Weight watchers...?

Is anyone on here doing weight watchers?

If so would you reccommend it?

What are the good points and the bad points of weight watchers?



  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I did do WW a few years back, I did lose weight, and since I know how it works, I thought about doing it again, but like I think someone said on here, I can weigh myself. I like this site cause I can see what I eat, see my calories vs figuring out how many points you are eating. I know my points I need at WW and 50 calories is about 1 pt so I took my points x 50 but I prefer to use this site and be accountable to me for free :) just my Opinion
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I tried it online before I signed up for MFP but it didn't work well for me. The points system was just too much for me to easily translate into what I was eating and buying at the grocery store. MFP with the simple calorie counting was a better fit and free so I cancelled WW.

    But, I think going to the meetings probably is better than online. More motivating. And one thing I did love about it was access to the recipes on their website. Great recipes! I still subscribe to the magazine too...love it!
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
    I tried WW Online from Aug.1, 2011 to Jan 25, 2012. I was allotted 26 points a day and never ate more than that, and I never used points earned by activity or the extra weekly allowance. I never lost a pound :( I exercised 4x a week cardio/strength training but never saw a pound lost. I love MFP because it is about calories and I can see exactly what I ate.
    WW works for some people, but not me. (My mom gained weight with WW) I thing it was because I could eat what I wanted as long as I stayed within points. It was just too expensive to carry on since I am the avg.broke college kid
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    I have been a member of WW for 13years now and am a gold member. I now have some more to lose after baby no 3 and I choose Mfp! It's free, their app is fantastic and there is a huge database of food. WW is expensive, the app is outdated and unreliable and the food lists are not very long. And it's complicated too! Calories are on everything, but points are not!
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    Just about everybody that i work with is on WW. They give me all the information that I need about the program. I could follow it if i wanted to, but I don't. I do not like that they don't take into account sugar. I also don't think most fruits and vegetables should be free. I would rather just watch my calories, and make healthier eating choices.
  • coquette87
    I'm on WW, going into my fourth week. I've been on an off MFP for awhile, it never really worked for me by ltself. I could never seem to hit my carb/fat/protein goals in the right ratios, and if I didn't, I wasn't sure what to eat to balance it out. I also found myself focusing too much on the calorie content of stuff rather than the overall nutritional value.

    I don't find WW complicated. I'm doing it online though, so the computer does just about all the work. The "free" fruits and veggies encourage me to take those over other options. If I'm shopping and I'm really concerned about the points value of something (so far, this only happened once, with bread) I have an app on my Blackberry to help me make decisions. To each their own. :)
  • GinnieC100
    GinnieC100 Posts: 48 Member
    With WW it is the accountability that keeps you losing, if you go to the meetings. I just quit WW after finding this site. I had the WW $40 a month program, this gives me basically the same thing without the cost. I have to learn to be accountable to myself.
  • Sweeterescape
    I think WW is a good way to start losing weight...rather than trying to balance all the nutrition facts on the different labels and understand all sorts of different nutrition advice out there, you just follow your points and you can eat whatever you want so it's easy and effective.

    However, I did WW for 5 years and my grid looked exactly like a roller coaster - up and down, up and down. In my opinion, WW makes it really difficult to include healthy fats/oils and exercise into your lifestyle and diet - things like avocado, nuts and EVOO are very high points for a snack/addition to a meal and you get very few points back for the amount of exercise you do. I think this is because it's not based on calories, but attempting to "balance" carbs/fat/fibre/protein. That's great in theory, but it means that foods which are high in one but not the others are higher points than they should be, rather than letting you balance out a meal as a whole. With MFP, I can balance out these things in total to hit my targets, but WW is too simplistic for that. It's also focussed on being very low fat (and ends up being very low cal much of the time although that's not the focus) and encouraging people to make up for this by eating lots of the "free" fruit and veg to keep from being hungry. Also, doing it online there's not much health advice from a "leader" like there is with the meetings, and with the flexible points and "eat whatever you want" mentality, I found myself eating very low cal during the week (800 - 1000 cals per day) and then binging on booze/takeaways on the weekend. Not healthy! That's not down to WW, but me struggling to follow a plan like that in a healthy way - for me, personally, it didn't set me up to succeed!

    Because of this cycle, I found myself feeling hungry all the time and then reaching for biscuits/cake/crisps/etc when ravenous in the late afternoon after I'd eaten all the "free" veg I had. I realised this wasn't working and so I've done some research on healthy eating instead. I've replaced my afternoon fruit/veg snack with a handful of almonds, added in more high protein food with healthy fats/carbs, and upped my exercise and I feel and look 10 times better! I haven't had a biscuit/bag of crisps/piece of cake in a month without even consciously trying not to (when I'm not super hungry, those things don't sound appealing!).

    On WW, I lost lots of weight when I stuck to it. However, I found it difficult to stick to for long periods of time. I feel like MFP is more of a long term solution for me, as it's more flexible and I can focus on being healthy and setting my percentages in a way that prevents me from falling back into my "I can eat whatever I want as long as it's within points" mentality and ending up in a starving/binging cycle. I can eat healthily without feeling hungry and still loose weight/look better/feel better.

    I'll always champion WW and recommend it - it was that first step that made me look at my portion sizes and to think about what I am eating before I eat it - two very valuable skills in weight loss. But I think once it gets into the long term, for me it's not a sustainable plan due to the lack of flexibility :-)

    Good luck!
  • wl4good
    wl4good Posts: 49 Member
    I've been on WW since the last week of Nov 2011 and have lost 17 lbs without really adding in exercise. I don't think the new system is as difficult as people have been complaining about. Between the phone apps, the website and the pocket calculator it's pretty simple to figure out the points values for "unknown" foods, but like most people, I end up eating pretty much the same foods throughout the week/month so I know the points values of all my fav foods by heart already. It's also made me more aware of portion sizes and increased my fruit and veg intake. I do the meetings and it's helpful for me to have to go in and personally have someone weigh me face to face. I have a scale at home but if I haven't been eating or exercising I just won't get on it. It's the accountability that works for me. I have a co-worker doing it online and she's lost almost 40 lbs in 6 months so it definitely works for some people. I would say try it for a month and see if it works for you, if not just cancel.
  • Mickyboo1
    I love Weight Watchers. I've lost over 100 lbs on it.

    If you work the system, the system works.
  • chelsearae85
    Wow thanks everyone for all the info I was thinking about trying it but as long as I'm doing good here I think I'll save my money.
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    I lost 30 pounds on WW and then gained 50 back; But it's like everyone above has said. It's abaout accountability to yourself. My wife lost 160 pounds on WW and has maintained that loss for 8 years, but I had trouble following it again, but I've had success with MFP and have started losing again.

    For me personally, the calorie counting works a bit better, plus keeping track of things like sodium and the fat/car/protein thing too. WW defintiely works. But MFP works too. It's all up to us though to step up and own our transformations.
  • corinneal
    corinneal Posts: 8 Member
    I have done WW in the past and lost 35lbs. I don't like going to meetings and having to pay to step on the scale, like someone else here said, I can do that for free in the privacy of my bathroom. But it works. I think really its about portion control and trying to make better choices. I am currently on Medifast. I told myself I will do this for 1 month but then I am probably going to follow WW and continue to log my food and exercise on MFP. I find this very easy to use. here is a website to use the WW Points Calculator:
    I just typed Weight Watchers Point Calculator in the browser (just in case you are cautious about opening links). Anyway, its free and if you continue to log here then you can see how it all works together. But the most important thing is to pay attention to what you are eating...if you bite it, write it.
    I like the report feature MFP offers too so you can really see where and when you have those "problem" areas.
    Anyway....good luck!
  • brandie_kelly
    I did Weight Watchers online from Nov 2010 to April 2011 and lost 30 pounds. That was when they counted calories, fat and fiber. I reached my goal weight for literally 2 months then started gaining weight back because I stopped counting and watching what I ate. After about 5 months I had gained all the weight plus 20 pound more. So I decided to go back to Weight Watchers online. Now they changed theyre points system. They count fat protein carbs and fiber. I tried the new system for about 5 months and didnt loose anything. I would loose maybe a pound or two a week if I worked out really hard all week but nothing significant. So I decided to go back to the old Weight Watcher system and MFP. I Have a whole start up package with calculator form the previous WW and I like to use the online counting and community on MFP. I track all my food and excersise in MFP and translate it to WW POINTS.
    I think the MFP website is more user friendly than WW especially if you have an iPad or iPhone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Is anyone on here doing weight watchers?

    If so would you reccommend it?

    What are the good points and the bad points of weight watchers?


    I did the Flex and Momentum programs and had fantasitc success. At its core, WW isn't much different than MFP --eat less, move more. They do offer guidelines on WHAT to eat for optimal nutrition that you don't get from MFP (though many members have great advice on that). And if you feel like having that face-to-face support (if you choose meetings) will help, then try it.

    One issue I do have with the new program is the free fruit. If I were to do that program, I would count points for fruit.

    I;m actually restarting today on the old Momentum because I'm really struggling to lose at the moment.
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    I just started with WW and I must say its a good way to learn the way to eat correct. I use the site because I dont feel like I need to go to a meeting to weigh myself, I just do it at home. I got a 3 month plan right now with them and if i want it after ill keep it but im working with MFP and WW to calculate my caloric intake as well as my pts.. and slowy break myself from WWs
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I too did WW over the course of a couple years, I would lose 5 lbs, then gain 10...lose 7 gain 12. Then I found MFP and quit WW altogether...and now I have been consistently losing weight.

    The plus side of WW is that you get used to tracking what you eat.

    My biggest gripe is that the point system actually masks what you are eating. For example, if something is 5 points, that is all you know about the food. You don't know that it's loaded with sodium and fat...or sugar and carbs...because you are not thinking about what is in the food.

    When I switched, I started logging everything I had eaten on WW onto my MFP food log, and I was shocked by the amount of fat and sodium I was consuming. It was no wonder I wasn't consistently losing weight.

    With that said, there are a few people who use WW and it works for them. But at $20-40 a month, why not just stick with MFP...it's free and it really does work.
  • passionatenique
    passionatenique Posts: 1 Member
    I love weight watchers!!! i just signed back up for the program because I need the support of the meetings. I incorporate the MFP tools with the weight watchers program. When I am doing it diligently it works!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My biggest gripe is that the point system actually masks what you are eating. For example, if something is 5 points, that is all you know about the food. You don't know that it's loaded with sodium and fat...or sugar and carbs...because you are not thinking about what is in the food.

    That's a personal choice. If you didn't know what was in it, it was because you chose not to bother looking. You can do the same with MFP if you so choose.
  • Tammisky
    About the WW recipes, I have a WW cookbook I really like
    I've never done WW, but have been enjoying MFP