MORE VEGGIES! How can I get more?



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Ever since I was a kid I didn't like to eat veggies. I still don't really care for them but one way I have found that I enjoy is to juice them while mixing them with fruit. I only do this in the warm seasons because it can be expensive though. I do a 50% vegetable 50% fruit mix. I'll juice things like carrots, cucumbers, spinach, kale, chard, collards, tomatoes, apples, oranges, grapes, pineapple, ginger, lemon and watermelon. It has a decent taste and provides a lot of energy.

    My 2 cents.. juicing IS great. But, if you have a good blender like Vitamix, blending is the way to go! When you juice fruits & veggies, you lose out on most of the fiber and a lot of nutrients from the flesh and skin.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Personally, I add vege's to my salad's. I like lentils and chick peas the most, but have eaten more than that. Bean soup is loaded with protein. :)
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    Slice a cucmber and eat it with salsa healthier version of chips and dip! :wink:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This is a total cop-out to the major fitness Nazi's and health nuts out there, but I drink V8 juices now.
    I tried forcing down all those disgusting veggies but just couldn't any longer.

    Now, in one swift gulp, I get 2 whole servings.
    I'll take that 4 times per day and call it x-mas.

    I LOVE vegetables. There are hardly any that I don't like, in fact. But I still drink V8 several times a week. It tastes good, takes the edge off if I get hungry before lunch time and, as you point out, contains 2 servings of vegetables. (plus I really hate smacking myself in the head)
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    I didn't read all the comments, so I hope I'm not repeating someone elses answer! I love veggies too, and STILL find it difficult to get my daily count in. Try adding spinach, peppers, and onions to an omelet for breakfast. Stir fry is a great way to fit in a variety of veggies too........ and i also used to use cucumber slices instead of crackers. I'd stack a slice of turkey pepperoni on top of a cucumber slice and a tiny bit of cheese for a snack.
  • There are some really great ideas on here.

    I also love making a huge batch of veggie chilli (the hotter the better) and throw lots of different veggies in (celery, peppers, onions, mushrooms, sweet potato, tomatoes, beans, carrots -as well as quorn mince).

    The heat of the chilli disguises the veggie tastes (especially the celery which I can't stand on its own).
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I like eating vegetable frittata (bell pepper, spinach, mushroom, and tomato) Also when I have a microwaveable meal I steam some frozen spinach or broccoli to go with it.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    V8 splash taste like fruit juice but it also has veggies.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    bump. I'm always looking for new ways to try veggies..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • ThinningDownChick
    ThinningDownChick Posts: 95 Member
    I sneak veggies in on my kids in weird ways.... when I cook taco's I put chopped squash in the meat, you never taste it. I add shredded zucchni to pasta dishes, just cut it long like noodles, I puree cauliflower with laughing cow cheese to make cheesy "potatoes", I mix broccoli and cheese with whole wheat rotini for mac'n cheese, I use butternut squash in recipes that use sweet potatoes and I add spaghetti squash to a lot of pasta dishes too. You can't taste spinach in smoothies; celery/carrots will bulk up soup recipes and you can cover ANYTHING with cheese and make it yummy ;)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I like to steam and mash yellow squash and zucchini - you can put a little olive oil or butter in with your favorite seasonings if you want. Super yummy, and not all water-logged tasting like whole chunks of squash can sometimes be.
  • My favorite veggies are cucumbers with vinegar, baked (without salt) butternut squash, and I make my own tomato sauce, with no added salt, instead of using ketchup. Roasted asparagus with balsamic vinegar, a little bit of salt, and some olive oil is great too. Kale chips are AMAZING! Coat the kale with some olive oil and a little bit of salt and spread them out in a single layer in a dark pan. Roast for about 10 minutes until edges are golden brown. Sweet potato fries are also fantastic! You can make them with garlic and rosemary, or with cumin, curry powder, and smoked paprika.
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 66 Member
    Do you like hummus? If you have a food processor or immersion blender, it's super easy to make at home.
  • DinaRobin
    DinaRobin Posts: 61 Member
    I buy every veggie in the supermarket! One thing I find really good and easy are packs of stirfrys - at Asda, 3 packs for £2.50. It's a good mix of chopped veggies, but instead of stir frying them, I steam them for 3 minutes. Goes with everything!
  • Macrocarpa
    Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
    Replace fruit in your snack pack with a mix of celery sticks, carrot, cucumber sticks, green beans and snow peas. Snow peas esp taste very sweet...

    Courgette / zucchinni - *totally* underrated and versatile vege! Try the following:
    * Thick-chopped slices lightly panfried (no oil) with a sprinkle of ground fennel on top.
    * Peel long, flat strips from the firm flesh (not seeds) and use as a pasta replacement.
    * Cut whole courgettes lengthways, sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on top and grill / broil.
    * Lightly steam with broccoli and serve with a mix of wasabi and greek yoghurt.
    * Peel into long strips, squeeze a lemon over, sprinkle a tiny bit of ground red chillis over the top .

    Grill / broil red peppers so the skin blackens and bubbles off; peel off the skin, have with unsweetened Greek yoghurt.

    Pan-roast (light coating of oil) whole garlic cloves, quartered red onions, thick slices of courgette, kumara / sweet potato, fennel (if you can source it), and peppers of all colours. You can then make this into a cold mediterranean salad the following day.

    Try new stuff too!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    One of the things that I do especially if I am relying on a Lean Cuisine or WW frozen meal - is I dump the contents on top of a bed of baby spinsh or mixed greens it is quite delish and I get a ton of veggies in!!!

  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I am a very pick veggie eater! I do like spinach and peppers and small pieces. I can't eat stuffed peppers. I absolutely HATE mushrooms, lol. Nor do I like cucumbers or zucchini or brussel sprouts or asparagus. I can eat celery, but it doesn't do much for me. I am a terrible vegetable eater and I'm trying to widen my range of veggies. I'm thinking of getting into squash and eggplant....I don't know if I like them.

    Sorry if I sound so picky and snotty! Never had much of a taste for vegetables.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I'm telling you.. green smoothies! Look at the link I posted earlier & add those greens to a shake. You will NOT taste them! I promise! :flowerforyou: You can add all kinds of things you don't like and you wont taste it!
  • xealia
    xealia Posts: 11
    This is a great thread! Veggies are one of the hardest thing for our generation to eat because we were "forced" to eat it and we were rewarded with ultra sweet treats which skewed our tastebuds to not like the taste of veggies. Lose-lose. I love the taste of veggies but I hate cleaning and cooking them. My kids only like raw veggies and we don't eat potato's only french fries 1-2 times a month. BTW the sweet potato fries are FANTASTIC! I eat healthy choice meals once a day and crackers and cheese and raw veggies the rest of the day. Those healthy choice meals are pretty tasty and if you buy a bunch of them when on sale you can spend about $2 a meal.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I get a lot of vegetables in my basket from my local farmer, so much so, I don't know what to do with them. I started canning some, like beets with dill. I realized that making a salad topped with chopped beets create a much lower caloric salad dressing. I stopped adding olive oil after that.

    When vegetables start getting too ripe for my taste, I roast some and boil some then blend them together to make a vegetable velouté (soup). It makes a lot so I freeze them in Mason jars for a rainy day. You can add silken tofu to make it creamier without adding cream. What's great about soups like these, you can add vegetables you don't like and you won't taste them if you add a lot of the ones you do like!

    Vegetables I have added to my velouté (not all at the same time).
    Roasting them develops flavor. I like adding squash in all my soups, it is a natural sweetener.
    butternut squash (roast them first)
    delicata squash (really sweet when roasted)
    peppers (Capsicums)
    sun dried tomatoes (boil them first, its a burst of flavor!)
    ginger root
    beets (it doesn't make the color very appealing though)