I am new also!! Toronto

Hello. I am fairly new to this site...well at least to USING it. Want to get healthy...for the new year and my life actually. Looking for a better healthier lifestyle for my husband and I.

**Are there any tips?
** I was curious if we are able to list any vitamins, nutritional supplements we may be taking? To possibly keep track of further nutritional info and weight loss target?

Also we are starting this Dr. Poon Diet....well after this week I will transition over to the information I've been reading my Rick Gallop regarding the Glycemic Index Diet. They are very similar....but the book has further information for me to follow.

**Any recent or current followers of the GI diet? And by diet I do not mean a month long diet..I mean a long term/forever change of eating habits.

We've been in a "detox" stage for a week with following this Poon Diet-with no dairy, carbs (other then what is in our veggies naturally) , fruits/sugars. It is a 2 week process. And to be honest...I can say I feel slightly better..I do not know how to describe it 100%: cleaner..like my veins feel lighter?..lol. ..I do not feel like i'm weighted down..I miss the dairy and fruits of course. I look forward to having some dairy but low fat types soon and fruits in moderation.

I'm also surprised I haven't been going crazy craving candies ( my soft spot) last night was the first time. But over all I do not feel the sugar cravings.

My husband lost 12 lbs and I only lost 5 lbs. I understand this is most likely water weight. But any weight is good at this point to get us motivated. =)


  • Larida
    Larida Posts: 3
    I have a sweet tooth and it is satisfied by Stevia (an herb with zero calories). I know you don't yet have Trader Joe's in Toronto, but maybe you go to the states sometimes. They have the best Stevia... none of that obnoxious metallic taste that some have. I use the powder and it just takes a bit to sweeten things. A jar lasts only 7-10 days for me because I use a lot. I recommend only buying the small jars of pure Stevia, rather than the bigger jar where Stevia is mixed with something else to allow you to measure it out just as you would sugar.) And yes, it's expensive, but think of it as equal to the cost of going to a weekly Weight Watchers meeting or to a movie. The great thing about it is that it doesn't create MORE sugar craving like artificial sweeteners (all kinds) do for me.

    I also find that the best way to "cut" the sugary food craving is to have a hot drink like decaf, a grain coffee-substitute, or herbal tea. That way I can enjoy a piece of cake or a cookie and not be overcome by cravings for more.

    My weight-loss goal was 40 pounds and I achieved it in eight months, but am still using this site so I don't start to gain again. My success came from targeting only a pound a week. 1200-calorie diets are too hard for me and unrealistic unless you are a very petite person (I'm quite tall).

    I developed a real taste for vegetables... my "friends" because I could eat huge quantities. (A non-calorie butter substitute or a dollop of tomato paste or salsa helped a lot; also cooking up a big batch so I wouldn't have to face the stove every day. And I kept frozen veggies on hand in case I felt to lazy to do it from scratch.)

    You're brave to go through the sugar withdrawal! I'd say you're set up for success. Good luck. We're all different and what works for me may not be YOUR cup-o-tea.
  • mariawindex
    Wow thanks. Funny thing is I am originally FROM the States Philadelphia but was living in West Palm Beach Florida for the past 5 years and fairly new to Canada. Moved here -which is where my husband is from. So I know Trader Joe's very well from back in Philadelphia... at least they have Whole Foods close by here. phew!! There are a few things that they do not have in Canada I've noticed. But I will make due for now.

    I am trying to get over the emotional eating too because I am "bored"...I am unable to work while I am here (this is temporarily the case) so for the moment I do not mind cooking from scratch...it is the clean up I hate.

    I'm still trying to explore this site some more to figure more things out.

    Thanks for your advice. =)