What movie still makes you cry?



  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    Courageous and Fireproof are the two that make me cry every time.
  • rrtnat
    rrtnat Posts: 30 Member
    Officer and a gentlemen
    Ps I love you
    The notebook
  • Bheller234
    The Fox and the Hound - when the old lady is taking Tod to the woods because he isn't safe anymore and she is singing the really sad song...
    Where the Red Fern Grows - it's so sad when the dogs die :(
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    My fiance has said I'm not allowed to watch Big Fish anymore as I end up in uncontrollable tears every time. I also have to fast forward past the bit in Lion King where his dad dies :blushing:

    There were a couple of sobbing moments when I watched Benjamin Button too, but he was asleep so didn't see that :tongue:
  • Noki1024
    Noki1024 Posts: 302
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I always cry at I Am Sam and Marley and Me. Anything with sad kid things and sad pet things, I'm a goner.

    Although last night my bf and I (aka I watched and my bf played video games) watched Away We Go... and I just cried --- it was so super sweet and sad but happy at the same time!
  • jeyoung03
    The Notebook
    A walk to remember
    P.s. I love you (I cry within the first 5 mins! lol)
    The lion King
    My sister's keeper

    I have a few more... but that's all that's coming to me!
  • lizhipwell
    Marley & Me

    Worst part is, I've never owned a dog. I've Adopted (well, I say adopted, they belonged to my ex's parents) a couple and when one was put down, I cried..... Strange how they get you...

    Marley and Me is definitely part of my top five along with The Descendants, Ordinary People, The Hours, and To Kill A Mockingbird...
  • kespin1
    Steel Magnolias & Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire when Cedric Diggory dies... I just can't handle it lol
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Movies that made me cry:

    The notebook
    Bridge Terabithia
    Marley and me
    What dreams may come

    I'm sure there are more I'm kinda of a ***** like that.


    thank's bro :sad:
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    Ever single time I watch The Notebook I bawl like a baby!!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Homeward bound, I watched this movie way to much growing up and it still gets me... Anything with animals dying/getting lost kills me... To sad!

    Whats eating gilbert grape

    My girl

    Fox & Hound one of my all time favorite movies ever


    Pay it forward

    Things we lost in the fire

    50/50 I thought it was super realistic with emotions compared to most movies like that. It had me crying when he tries to drive seth rogans suv then kicks him out of the car and screams/cries and completely breaks down. It was a really great movie

    A few cheesy lifetime movies I can't recall lol
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Old Yeller
    I Am Legend (There's a few parts that make me weepy)
    Up (First time I watched it I cried when the dog says, "I was hiding under your porch because I love you." XD
    How To Train Your Dragon >.>; I always cry when he puts his hand on the dragon's nose...

    Oh god the scene in I am Legend when he has to kill his dog is so sad! It gets me every single time! I trying and not watch that part, I am to much of a animal lover. Seriously if that were my cat/dog I would have just let it infect me and eat me..
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Up... I know it sounds rediculous but the first 10-15 minutes break my heart.

    'Up' is one of the only cartoon movies to make me cry, also Iron giant makes me tear up.
  • Chelly02
    Chelly02 Posts: 34 Member
    Iron Giant
    The mist - it was suppose to be scary but at the end when he kills his son made me cry so hard
    The passion of Christ
    The notebook
    Ladder 49

    There are a lot more...Im such a vagina when it comes to sad stories lol
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Homeward bound, I watched this movie way to much growing up and it still gets me... Anything with animals dying/getting lost kills me... To sad!

    Whats eating gilbert grape

    My girl

    Fox & Hound one of my all time favorite movies ever


    Pay it forward

    Things we lost in the fire

    50/50 I thought it was super realistic with emotions compared to most movies like that. It had me crying when he tries to drive seth rogans suv then kicks him out of the car and screams/cries and completely breaks down. It was a really great movie

    A few cheesy lifetime movies I can't recall lol

    50/50 I also cried it. And laughed! I thought it was a great movie. Apparently it is one of Seth Rogans real story. One of Seth Rogan's friends had cancer, and so he used his own experiences with that to use in the movie.
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    Beaches... shot to the heart!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Up... I know it sounds rediculous but the first 10-15 minutes break my heart.

    'Up' is one of the only cartoon movies to make me cry, also Iron giant makes me tear up.

    I forgot about "Up" How can a kid's movie have so many sad parts.
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    I don't cry about real life, so it is super easy for me to cry at movies. I cry when Coral gets eaten in Finding Nemo and almost all the Pixar movies at some point, I cry during the Notebook (even though I've seen it 1,000 times), I cry when any animal is lost, killed or injured in a movie, but the worst crying movie is:

    P.S. I love you...even just typing the title makes me teary eyed. I went through 22 tissues the second time I watched this and probably really could have used the whole box.

    I think it is my release movie...when I feel like I need to release those tears I don't shed outside I wait for a day I'm home by myself and pop it in and let it all cry out.

    I've only watched it twice.

    : )
  • teeniemarie619
    teeniemarie619 Posts: 21 Member
    *The Notebook
    *Steel Magnolias
    *Terms of Endearment