Advantages of swimming?

Anyone know what the health advantages to swimming are? What parts of body/muscules does it work?


  • fetchfury
    fetchfury Posts: 84 Member
    swimming works out everything! it's one of the fasted and most effective workouts, and burns a butt load of calories
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    swimming works out everything! it's one of the fasted and most effective workouts, and burns a butt load of calories
  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member
    Swimming works out all the musle groups, great cardio and low impact.
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    I swim three-four days a week a work everything. I have really bad knees and a lot of pain in my lower back because i have a large chest. Since I started swimming again I have no knee pain what so ever. Which is awesome! Also I swam for 70 mins today and burned just over 1000 calories. Obviously your calorie burn depends on your weight but it is an awesome workout.
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Good for joints as there is almost zero impact. You can work as easy or as hard as you want/are capable of. Works everything out, and you can target different muscle groups with different exercises.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    Swimming is great for:
    -recovering from injury (depends on the injury)
    -works all your muscles - especially core, back, shoulders, and if you are kicking correctly - your hips, thighs, hammies
    -can increase your endurance
    -give you a good night sleep
    -proven to reduce stress

    Not as good as running (IMO) b/c:
    -harder to lose weight using swimming as your sole cardio workout, (you need to be in the pool constantly swimming for long period of time in order to really have a significant impact)
    -makes you really hungry afterwards
    -technique is crucial for a good swim workout

    Ways to improve your swim workout if you are getting started:
    -spend the time working on proper technique, it makes swimming more enjoyable and you'll be able to swim longer
    -until you build endurance to do long swims like (1+ mile), do HIIT in the pool, really really good workout - sprint down one length of the pool, rest and sprint back.
    -alternate between freestyle and breaststroke - I do this alot because I can't freestyle for longer than a quarter mile without having to take a break or breaststroke and i rather keep moving than rest.
    -emphasize again: work on technique, go on youtube, ask others in the pool with you (this is how i learned the proper breastroke technique and freestyle flip turns, i've never been turned down when I asked someone for help)
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Also I swam for 70 mins today and burned just over 1000 calories. Obviously your calorie burn depends on your weight but it is an awesome workout.
    For example on an average session I burn 600 in an hour training. That's with a coach with drills and sprints and everything!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I will say it.
    Swimming is the single best exercise for cardio and a full body workout.
    It's great for those who want a good burn without stressing the joints.

    If there was one exercise to do, swimming would be it for sure.
    I incorporate swimming into my regular routine mostly in the summer.

    I go full pace for anaerobic muscle training, then slow it down and lap swim for a solid cardio session.
    And depending on your stroke, you can work the whole body.
    LOVE IT!
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    What is also important is what swimming doesn't do.....wreck your joints. It's a great workout. Mentally, it gives you a chance to focus. No phones. No ipods. Just you and the water.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    swimming works out everything! it's one of the fasted and most effective workouts, and burns a butt load of calories

    You only burn a butt load of calories if you are swimming for long periods and without much rest. The after burn from a run makes for a much better workout than the pool...unless you are Michael Phelps of course.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Swimming is great. Makes me feel like I'm weightless and sometimes I like to imagine I'm floating around in outer space when I'm under the water. :bigsmile:

    It's also pretty much impossible to hurt yourself, which is a plus. Unless I suppose you're going all Hulk smash into it... >.>
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    There is a slight issue I found .. swimming in cold water typically starts a massive hunger sensation for me. After swimming a mile I feel like i can eat a horse ... I found one way to stop the cravings is after a swim, sauna or steam room for 15 and then hot tub for 15.

    OH and also these.
    Underwater MP3 player ... HELLS YEAH!

    not sure if this will work but ..

  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    And I almost forgot, if you get tired from swimming and don't want to take a break or even do the breaststroke, then run the length of the pool with your body low so you have to push your arms through the water. do this a couple laps and you'll be tired.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    There is a slight issue I found .. swimming in cold water typically starts a massive hunger sensation for me. After swimming a mile I feel like i can eat a horse ... I found one way to stop the cravings is after a swim, sauna or steam room for 15 and then hot tub for 15.

    OH and also these.
    Underwater MP3 player ... HELLS YEAH!

    not sure if this will work but ..


    omg that is so cool! I want one! And I wish there was a sauna and / or hot tub where I swim. :brokenheart:
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    Thanks so much for all of your input! ok, so i'm hearing lots about "the right stroke". What exactly is the type of stroke that I want to be doing? I'm a beginner but took lessons as a kid :)
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    There is a slight issue I found .. swimming in cold water typically starts a massive hunger sensation for me. After swimming a mile I feel like i can eat a horse ... I found one way to stop the cravings is after a swim, sauna or steam room for 15 and then hot tub for 15.

    OH and also these.
    Underwater MP3 player ... HELLS YEAH!

    not sure if this will work but ..


    omg that is so cool! I want one! And I wish there was a sauna and / or hot tub where I swim. :brokenheart:

    best part about it .. it clips onto your goggles and rests on your temple type area (just in front of your ear and transfers the sound through the bone into thte ear canal .. FREAKING SWEET .. I have a pair and setup my MP3 play list to mimic the tempo of my swimming giving me rest breaks in between fast sets.!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    There is a slight issue I found .. swimming in cold water typically starts a massive hunger sensation for me. After swimming a mile I feel like i can eat a horse ... I found one way to stop the cravings is after a swim, sauna or steam room for 15 and then hot tub for 15.

    OH and also these.
    Underwater MP3 player ... HELLS YEAH!

    not sure if this will work but ..


    omg that is so cool! I want one! And I wish there was a sauna and / or hot tub where I swim. :brokenheart:

    best part about it .. it clips onto your goggles and rests on your temple type area (just in front of your ear and transfers the sound through the bone into thte ear canal .. FREAKING SWEET .. I have a pair and setup my MP3 play list to mimic the tempo of my swimming giving me rest breaks in between fast sets.!

    :love: Totally asking for one of these for my birthday this year.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    There is a slight issue I found .. swimming in cold water typically starts a massive hunger sensation for me. After swimming a mile I feel like i can eat a horse ... I found one way to stop the cravings is after a swim, sauna or steam room for 15 and then hot tub for 15.

    OH and also these.
    Underwater MP3 player ... HELLS YEAH!

    not sure if this will work but ..


    omg that is so cool! I want one! And I wish there was a sauna and / or hot tub where I swim. :brokenheart:

    best part about it .. it clips onto your goggles and rests on your temple type area (just in front of your ear and transfers the sound through the bone into thte ear canal .. FREAKING SWEET .. I have a pair and setup my MP3 play list to mimic the tempo of my swimming giving me rest breaks in between fast sets.!

    :love: Totally asking for one of these for my birthday this year.

    here is it in use:

  • Annafly3
    does anyone know where I could buy a pair of waterproof earplugs for my underwater mp3 player. the mp3 player i got is still fine, just my earplugs are no good anymore... Looking for a store in Canada.
  • finallygettingskinny2013
    Swimming is great for your leg muscles! I love swimming it makes exercise a whole of a lot more fun!