really cheesed off with healthy eating!!

I want a shed load of cadburys and chips!!! agggghhh!!! 3 months of being sensible and yes I have lost 16lb, but I would sell my dog for a bar of fruit and nut right now!!


  • angevee
    angevee Posts: 55 Member
    well then have one. You've been working really hard and a wee bit of chocolate isn't going to kill you. Just don't go silly. If you start denying yourself then you are more likely to fail long term. This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change, and it's a long life ahead without chocolate ;) x
  • Then eat a fruit and nut bar silly! Last week I wanted nachos so bad so I built it into my day. Had a smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and then nachos and beer for dinner! I still lost weight last week.
  • I changed my mind, I wont sell my Dog, I love her too much, but ok well, I would sell my husband.. anyone?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    YES!! Eat the chocolate bar!

    And please, for your own sake... eat more calories per day, especially when you're exercising. You're only giving your body 400-500 calories a day to live on, it's no wonder you're burning out!!

    Take care and good luck with your weight loss.
  • Yknow, I would never lose weight if I went over my calories, I have to stick rigidly to them or I stay static for weeks on end-and I need to be getting into a very glam dress in a couple of weeks, which is verrrrry tight at the mo, so I'm gonna torture myself and think about choc, and not eat it!! but thanks for support-its appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    I have to have my chocolate. I have found that I can be very sensible about it if I portion things out ahead of time. If the candy you like is big and lots of calories take one and cut it into thirds of quarters and place in its own bag. Add to that that you can toss the portions in the freezer and then take out one at a time. I really like good dark cocolate. I get the Ghirradelli squares. I can eat one square and its only 35 calories. Find what works for you. If you deny yourself everything you love it will be too hard over the long run.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    would a handful of trailmix fruit/nut mix work instead, its a bit cleaner than a ready made bar but the same kind of taste?
  • KaySera
    KaySera Posts: 45 Member
    If you want chocolate but are determined not to have it....have you tried Cabury's Highlights or Options, the low cal chocolate drinks? I find them quite handy when my body DEMANDS chocolate.......
  • I have got some, but you know when you chomp into that solid block of gorgeousness? nothing else will do it ...
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    Do you realize that yesterday you gave your body only 366 calories to run EVERYTHING? Breathing, heart, brain, eyes, digestion. That's dangerous. If you were to eat at least your goal and do circuit training with the heaviest weights you can stand, you might not loose as many pounds per week, but the inches would ***fly*** off, truly. You'd almost surely fit into that dress faster that way. Go to some of the 30 Day Shred threads and see before and after pictures. We're talking 4 inches off a waist. My bum is already hard as a rock and I can fit into jeans that I couldn't even get over my hips 9 days ago.
    Heavy weights...
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    And eat the chocolate...