Is there anything I CAN eat?!?

My husband is an Ironman triathlete two times over. By comparison, I am a slug. Through calorie counting and exercise I lost 30 pounds over the last 2 years and had gotten where I wanted to be. HOWEVER, over the last couple of months I have put back on about 7 pounds. YIKES!

At 45, I know your metabolism slows down. I asked the hubster the other day for some advice. All I got was, you need to avoid sugar, you need to avoid fruit because it has too much sugar, you need to avoid simple carbs so no more bread, you need to avoid excess sodium so you don't retain water, you need to avoid fat, you need to avoid protein unless its very lean. (NOTE: He works out about 15 hours a week so he does NOT eat this way!)

Is there anything I CAN eat besides lettuce?

On another note, he says that it doesn't matter if you restrict your calories to 1200 per day if they aren't the "right kind" of calories, you'll still put on weight. Is he crazy?!?


  • melidau
    melidau Posts: 13
    carbs -oatmeal (plain) and brown rice
    protein -chicken, fish, anything lean
    sugar should only be from fruit -one serving per day
    add some protein shakes
    peanut butter, almond butter (natural, none that say sugar or any additional oil in it)
    eizekel bread, cereal
    veggies -lettuce doesnt have much in it so swtich to spinach, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, asparagus

    i just signed up but you can check out my diary for the last couple days.
  • melidau
    melidau Posts: 13
    and yes he is right about the 1200 calories.. make sure to check glycemic index of fruit you eat ,, i would suggest apples and any kind of berries..
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 797 Member
    I'll agree with him on the sugar and white bread... since passing thirty I have noticed that those two things make me puff up a bit and they never did before. LOL

    Definitely do not avoid all fat! You don't have to limit yourself to chicken, and you don't have to completely avoid whole grains.

    You're a woman trying to get healthy, and he's a male athlete. In some ways, you are in two different worlds. Seriously. :smile:

    Track your calories. Eat enough to fuel your body properly, probably 1500-1600 is a good place to start.
    Aim for 30g or more of fiber a day, and protein up to 100g.
    Keep your sodium below 2300mg/day.
    Eat lots of veggies, a moderate amount of fruit, some healthy whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats. A lot of people on here try for 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat.
    Exercise regularly and add some weight-bearing exercise to your routine.

    You can do it, and you don't have to make yourself crazy!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    No. He isn't right.

    I ate all kinds of foods, alcohol, Diet soda (OHGODNO) never paid attention to my macros, and only cared about my calorie goal.

    I lost 82 lbs. I'm shockingly healthy.

    You do NOT have to torture yourself through this. You won't keep at it that way.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Well, imo the only thing he actually got right was the sodium thing.

    If you just want to lose fat, get healthier and slimmer, and not get uber uber healthy, keep a calorie deficit, hit your macros, exercise and lift heavy, then eat whatever you want.

    Why cut things out? Why make it harder than it needs to me?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    you don't even HAVE to exercise. I lost the first 50 lbs without doing anything more vigorous than walking my dogs for 15 minutes a day.

    Don't bog yourself down with a million rules.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I hit 25 lbs down today, and I eat almost 200g of carbs per day.

    It is all about calories in/calories out. Period.

    I do not, however, recommend starting at 1200 calories per day. Slowly work down to that. If you are exercising, you need to eat those calories back.

    Please read the following post I wrote for newbies for more information:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    you don't even HAVE to exercise. I lost the first 50 lbs without doing anything more vigorous than walking my dogs for 15 minutes a day.

    Don't bog yourself down with a million rules.

    True, you dont. But, surely you'd want to minimise muscle loss.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    you don't even HAVE to exercise. I lost the first 50 lbs without doing anything more vigorous than walking my dogs for 15 minutes a day.

    Don't bog yourself down with a million rules.

    True, you dont. But, surely you'd want to minimise muscle loss.

    for me, because I had been a dancer and then a kung fu instructor before I gained, I felt like I had a reasonable amount of muscle underneath the fat layer. So I did nothing but cardio. Granted that may not be the most balanced approach, I'll concede:laugh: :wink:
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Check out my diary. I eat pasta (white pasta too GASP), drink wine and beer, eat ice cream and red meat. I lose happily. Stay in your calorie goals and hit your macros. No point being unhappy with your food choices during dieting because you'll become boring (or feel deprive) and binge.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    He's wrong (mostly) about the 1200 calories. Google "twinkie diet" and I you will see what I mean. Very interesting stuff! I say "mostly" wrong because although yes, from a pure calories in calories out standpoint it doesn't matter if you eat 1200 calories of twinkies or 1200 calories of broccoli one will be a lot more filling (and have more nutrition which is important for other reasons). Personally the only way I can stick to 1200 net calories per day is if most of those calories are fruits, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy and lean meat. 1200 calories of that kind of food is a GIANT PILE of food -- plenty to keep you satisfied all day. If I wanted to get my 1200 calories on nothing but Dunkin Donuts double chocolate donuts (a favorite of mine) my total food for the day would be 3 donuts! Would I loose weight if I truly ONLY ate 3 donuts a day -- yes. Is it in any way realistic to stick to that diet -- no, unless you are the twikie diet guy! :smile:

    For some very good ideas about things you can eat take a look at the book "Picture Perfect Weight Loss."
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm almost 40, and eat loads of bread, pasta, pizza and all other kinds of carbs.

    You can eat anything. It's just a matter of the right balance. You might lose weight faster if you cut out a ton of carbs and eat nothing but lettuce, but you'll get burned out and quit. It's better to lose a little bit slower and enjoy the process.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    One Word: Moderation :bigsmile:
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    No. He isn't right.

    I ate all kinds of foods, alcohol, Diet soda (OHGODNO) never paid attention to my macros, and only cared about my calorie goal.

    I lost 82 lbs. I'm shockingly healthy.

    You do NOT have to torture yourself through this. You won't keep at it that way.

    THIS worked for me too
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    He's wrong (mostly) about the 1200 calories. Google "twinkie diet" and I you will see what I mean. Very interesting stuff! I say "mostly" wrong because although yes, from a pure calories in calories out standpoint it doesn't matter if you eat 1200 calories of twinkies or 1200 calories of broccoli one will be a lot more filling (and have more nutrition which is important for other reasons). Personally the only way I can stick to 1200 net calories per day is if most of those calories are fruits, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy and lean meat. 1200 calories of that kind of food is a GIANT PILE of food -- plenty to keep you satisfied all day. If I wanted to get my 1200 calories on nothing but Dunkin Donuts double chocolate donuts (a favorite of mine) my total food for the day would be 3 donuts! Would I loose weight if I truly ONLY ate 3 donuts a day -- yes. Is it in any way realistic to stick to that diet -- no, unless you are the twikie diet guy! :smile:

    For some very good ideas about things you can eat take a look at the book "Picture Perfect Weight Loss."

  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Hmmm. I'm 46 and I've lost 61 pounds doing almost the exact opposite of what he is telling you to do.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    No. He isn't right.

    I ate all kinds of foods, alcohol, Diet soda (OHGODNO) never paid attention to my macros, and only cared about my calorie goal.

    I lost 82 lbs. I'm shockingly healthy.

    You do NOT have to torture yourself through this. You won't keep at it that way.

    Agree with above.

    I am 47, and short, (5'2") - have lost 60 lbs, and almost at my goal weight. About 10 lbs less to lose, and still losing now.

    I eat lots of "bad" stuff. I do not eat 1200 cals a day (actually eat about 1600)

    I eat white flour, white sugar, good and bad carbs - had some dark chocolate peanut MnMs today in fact. :) I eat some processed foods, fast foods, even pizza, regular soda and so forth regularly. Not everyday, but once, twice a week. Mainly because processed foods are low nutrient and high calorie - so I like more bang for my buck. I aim for more nutrient dense choices for most of my eating. But if I need some chocolate, I have some. :)

    I often eat a cup or more of fruit daily with my lunch.

    But I don't avoid any food.

    I do make sure I stay in my calorie goals, I do watch my protein. No real concerned with carbs, sugars , fats.

    I do exercise regularly and hard, but that's because I am working to loose the last bit of bodyfat.

    But before that, I regularly did about 400 cals a day exercise, 6 days a week, and lost weight then also. (cardio and strength training both)

    I currently do strength training with heavy weights three days a week, I also do cardio 3-7 times a week.

    I personally also have a free day, one day a week, so I can eat anything I miss or am craving. Keeps me sain, and keeps me from eatting a half gallon of ice cream in one seating. :)
  • cnhanson
    Try the happy herbivore meal plans. They are vegan (I'm not a vegan but the meals are really really good lol so I eat them anyhow). The meal plans are 1200 calories a day, high in protein, healthy carbs and low in sugar and salt. The lovely thing about vegan food is that it is naturally low calorie so you get to eat a tonne of food for around 1200 calories a day. I've lost ten pounds and haven't been hungry and I have tonnes of energy. I don't even crave meat, and I really like meat! You do have to pay to download the plans but you can choose the price.
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    I agree with the sugar comment... but don't forget to "wear sunscreen".
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If I cut everything out I would be off of this diet and gaining weight again like crazy. I got to my goal weight ONCE in my 10 years of marriage. On a chicken and tuna fish diet.....basically a can of tuna a day, no may and chicken breast. Totally unsustainable.

    Since August I've lost 30 lbs and am working on the last 25!!! I eat Mexican, meat, potatoes, diet soda (GASP), Crystal Light, go out to restaurants and sometimes eat fast food. I need to make this doable and sustainable for me. And so do you!!!

    I've taken the meals I like and made them healthier (mash black beans with a little water instead of refried beans, ground turkey instead of ground beef, more salads and veggies, Bolthouse Farms salad dressing--yogurt based). I drink wine, I've even gone over calories a few times. I just got out of a 2 month plateau and figured out I need to raise my net calories....and it's working.

    Restriction doesn't work long term. This is a journey to being healthier (with weight loss being a great side effect of this) and that needs to be something that can be sustained!!! Good luck finding the balance that's right for you.

    PS....I don't even know what macros are or if I'm hitting them or not!!!