Any breastfeeding mummies out there?

SkinnyMummy Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support

As the title suggests, I am trying to lose my baby weight but am breastfeeding my 14 week old daughter. Although I have lost some weight I am finding it hard staying on track as I keep being told bf'ing mums shouldn't diet as this can affect milk production. I am going a little over my 1200 calorie limit most days, but am exercing about 3 times per week.

I would love to hear what other mums in the same situation are doing/have done, and whether there was any effect on milk supply.



  • If you are worried about milk supply i would ask your doctor for their opinion. but when i was breastfeeding my 9month old and started working out and dieting i was told to keep hydrated and as long as the feedings didnt stop your milk supply would stay strong. I would say as long as your drinking plenty of water you shouldnt have a problem. Good luck loosing the weight im still trying.
  • hoguewild
    hoguewild Posts: 12
    My girl is 10 months old, and am trying to listen to my body. If I am REALLY hungry one day, I will eat. I would rather gain a pound than jeopardize the milk supply.

    I read somewhere once that you're supposed to eat an extra 300-500 calories/day to sustain a good milk supply (not sure if it's true though).

    We have our entire lives to lose weight, but only a short period to breastfeed.
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