Eating 1200kcals and exercising everyday for 1 we



  • DON'T GIVE a few people have already mentioned...try to mix things up with your exercise routine. Could it be you're not eating enough if you are execising that much. Try to add another'll get there hang in there girl!!!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    I drink abround 3 litres of water a day, my daily diet is below:

    Breakfast: Bran flakes or Fruit and Fibre with skimmed milk

    Lunch: Heinz big soup (chicken and veg) or tuna and cucumber wholewheat pasta or chicken salad sandwich on wholemeal bread with pack of salt and vinegar french fries

    Dinner: 2 poached eggs on 2 wholemeal toast or salmon salad with new potatoes or chicken stirfry

    snacks: bananass, apples, mixed fruit and nuts (2 off the list)

    I want to lose 50lb which will take me into the ideal weight range, im 5ft 8

    Thanks for your reply

    If you are only eating 1200 cals a day (or even if you're eating more like 1500), you are not eating enough to support your activity. If you exercise, you need to eat more, which is why MFP adjusts your calorie goal when you enter your exercise for the day. MFP still will have you at a deficit and you will still lose. It is part of their calculation. This is not a plain for maintenance, so it is not truly "eating back your calories" as people SO love to call it on here.

    Here's an example:

    You eat 1200 cals (calories in)

    You burn 600 cals (calories out)

    With MFP's program, you would need to eat 1800 to be at the right deficit to lose without stalling your metabolism and making it think you are starving.

    Judging by your average day here, I would say you are nowhere CLOSE to eating enough if you truly work out for 1-2 hours each day. I had to learn this the hard way myself. Bodies get used to living on very little and they will hold on for dear life to what you give them unless they get used to getting sufficient nutrients again. And contrary to what most women believe, 1200 is not enough.

    Good luck!
  • mle_k
    mle_k Posts: 88
    I didn't read through all the replies but it seems like you should be eating more... I have a very similar goal and am about the same height. I was set at -2lbs per week (1200 calories) for several months and I didn't really lose any weight... (about 1-2lbs total). Since the start of the month I increased my calorie goal to 1600 and have reduced the amount of cardio I am doing, I have also added in more strength training... I lost the 5 lbs I gained during the holiday and an additional 5lbs... so based on my experience I would suggest you try (for a month or a couple weeks) increasing your calorie goal and switching up your workout routine! Best of Luck to you!
  • alebalestra
    alebalestra Posts: 25 Member
    Try to eat less carbs. Eat 1200 calories in big bowls of salad (prepare your food at home), add half can of tuna or four slices of ham (140 calories) or one chicken breast (you can put some olive oil at a pan and cook with different spices, like pepper, or blackened power or soja soy...), or half t-bone steak or 4 onzes of salmon... I did this for one year, I saw results since the first week. I stopped to eat carbs, except oatmeal with my breakfast or a potato once a week (it has a lot of potassium with the skin). My doctor told me: do not eat sandwich, bring to your job a tupper with a lot of salad and some protein. I eat at least four times per day... when I start to eat bread, cookies, pasta, rice, I gain weight and my belly is turned bigger! You can see my journal and see what I eat and lose weight.
    Good luck!!
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    It took me 2 months to lose the first 10 lbs, which for some ppl comes right off. most of it was in the second mo. So I'd say just stick to it and make sure you do get enough calories and rest for your exercise regimen. It will happen.
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 5ft 2 and weigh 148 I set mine at 1200 but always eat around 1400-1500 you need to find a balance its easy to say do this do that you just need to experiment.
  • Don't exercise for a week, stick to the same calorie amount, and make sure you get enough fiber. The second week just walk for 30 minutes or do a 20 minute pilates tape.
  • Not enough calories, and too much sodium. If I was you i would add a portion of protein to every meal and as a snack to what you are eating and you will stop dropping. You are drinking a ton of water, but you are still taking in a ton of sodium.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    A couple of things:

    1. Watch your salt. No matter how much water you are drinking, if you take in too much salt, you will hold water.

    2. If you are burning a lot of calories, but not eating enough to sustain that, you will not lose weight. You need to increase your calories just a bit to include some of your burned calories to lose weight. This is because if you burn calories, but not eat back some of them, your body's metabolism will slow down a bit.

    3. You just started the weight loss regime, so I would have thought you would have lost at least five pounds in the first month. Are you measuring your food accurately? How about measuring your exercise? Many times a diet fails because the person is only estimating. Research shows that humans oftentimes 'estimate' too high when it comes to how much we are eating and the amount of exercise we do.

    4. It sounds like you may want to get back to what you looked like a few years ago, before you gained the 50 pounds. That may not be realistic thinking. Which do you want to be - thin or healthy? That is the question. You can weigh a bit more than you were 50 pounds ago and still be healthy by making muscle. When you put on muscle, your metabolism will increase because the muscle needs energy. This means you will burn more calories than you would without the muscle. Muscle is compact, so it will take less space than fat on the body. Unfortunately, it makes it appear that one is not progressing when it comes to losing weight. We need to get over relying on the scale to tell us how we look. Look in the mirror or try on clothing to determine how you are doing.

    5. Try interval training. Hop on a treadmill or exercise bike and go your regular rate. After about five minutes to warm up, ramp it up to as fast as you can go for five minutes. Cool off for five, then repeat the ramping up. This often helps burn more calories than just going at one speed as well as boosts your metabolism.

    6. Vary when you exercise. I exercise in the morning before breakfast and in the afternoon. If you exercise before breakfast, you will burn fat because you have not eaten for at least ten hours. When you exercise in the afternoon, you have all those calories from eating in the morning and for lunch to burn. It does make a difference when you exercise. Additionally, exercising in the morning bumps your metabolism. In the afternoon, the metabolism likes to slow down, so if you exercise, you are bumping it up again.

    7. Did you gain the weight slowly over a period of years or over a short time? Do you have signs of a slow thyroid? (You can look them up online.) You may want to get checked out for a thyroid issue.

    Good Luck.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    I drink abround 3 litres of water a day, my daily diet is below:

    Breakfast: Bran flakes or Fruit and Fibre with skimmed milk

    Lunch: Heinz big soup (chicken and veg) or tuna and cucumber wholewheat pasta or chicken salad sandwich on wholemeal bread with pack of salt and vinegar french fries

    Dinner: 2 poached eggs on 2 wholemeal toast or salmon salad with new potatoes or chicken stirfry

    snacks: bananass, apples, mixed fruit and nuts (2 off the list)

    I want to lose 50lb which will take me into the ideal weight range, im 5ft 8

    Thanks for your reply

    Try adding more fresh veggies and cut our a lot of the starch. May also want to monitor your sugar.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I drink abround 3 litres of water a day, my daily diet is below:

    Breakfast: Bran flakes or Fruit and Fibre with skimmed milk

    Lunch: Heinz big soup (chicken and veg) or tuna and cucumber wholewheat pasta or chicken salad sandwich on wholemeal bread with pack of salt and vinegar french fries

    Dinner: 2 poached eggs on 2 wholemeal toast or salmon salad with new potatoes or chicken stirfry

    snacks: bananass, apples, mixed fruit and nuts (2 off the list)

    I want to lose 50lb which will take me into the ideal weight range, im 5ft 8

    Thanks for your reply

    That is A LOT of carbs and like no protein!!
  • jan5555
    jan5555 Posts: 35 Member
    I was eating 1200 and lost for a little while, then I upped it to 1300 and lost for a little while, then a plateau came again and I upped it to 1400 and lost for a little while, Now I eat between 1400 to 1500 calories and seem to be doing ok with it. It appears to me that you exercise a lot for only 1200 calories and your body needs more fuel. You can't drive a car on an empty tank and your body is the same. If you were doing nothing 1200 would probably be okay but not for what all you do. Just my opinion from experience. Hope this helps.

    Agree. Exactly the same thing happened to me. Not only am I losing more consistently on 1400-1500 (as opposed to 1200), but I finally have energy!
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    if you're exercising that much every day, you should be eating more than 1200 calories a day. Your metabolism is going to get jacked up if you keep going like that. Give it a few days of eating your exercise-gained calories back, in addition to your baseline 1200 calories a day, and see if you don't start dropping some.

    this is absolutely correct! You never want to go below 1200 calories. Eat 1200 plus your excercise calories. Your body is in starvation mode and holding onto everything. You need to eat.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? You definitely should be I think or you're ending up with way too few calories. As others have said changing your calories day to day can help e.g. I work with weekly calories goals so it changes and this seems to help.
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    Try this for a week, no more than 70 of fat, 95 of protien and 40 of carbs daily within your 1200 cals.... gram measurements. this should help kickstart it.... let me know if it works. after a week of this go back to whatever numbers you are hitting at 1200 calories a day.
  • Platnex
    Platnex Posts: 110 Member
    Are you taking any rest days at all? your body NEEDS the recovery.
  • MistyAvitua
    MistyAvitua Posts: 4 Member
    You are putting your body into shock. If you go from not doing alot of exercise and dieting to boom tons. It takes the body time to adjust. It thinks you are using your food faster than normal and it is in the mode where it wants to hold onto it untill it figures out what is going on. To be honest loosing weight is about what you eat and if you are eating 1200 and you work outa nd loose 300 cal then you are functionaing on 900 cals a day. Meaning YOU ARE STARVING yourself. I know this because is did the same thing and felt the same way as you. Start to eat around 1400 cals a day and work out about an hour a day and do it 4-5 days a week. do that for a few months and you will start to see it come off gradually... the faster you loose it the faster y ou will gain it back. Good luck and you can do this just dont be speedy gonzales about it.
  • To much sugar. Cut the milk and fruit (most berries are ok though) and that should help you get that down. Get more protein especially your breakfast. As has been said earlier your NET calorie intake is probably out of whack. I would say lower the exercise though rather then up your food a bunch. I imagine that if you are indeed only eating 1200 and exercising as much as you say you probably feel like complete crap.

    Are you actually measuring your portions or just guessing at it?
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    I know how frustrating is. I screwed up for a week and gained almost 5 lbs. But it's my own fault for eating out! I would monitor your inches also. A trainer once told me that Jillian Michaels weighs 190 lbs, but it's all muscle. So don't focus too much on your weight per se. If you're strength training and toning it could just be muscle. Keep it up!
  • shrtcake1
    shrtcake1 Posts: 1 Member
    I recently was turned on to the site here by my personal trainer.. I think in your situation its worth looking at..
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