an amazing sammie on wheat hit the spot! and i didn't even buy any chips like i usually do.

    the main thing i have to remember when i'm eating is to EAT SLOWWWWWW!!!!! i'd eat a lot less if i ate slower!
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    Permanent night shifter here (working right now!)- I feel your struggle. If only it were so easy to just walk away from the snacks! My biggest problem is the eating to stay awake factor. I don't get to sleep before coming into work so by 2 or 3am, my body is craving carbs & caffeine to simply stay awake. In packing my dinner/snacks, I try to account for the idea of having something to eat ever 2-3 hours. If I can stay busy until after midnight, I am usually ok. I do find I consume most of my daily calories (probably 75%) between the hours of 12a-9a.

    I edited the above some but I basically do the same thing. I work 10pm to 830am at a local Casino at an IT Support Specialist. ( I sit in front of a PC all night long lol) I eat with my wife when i get up around 4-5pm. I count that on the previous day even though i just woke up. ( I might change that in the future but it works for the day's i'm off.) After midnight i start my new day. I bring in my own food most days.

    I love the Special K cereal, all of them. The Oat's N Honey, and Cinnamon Pecan are probably my favorite though. I've also discovered this oatmeal made by Better Oats. It's $1.29 for 5 packets and averages 130-160 cals. It has flax seed so that helps out with other areas too. Keep clear of the Pop if all possible, it's just unneeded calories.

    What's really helped me stay awake is these multivitamins i've been taking. GNC Mega Men's Energy & Metabolism. I'm sure there is a Women's formula of this too. I just feel much more alert, and not so darn groggy.

    Do try to eat more often and smaller portions, those oatmeal packets don't keep you full long but they don't have many calories either. Try to find small snacks, meals you can eat. I've got this little Copco reusable cup (They can be had for like 5-10 bux.) i keep on my desk. It holds 3 cups of water. I try to drink 2-3 of them each shift. It also helps when i do eat i don't eat so much.

    I hope my ideas and rambling helps you some. I'm just typing things out as I think of them.

    Good Luck!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    it's hard but it can be done. I work 11pm-7am . I pack my lunches and just graze from it through out the night. I work weekends as well and I luckily have the advantage of being able to get away for 30 mins. I'll go outside to walk, jog, whatever. one of my biggest challenges was fast food. many places close to my work that are open 24 hrs. I simply left my wallet at home for the first few months. no money = no fast food!

    there's a small MFP group for shift workers on here
  • cooperh3
    Another night shift RN... I have been bringing a lot of healthy snacks with me as well as my dinner. I figure it is easier when you have choices so I make sure I have them. Whatever I don't eat I take home and do it again the next night. I am also at work right now. I do anywhere from 3-5 12hr night shifts/week. I quit going to the cafeteria at night too. I have lost 11 lbs. since the first of the year and I have to say, it's getting easier for me to say no to the not-so-good stuff!
  • kellybib
    maybe take something so you feel you are having a treat and that your no deprived. Yes pack a healthy packed lunch but look into some healthier treat for example weight watchers do some lovely things like choc jaffa mini rolls only 77 cals.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Working nights can definitely be hard. (Also currently at work - med tech in a hospital lab) I usually eat a breakfast meal when I wake up, then have a healthy snack during break (cottage cheese, cucumber, carrots, etc) and then I do best when I pack my own lunch. Eat a protein bar on the drive to the gym after work, protein drink when I get home and maybe a light dinner after my shower before bed in the morning.
  • cmartigettinfit
    cmartigettinfit Posts: 1 Member
    I work 4:30 a to 4:30 p. I eat every two to three hours at my desk. I also have the opportunity to workout here in our gym. I usually go there at 11:00 pm.

    Some healthy snacks, rice cake with almond butter and a protein shake, grapefruit and almonds, meal replacement shakes, I drink Shakeology. Just make sure you are eating a good carb with some sort of protein. Stay away from any "low calorie" processed snack. Just because something is only 100 calories, doesn't make them good calories.
  • elstadj
    I'm working nights, but my situation's different. There are only 2 of us in our office, so I don't have the outside influence that you do.

    However, I've found that using myfitnesspal keeps me focused on where I am in regards to my daily goal.

    I still have the candy/coke machine available (don't say I shouldn't bring cash, because these machines take atm/debit cards).

    Hang in there, it's worth it.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I am working now too

    I also want to eat to stay awake
  • coconutgirlie
    coconutgirlie Posts: 4 Member

    I work nights too, and to be honest find it difficult to eat much without getting a sore tummy, but i do find that just deciding I'm not going to start on the biscuits and chocolate that's always around, makes it much easier. If I haven't started, then I don't have that internal battle about stopping! It helps if I take something healthy that I'll really enjoy, and look forward to that at about 3am (which is my killer time) and also take a big bottle of water and aim to get through it by the morning.

    Good luck!
  • redtop2187
    redtop2187 Posts: 31 Member
    I work in an ER as an RN (7pm-7am). I have found that I must have snacks....celery with peanut butter, air popped popcorn, tea, LOTS OF WATER!!! For me I've been staying pretty consistent and have been honest about what I am trying to accomplish and my coworkers don't push the snacks or eating out thing as much. Since using MFP I am learning which foods are healthier than others. On the nights I don't pack snacks, I am starting to make better off the cuff decisions with the gained knowledge. The biggest lesson so far has been that what I choose to eat, when I eat, how much I eat is about my choice and not the circumstance of the night.

    Oh yeah and I exercise after my shift. I could never schedule it before I went in to work. For me the benefits of working out after a shift are that I can really let the stress of the night go, I sleep better, and I don't usually have to eat before I go to bed.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Oh yeah and I exercise after my shift. I could never schedule it before I went in to work. For me the benefits of working out after a shift are that I can really let the stress of the night go, I sleep better, and I don't usually have to eat before I go to bed.

    Exactly how I feel about this.
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    This thread is sweet. I'm about to request friendship from ALL of ya. Need some nightowls to hang out with. :wink:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    i am planning on using the wii fitness when i get home
    shower and have a bowl of cearl before i go to bed
    does that sound like a plan?

    my biggest problem is i eat dinner with the family before i go to work
    but it seems if i start consumming alot of calories beginning at 12am
    i don't have many calories left at 6pm

    guess that is where the exercise comes in

    I do try to walk when i am at work, since hardly no one is in the bldg at this hour i use the accounting floor as a walking track and circle back around to the transportation dept where i work

    i am trying to train myself to get up every hour and walk at least 5 min, then on my lunch break i walk 20 mins or so
  • bobbi6440
    bobbi6440 Posts: 15 Member
    I found the key is packing my food. I carry my purse and lunch bag everywhere. Nights at a hotel and we give cookies to all our guests. So, I get to stand next to the cookie warmer all night. Even on my days off I have a supply of healthy snacks.
  • cjirish2009
    I work nights as well ( 1900-0730) , my snack is popcorn and drink lots of water. I usually eat my meal about 0100 and have my snack about 0400.That way Im not hungry when I get home from work. I'm an RN too..good luck.
  • cjirish2009
    I agree..need positive reinforcement, especially at night..or good morning now.....
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Why don't we start a nightshift group? We can all join and give each other advice, or even somewhat chat on our slow nights. What do you think?