My pet peeve at work is -



  • AmberLee2012
    My pet peeve is when I try to find out the color of the mulch I'm ordering and the rep tells me to drive out to see it. LOL

  • gatecityradio
    negative people...I mean really, it's work so it's already not the most fun thing in the world, so why make it worse.

    back stabbers, we have a few here, and they are usually the negative people.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    People who come into my cube and insist on reading my email or whatever webpage I may have pulled up.
    I think I'll keep one up about some contagious bug, and see if that helps keep them away.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
    people who cancel conference calls 6 minutes after they were supposed to start... this just happened!
  • AshCunn777
    I work at a hospital as a CNA/ ward clerk (a secretarial position) and I am constantly having to answer call lights for the nurses. I don't mind it most the time but if they are sitting there reading, playing on the internet, messing with their phones, etc. Get off your butt and take care of your patients so that I can do my work!
  • MelissaT81
    MelissaT81 Posts: 123 Member
    My co worker who feels the need to chew on ice all day long and thinks she knows everything....she will argue till you're blue in the face. :explode:
  • MelissaT81
    MelissaT81 Posts: 123 Member
    negative people...I mean really, it's work so it's already not the most fun thing in the world, so why make it worse.

    back stabbers, we have a few here, and they are usually the negative people.

    Yes we have a lady who goes around complaining of every ailment in the book or how every day is a Monday...she NEVER has anything nice to say...I avoid her at all costs. And every where you go has backstabbers...people only care about themselves now days.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I work in a surgal chairman's office at a hospital. My coworker is my pet peeve because:

    1. She dresses like a bookkeeper in a factory (khakis and embellished t-shirts) rather than a professional accountant then teels me I dress like a hooker for wearing business clothes (skirt and heels).
    2. She compalins I type too loudly. I suggested that maybe I just type too fast.
    3. She is loosing her hearing so she yells rather than talks.
    4. Her mouth needs a big bar of soap shoved in it.
    5. She gets "food poisoning" more in a month than I've had my entire life.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I enter replacement jobs for defective products, but if I don't know the job needs to be entered it will never get entered and then they end up with pissed off customers. Its not my fault I am not a mind reader.

    And not answering my emails/phone calls when I need the information NOW... not next week.
  • Julianne8104
    Julianne8104 Posts: 22 Member
    People who sit at other people's desk for like 30 minutes to HOURS chit chatting, gossiping, laughing like hyenas... while I'm trying to do my work! ARGH. Really??? Oh... and personal calls that involve loud conversations... No.. I don't want to hear about your pap smear results...
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    People who leave the conference room then stand next to my desk and talk.
    People who open my lunch in the fridge then ask "Who has that ham sandwich? It looks reallk good."
    People who tell you every ailment. Of the 4 women here, one is diabetic, one has diverticulitis, and one is lactose intolerant. I'm tired of hearing what you can't eat. Just say no thank you when it's offered!
    People who send every email with read receipts attached. I don't trust anyone to read their emails so I'm gonna request a receipt. What an insult.

    WOW! Thanks for the vent. Now back to my happy place before I become mired in negativity.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Not me but someone I know, his company has now stopped providing tea bags, milk, and cream. I mean, these are such small things that really help with employee morale, or rather, they certainly lower morale when it's taken away! Sheesh, cheapskates!

    Wow, I've NEVER worked anywhere where you don't have to pay into a kitty for it or take your own.

    Really? I've never worked at an office that didn't provide it. Then again I'm in Canada, maybe it's just become standard up here?
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    corporate speak drives me bonkers. Also, I dislike having lulls in work - it leads to distractions like posing messages about my job on weight-loss forums.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Absolutely NO teamwork.
  • Jamie2007
    Jamie2007 Posts: 169
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    i work with ~a lot~ of people, mostly men, who have little social skills. Many of them find it completely appropriate to do things like clip their toenails in the cube next to me. ~shudder~
  • abrantner
    People who are OCD about stuff...I understand doing everything right, but why make something simple twice as hard?

    You know my boss??
  • audreanna76
    people who e-mail me and call me 5 minutes later to tell me they e-mailed me and go through a long spill about what the e-mail if I can't read the damn e-mail on my own???
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    im a receptionist so one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is whenever someone comes in more than 30 minutes early for an interview. UGH it makes me absolutley furious. Im a fairly friendly person (thats obviously why i work in customer service) but there is nothing i hate more than someone showing up at 11:50 for an interview they arent supposed to be at until 12:30 anyways! "i didnt think traffic would be so easy!"...yeah well i didnt think that you didnt think so stop at a starbucks or sit in your car and jam to the radio for the next at least 20 minutes so you could come in at a decently acceptable time.

    Unless of course they come in and know how to hold a conversation..then i dont mind killing time and meeting someone new. but its the ones that come in and i ask about their trip and i get awkward one word answers!!!

    okay, rant over.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    The fact that 85% of the men here obviously think they work with their mother/wife/girlfriend. They NEVER clean up after themselves.