My pet peeve at work is -



  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    People with no volume control. Seriously, you are standing less than 2 feet from my desk. Inside voice!
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    When i say "hi how are you today?"...i'm only being nice...i expect "fine and you"...NOT "Meh...and then bust into a story about why their day is crappy and when they do their laundry and what their husband is up to and their daughter is doing bad in school....blah blah blah.
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    My pet peeve at work is when I pay for my own HEALTHY snacks and some A..hole decides he deserves it more than me and consumes the entire product but still leaves the garbage in my drawer. SERIOUSLY!!

    The same happened to me two days ago. I left half a packet of peanuts on my register and when I came back they were gone. Turns out my manager ate them. I just laughed it off though! If I had been really hungry I guess it would have been different.
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    When i say "hi how are you today?"...i'm only being nice...i expect "fine and you"...NOT "Meh...and then bust into a story about why their day is crappy and when they do their laundry and what their husband is up to and their daughter is doing bad in school....blah blah blah.

    I get that all the time!
    I'm just awkardly standing there not knowing what to say to comfort them.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    My office is right next to the bathroom and I have to hear my boss drop a load at least thrice a day. Also, he's one of those people that refuses to use the spray that I provided specifically for that purpose. I have to go in with my shirt over my nose and spray behind him/turn on the fan.

    I'm not saying mine smells like roses, but I recognize that fact and at least spray for the benefit of my coworkers!

    He also complains to me about my perfume or the smell of my lunches and I just want to yell back that I have to smell his turds morning, noon, and night! UGH.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    My pet peeve at work is when I pay for my own HEALTHY snacks and some A..hole decides he deserves it more than me and consumes the entire product but still leaves the garbage in my drawer. SERIOUSLY!!

    3 little words. Dave's Insanity Sauce.

    This used to happen to me till I boobytrapped some hoummus. The screams were horror film worthy.:laugh:
  • trainorgirl
    Parent neglect their kids teeth!!!! Then the child comes into my dental office with all their teeth bombed out (lots of time the parents come in reeking like cigarettes) money for smoke and booze but not dental work!!!! I know its expensive but its a kid, they cant help it... Then when the parent says "look how much you cost me" and then the kids starts crying because they feel bad!! then they dont tell the parents about any tooth pain because they dont want to get into trouble for costing them money... so they toughen it out till it gets infected or in so much pain that the child is crying and has to come to the dentist!!! it sucks... or when parents give a baby apple juice or any juice in a bottle!! BOTTLE ROT PEOPLE BOTTLE ROT!!!! kids teeth will be decayed as fast as they come in!!!
  • cdevinb
    My boss. period. I want a new one.
    Agreed, my boss is and idiot. Can't stand him, he tells us all on a regular basis that he wishes he wasn't a father or a husband and prays to god that a semi will just run over him sometime :noway: say what?! Also he tells his son (who is in highschool and is gay) that he is going to Hell for it. :mad: This man is awful! ARGH! I feel so bad for his 3 children.
  • ericabrothers
    1. sometimes my boss is a total ****ing moron. sometimes i'm like seriously you are a dr how can you not wrap your head around that?!

    2. stupid parents who don't want to give you all of the childs info. yep i want your kids social and birth certificate so i can go get a credit card and go on a shopping spree becasue i LOVE jail/prison!! :grumble:

    3. parents who assume I am a medical assistant, I am an LPN, I have a state license. Medical assistant and LPN are not the same thing... no offence to Medical assistants but I can actually lose my license and be personally fined if i accidentally screw up.

    4. Obnoxious kids who's parents don't make them mind. I should be able to spank the kids AND the parents for not making them behave.

    the lis could go on and on. why can't people just be pleasent when they come to the doctor?! they seem to forget they are at the receiving end of the needle and the person they are pissing of is on the giving end :bigsmile:
  • JPsFunkyMojo
    OH! I forgot the people who call the second I untransfer the phone. I am seriously curious if these people sit and stare at their clocks and the moment it strikes 9am, they HAVE to call their doctors office.

    Can't you people wait a few minutes and give us time to get settled in for the day?
  • JPsFunkyMojo
    4. Obnoxious kids who's parents don't make them mind. I should be able to spank the kids AND the parents for not making them behave.

    I'm starting to think we work together. If I have to get out of my office more than once to quiet your child down, and have them quit throwing rocks inside the building, then I'm going to question your parenting skills.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    My director who can't stop talking, takes her 20 minutes to give me an answer to a simple question.
  • ericabrothers
    4. Obnoxious kids who's parents don't make them mind. I should be able to spank the kids AND the parents for not making them behave.

    I'm starting to think we work together. If I have to get out of my office more than once to quiet your child down, and have them quit throwing rocks inside the building, then I'm going to question your parenting skills.
    hahaha at least i get to give them shots sometimes :laugh: is it bad that i actually enjoy giving some of the kids shots??

    oh and #5 is my boss is lazy as hell. its like she takes it to a whole new level. we are a small office and she doesn't think she should have to answer the phone unless everyone else is busy, she will leave papers on my desk to give parents (she has to physically walk by the room to make it to my desk?!? WTF!!) sometimes i'm like "should i put you on a vent because breathing must be too much for you at times"
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    My office is right next to the bathroom and I have to hear my boss drop a load at least thrice a day. Also, he's one of those people that refuses to use the spray that I provided specifically for that purpose. I have to go in with my shirt over my nose and spray behind him/turn on the fan.

    I'm right next to the bathroom also and get to hear everyone farting. lol
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    This girl who sits two seats down from me and talks on the phone (personal calls) ALL. DAY. LONG.


    The rest of us make it a point to be plugged in to our ipods/iphones/computers all day, every day so we don't have to listen to her.

    Oh, and if she's not on the phone, she's trying to suck one of us into pointless conversation about people and things we really don't give a crap about.
  • cdevinb
    im a receptionist so one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is whenever someone comes in more than 30 minutes early for an interview. UGH it makes me absolutley furious. Im a fairly friendly person (thats obviously why i work in customer service) but there is nothing i hate more than someone showing up at 11:50 for an interview they arent supposed to be at until 12:30 anyways! "i didnt think traffic would be so easy!"...yeah well i didnt think that you didnt think so stop at a starbucks or sit in your car and jam to the radio for the next at least 20 minutes so you could come in at a decently acceptable time.

    Unless of course they come in and know how to hold a conversation..then i dont mind killing time and meeting someone new. but its the ones that come in and i ask about their trip and i get awkward one word answers!!!

    okay, rant over.
    Ha! We get this in our Vet Clinic all the time! Also the ones that lean all over the reception desk and fill out the application right there after you have just clearly asked the to sit down with the clipboard and do it, awkward! Then they proceed to tell us about all their personal drama......yeah, like we are gonna hire you!
  • Lollliiipopzzzz
    My pet peeve is coworkers with 0 common sense.
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
    When I ask you a question... I want the "made for TV version" answer not the "Extended Special Edition with Play by Play" lecture. GRR !
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    negative people...I mean really, it's work so it's already not the most fun thing in the world, so why make it worse.

    back stabbers, we have a few here, and they are usually the negative people.

    Yes we have a lady who goes around complaining of every ailment in the book or how every day is a Monday...she NEVER has anything nice to say...I avoid her at all costs. And every where you go has backstabbers...people only care about themselves now days.

    And we shall name her....Debbie Downer Wah Wah WAAHHHHH
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    People leaving their dirty dishes in the break room sink and empty yogurt cups/soda cans on the counter. I've even seen people leaving their empty tea cups in the sink with the tea bag still inside. :noway:

    I just don't understand it. Do you think your co workers are your maids?