Three things that made you happy today



  • kristensuz
    kristensuz Posts: 21 Member
    1. I coach and my cheerleading team took 1st place, won grand champs and got a bid to compete at Nationals!
    2. I went out to eat and was able to politely eat my calorie goal without offending host
    3. The leak in my kitchen was fixed within an hour!
  • teresaj0315
    teresaj0315 Posts: 26 Member
    1. Got a great big hug from my son this morning thanking me for an awesome weekend.
    2. Spoke to a new guy that made me smile
    3. Buffalo Wing style pretzel crisps (to get me through my spicy/salty craving!)
  • 1) Lost another pound on my weigh in this morning
    2) Got noticed at work that I was losing weight
    3) Gave support to someone who was not feeling happy, and hopefully she will be happy now:)
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    1) Waking up with both of my dogs cuddling with me in bed.
    2) Giving myself plenty of time in the morning and actually making it to work a few minutes early (I'm usually RIGHT on time).
    3. Having sore legs which meant that the kick butt workout my trainer gave me did some good for my leg muscles :)
  • klhiggs32
    klhiggs32 Posts: 14 Member
    1. Received my free drink at Starbucks this a.m.
    2. Got to the gym for some cardio before work
    3. Completed a project I've been working on for months at work and happy to say that it's complete!
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    1) My last weigh in of January was this AM -- down 3.2 lbs!

    2) Got rave reviews from my boss about an event this weekend.

    3) Getting different medication to hopefully get better soon!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    1) Having my little girl curled up in my bed, still half asleep saying "Mommy, will you lay with me?"

    2) Getting hugs & kisses from my littles before I have to leave them for the day.

    3) Unexpectedly getting reminded that I'm important.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    1) My son jumping up & down with a thrilled smile on his face at 5 this morning. (he was in his exer-saucer)
    2) Great customer service at the new Credit Union I'm a member of.
    3) Good music on the way to work.
  • this is a lovely post!
    1. I ran one minute longer than normal
    2. I had a positive interaction at work with my boss and am happy to say those are not rare
    3. I need to add sunflower seeds to my diet and I just remembered I like how they taste!
  • tinatoosweet
    tinatoosweet Posts: 2 Member
    This past Saturday: 1) I slept in til 8:30 am which rarely happens. 2) I spent the whole day with my kids and their friends (went bowling, shopping and saw Joyful Noise. 3) Had dinner with my kids and my good friend and had a great time. I wish everyday was like that.
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 653 Member
    1 - I got renewed for my Job for another (3) years

    2- I killed it in spinning class today - I have a mean instructor and needless to say I kept up with him the whole time

    3- My husband finally admitted that he is jealous of the fact that I can burn waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more calories than him - he thinks he is more fit but my muscles are starting to speak louder than his words :bigsmile:
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    1. I made money for my business (I have been self employed for a year)
    2. I fit into a pair of trousers that was previously too small
    3. I felt supported by my MFP friends after throwing a wobbly about my progress so far!
  • princilam99
    princilam99 Posts: 56 Member
    Yay for fitbit!
    my Fitbit shipped
    wearing a new outfit
    my mom
  • JustNK
    JustNK Posts: 3 Member
    1. Woke up to a lush snowy scene outside the bedroom window!
    2. Went for a lovely 45 minute swim and there was only 1 other person in the pool - no lane hopping!
    3.The kids are up for a Just Dance session tonight on the Kinect

    Mondays = A fresh start to a beautiful week!
  • princilam99
    princilam99 Posts: 56 Member
    1. I rode my stationary peddler for 40 minutes at the office.
    2. I chose a healthy breakfast and a healthy snack.
    3. I did reps of squats and lunges in the bathroom!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    1. I broke free of my 160's and seen 159.8 regardless of the .8 I still broke free of the 160's :D

    2. My daughter makes me happy, she is 13 months old and was playing with her baby, the baby makes kissing noises and says "I love you" and she opens her mouth and puts the baby doll's mouth to her's and when it is done doing the kiss noises she pulls it away from her and smiles and looks at me like "I'm a sweet baby." <3 love that child.

    3. Oatmeal, oatmeal makes every morning a happy morning, but Dark chocolate oatmeal with only 160 calories in it, makes my morning even more happier :D
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    I could put on a size 44 pants
    I did 10 miles at the gym
    There were fresh strawberries that taste delightfull at the store
    My husband told me a funny story

    oh.. sorry.. too many:blushing:
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I am lighter than I was last week, My insurance paid out without question and I have had a lovely day chilling on my own :O) x
  • 1) Seeing the number on the scale go down:)

    2) KNowing my family and friends woke up safely and in one peice:)

    3) Me waking up and enjoying the fact I made it to see another day:)

  • Went to mass
    Saw my sister
    Going to gym-doing something for me!