I just want to eat ALL the time.

So i've recently started eating a lot healthier and exercising a lot more than i normally did do. But within the past few days i've just noticed that i literally want to eat all the time. Ill eat my meal and then about an hour/hour and a half later, i'm hungry again.
Is this normal, or is it just because i've started not eating as much junk as i used to?

Any help/advice on this would be great, and also any advice to waive the hunger for a little while would be great :)


  • Jeeenjohnson19
    Jeeenjohnson19 Posts: 54 Member
    i still get this occasionally, usually on tuesdays cos im up at 5am and dont usually go bed til about 11pm :P I find watching motivational things help, sounds silly but im much less likely to eat something "bad" after watching something like the biggest loser. Also low cal but sweet drinks help, like pepsi max! Be careful not to get addicted though! You can also get low cal jelly pots, around 5cals a pot. Also bread sticks are good, around 20cals each. If your looking for filling foods, try something small like porridge. A small portion is around 200cals and can keep you going for hours.
    Also when i find im bored, i go for a walk :)
    Hope these have helped!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    It's really difficult to give you a good answer because I can't see your food diary, but generally people tend to
    Learn a lot in their first few weeks about what are the best foods for them. I tend to find that if I have a good hit of protein every few hours I do better than high carb meals. So eggs for breakfast staves off the hunger longer than say porridge. But that is me, and many other people are quite the opposite.

    So, if you find you are hungry all the time, experiment with different foods and see what works. I'd also warn against avoiding fat. You need it and it helps stave of hunger.

    Finally, do not under eat, set you weight loss and live upto the cals.
  • CoralBreeze
    Thank you :) I try to not drink as many fizzy drinks as i can as i feel they just make me bloated? but i agree that they can help with that! I'm going to keep my eyes out for the jelly pots though, i completely forgot all about those! It just feels like its all the time that i'm hungry right now. I literally ate about an hour and a half ago and i'm sat here trying not to think about food. I'm all stocked up on porridge and fruit though so i should be okay, just seems weird that it's just come on like this all of a sudden! i hope it goes again haha.
  • happylittleclam
    Well, your body is also burning fat away and it needs water to do that. Sometimes hunger signals and thirst signals can be misinterpreted to mean the same thing so we eat when all you need to do is drink water.

    Buy some sugar free flavoring for your water, and use it in your bottles it will help make water more "fun".

    Also, if you still feel really hungry just wait it out. In time, gradually you'll get used to it as your stomach shrinks.

    I'm hope this helped you.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Make sure that your meals aren't too small. Sometimes we think we are doing great by having such a tiny little meal. But, it turns out to not be enough calories to carry you through to the next meal. Try adding some calories or just adding some bulk with lots of veggies. Putting your meal over a bed of spinach or other greens is a great way to add filler with minimal calories. The extra bulk and fiber will help fill you up. And remember that protein is key for feeling/staying full longer.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Perhaps you are not eating enough. If you open your diary then people can see what you are eating and help out a little... If you are on a low calorie diet, you are going to be hungry. If you are eating a reasonable amount of calories, but not eating enough satisfying foods, you are going to be hungry. And if you are trying to lose fat/weight, you are going to be hungry. Let us help you out!! :happy:
  • pinkchick2006
    pinkchick2006 Posts: 14 Member
    I was that way until I made it a point to drink more water! Sometimes I have found that im not really hungry just more thirsty! If Im feeling hungry after Ive had a good meal I will drink a big glass of water and then reassess if im really hungry or not! Most of the time im not as hungry as I thought I was!! Give that a try you might find its not food your body is craving!!
  • CoralBreeze
    I think i've just changed it so that anyone can see it. Don't be slating me now though please ;) haha. I think i definitely do need to start drinking more water, although i do drink a lot of flavoured water (is this okay?) I'm very new to this whole weight loss thing if I'm honest and any help and encouragement would be wonderful :)
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Are you getting enough water?? If not, remember, thirst often masquerades as hunger. I try to drink at LEAST 8 8oz. glasses per day, in addition to any other fluids, and most of the time I drink closer to 12 or 14.

    Do you eat just 3 meals a day, or do you also include snack? I always keep fruits (dried & fresh), an assortment of nuts, and baby carrots at my work so I can have a little snack once or twice a day. You'd be surprised how long you can be satisfied just by eating a dozen or so nuts and a little handful of baby carrots!

    Also, you can bulk up on as many veggies as you can stand, and they are not going to put you over on your calories (unless you drench them in cheese). Be careful eating a lot of fruits without many veggies, as fruits can spike your blood sugar if you eat too much, and that isn't good for you (nor is the crash after).
  • Wallaby2
    Wallaby2 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi! Good on you for reaching out. I don't know what you are eating but these are some ideas for you that work for me: eat more lean protein which will take longer to digest, change white bread/rice/pasta to a low-GI variety of carb, stay off fizzy drinks and sweets that will spike your sugar levels then cause you to crash an hour later, drink heaps of water and fill up on vegetables. It takes time to turn the ship around to healthy eating but it's possible and the benefits to your health are unlimited.

    Something I read recently went something like this: the majority of people in the western world eat to feel full yet internally are starving themselves due to lack of real food that nourishes the body. Food is fuel so make it nutritious and each day you will feel healthier, happier and stronger.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    Your diary is locked with a password right now.

    I am having the same thing the last few days... starving all the time... and I'm not undereating! I'm aiming for 1700 calories/day at a minimum, a little more when I have a hard workout. I think maybe there comes a point where your body is going, "wait, you mean it this time? are you sure???" and starts to fight back a little bit. Hormones can mess you up, too. Just see it through with extra water, and increase your protein and fiber a bit. (Protein roughly .8g/day for each pound of body weight, and fiber 30g/day)
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    Yup, that's me. I want to eat all the time, though I don't feel hunger pains- it's more like "I'd love to eat something right about now even though I'm not particularly hungry." It's worse when my protein intake is lower, and not as bad when my protein intake is higher. I love food... man I could go for some right about now... Is it food time yet?

    Seriously though, just wait it out until your next meal time. Increase your protein intake and decrease your carbohydrate intake. Drink more water. Some foods make you feel full longer than others even though the caloric value may be the same. I've found that oatmeal, quinoa, pumpkin, beans, and nuts help keep me full longer.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    We aren't here to judge.... just to help... I have learned a lot on these boards. Your diary is still locked... if you want, change it to public.
  • CoralBreeze
    Ah i wasn't aware it was password locked, my bad! I think i did it on the app on my phone by mistake! It's unlocked now anyway, if anyone wants to message me and tell me where i'm going wrong that'd be great.

    It's not exactly like i'm actually hungry though, my stomach isn't rumbling or anything. I just think i'd like to eat, and i feel a little empty, but like i said, not exactly hungry.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Fresh, whole, relatively unprocessed foods. Chicken, vegetables, nuts..... and of course the occasional treat. Protein, healthy carbs and water....