An easier way to setup goal calories - eating for who you wi



  • gyte
    gyte Posts: 5
    me too i dont feel comfortable eating 1900 cal.. just seems too high i put in very liitle activity at mine, but it still came up as high?! thought i exercise at least 3 times per week...
  • smithmom531
    smithmom531 Posts: 140 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, and I don't want to come across as insensitive at all (because I have suffered with an eating disorder before) but how come people get anorexic? I am so confused because I've been trying to stick to 1300 or thereabouts (give or take lots of ups and downs) to try and lose a few pounds, yet people talk about starvation mode, plateaus and messing up the metabolism all of which stop weight loss.

    People who become anorexic don't eat do they? Did they have to overcome weight gain and slow metabolism and no weight loss, prior to this?

    I am going to try the OP's method, and try to up my intake to 1800, but I have been gaining on less so I can't really see how this is going to work, and my question is always in the back of my mind.

    If your metabolism has been underfed for awhile, it will be lower than it's potential.
    You will likely see a gain if you just jump into a healthy range.
    Try adding a snack of 150-200 cal per day for about a week (Zone or Balance bar before exercise). Then do that again the next week (or increase the size of a couple of meals). Take exercise down to just decent walking for the first two weeks, many days as you like. The the third week add in the last bit of calories, and normal exercise routine again.

    Anorexic is a self-image problem first usually, with desired weight loss the solution. Some may never have actually been overweight. But they desire weight loss or thin look, eventually get to the point they don't eat, but it usually starts out lack of required calories, BMR slows down, they still feel they look fat and weight loss stopped, eat less, BMR goes down, muscle is catabolized for energy, weight loss stops again, constant spiral down until it feels like since weight loss stopped and only eating very few calories, last solution must be to stop.

    This exact situation can be obtained by eating below BMR, and exercising so much to burn up all calories you eat, not eating your exercise calories in essence. The BMR will slow down, and same possible effects if kept up.
    When you hear comments of ones barely able to eat 1000 calories a day, and they exercise 6 days a week for an hour, they have most likely killed their metabolism, and it won't take long to see the sad consequences.
    Your body needs fuel, just to be in a coma or sleeping (that is BMR), and if not provided, down it goes.

    Plateau's are coming up to the same phenomena usually, at least by those honestly not over eating, but rather undereating, for their current weight and level of activity. You can easily go the same direction, starving yourself when you have 50 lbs to lose, and not losing anymore. Anything eaten over the limit is weight gain because system is so unhealthy.

    The other plateau effect is when near the goal weight, and can't drop the last 5 lbs, and you've been eating at a healthy level based on the estimates. At that point, the estimates are probably off, and you decide if food or exercise was too much, and which way to go. Or you find out you've got more muscle than ever imagined, and decide 5 lbs of lean muscle is great!
  • SynicalEnvee
    Hm this looks interesting. I'll give it a try!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Bales! (haha)

    I would like to try this, but have one question: i know part of the point of this is to not get sidetracked by entering calories burned everyday, etc., but sometimes the motivation for me to exercise is to know that if I get in a great workout, I am making room for a splurge if I need one (i.e. a birthday dinner, or wedding buffet)

    Using this method of tracking, I would have more calories to eat each day, but maybe not enough on one specific day...

    Is it still possible to "borrow" calories from the day before or after and still lose weight with this method? For example, if my daily calorie goal was set at 2000, but I knew I wanted to have 2500 available one Sunday (think Superbowl! :tongue: ) could I eat 1500 the day before?

    I'm sorry if you have already answered this. There are almost 9 pages of posts here!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    By the way...

    Has anyone thought about creating a group for this method? It would be interesting to be able to check in with others who are having success.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Age: 32
    CW: 170
    GW: 130

    MFP calculates my BMR at 1447 and the other one you recommend calculates it at 1523. This makes me think even at 1500 net, I'm below my BMR and that's the problem.

    I have a FitBit and looked at my activity graph for the past month, which averages as follows per day:
    Lightly Active: 5hrs
    Fairly Active: 2hrs
    Very Active: 1hrs
    Leaving 16hrs/day as Resting.

    I would translate this into the other activity categories as follows:
    Resting: 10hrs (8 sleeping and 1-2 sitting, watching tv, etc.)
    Very Light: 7hrs
    Light: 6hrs
    Moderate: 1hrs
    Heavy: 0hrs
    It doesn't seem to make a huge difference when I change around the Very Light and Light distribution.

    This leaves me with BMR (1523) + Activity (1047) = 2570cals/day for maintainance of future me at current activity level. That seems like a HUGE amount of calories but your methodology seems logical and the math is right there.

    Should I really be eating more like 2500cals/day? Never netting under ~1550?

    Well, see, you were basically doing this anyway, or at least just made the adjustment lately to do so.

    BTW, your height must be 5'1" (I backed into it), and you used your current weight 170 in figures above, not goal weight, to get your BMR and maintenance.

    But your way of doing it is interesting, tying in the FitBit levels. I would tend to think you might have some time of Heavy, that FitBit just can't tell is that extreme since it doesn't know HR. Then again, perhaps you don't.

    So using your goal weight of 130 and level of activity, I get BMR of 1351 and maintenance of 2280 for current level of activity, if you plan on keeping that up.
    Almost 300 cal under your current weight maintenance estimate.
    Throw in the fact your exercise will likely be underestimated by those levels, and you may throw in an extra workout of 30 min you don't need account for, you'll be eating down close to current BMR levels, with about the biggest but safest deficit you could squeeze in there.

    I would be careful of the 6hrs day tagged as Light level, constant walking. Perhaps your work is on your feet, in which case right on.

    But that does sound realistic if you like the system.

    For the future, only need to change activity levels if any major permanent changes to the daily routine. Broke leg, on back 22 hrs day for instance. Extreme example, and never may that happen!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Age: 32
    CW: 170
    GW: 130

    MFP calculates my BMR at 1447 and the other one you recommend calculates it at 1523. This makes me think even at 1500 net, I'm below my BMR and that's the problem.

    I have a FitBit and looked at my activity graph for the past month, which averages as follows per day:
    Lightly Active: 5hrs
    Fairly Active: 2hrs
    Very Active: 1hrs
    Leaving 16hrs/day as Resting.

    I would translate this into the other activity categories as follows:
    Resting: 10hrs (8 sleeping and 1-2 sitting, watching tv, etc.)
    Very Light: 7hrs
    Light: 6hrs
    Moderate: 1hrs
    Heavy: 0hrs
    It doesn't seem to make a huge difference when I change around the Very Light and Light distribution.

    This leaves me with BMR (1523) + Activity (1047) = 2570cals/day for maintainance of future me at current activity level. That seems like a HUGE amount of calories but your methodology seems logical and the math is right there.

    Should I really be eating more like 2500cals/day? Never netting under ~1550?

    Well, see, you were basically doing this anyway, or at least just made the adjustment lately to do so.

    BTW, your height must be 5'1" (I backed into it), and you used your current weight 170 in figures above, not goal weight, to get your BMR and maintenance.

    But your way of doing it is interesting, tying in the FitBit levels. I would tend to think you might have some time of Heavy, that FitBit just can't tell is that extreme since it doesn't know HR. Then again, perhaps you don't.

    So using your goal weight of 130 and level of activity, I get BMR of 1351 and maintenance of 2280 for current level of activity, if you plan on keeping that up.
    Almost 300 cal under your current weight maintenance estimate.
    Throw in the fact your exercise will likely be underestimated by those levels, and you may throw in an extra workout of 30 min you don't need account for, you'll be eating down close to current BMR levels, with about the biggest but safest deficit you could squeeze in there.

    I would be careful of the 6hrs day tagged as Light level, constant walking. Perhaps your work is on your feet, in which case right on.

    But that does sound realistic if you like the system.

    For the future, only need to change activity levels if any major permanent changes to the daily routine. Broke leg, on back 22 hrs day for instance. Extreme example, and never may that happen!
  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    Can someone help me?
    age 53
    cw 170
    goal weight 140
    9 resting
    13 very light
    2 light
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I would like to try this, but have one question: i know part of the point of this is to not get sidetracked by entering calories burned everyday, etc., but sometimes the motivation for me to exercise is to know that if I get in a great workout, I am making room for a splurge if I need one (i.e. a birthday dinner, or wedding buffet)

    Using this method of tracking, I would have more calories to eat each day, but maybe not enough on one specific day...

    Is it still possible to "borrow" calories from the day before or after and still lose weight with this method? For example, if my daily calorie goal was set at 2000, but I knew I wanted to have 2500 available one Sunday (think Superbowl! :tongue: ) could I eat 1500 the day before?

    Good point, and since the whole idea is to spread out the calories (automatically providing a calorie cycling that many find useful because of exercise deficits on some days) so there is balance, the idea of eating back one day and going over the next, or even splurging and making it up the next, would be no problem. Just one day.
    Or even the favorite, you do a longer workout on Sunday to make up for the Saturday night. Of course, that method wouldn't show up in the Diary, unless you recorded that extra special exercise and the calories along with it, giving a credit the next day to match the overage the previous day. That too would show up looking at the monthly results or such.

    As to the group, I'll have to see how to do that, and would need a name. As the Topic title points out - I didn't think about length enough. it was supposed to be "... eating for who you will become"
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Thanks Heybales!
  • submissivelyserving
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I am terrified of doing this!! I want to, but Im scared its goin to set me way way back:frown:
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Bump :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Here's my stats if anyone wants to help me:

    Age: 23
    CW: 285
    GW: 200
    Height: 5'4"
    Activity: 8-9hrs resting, 12-14 very light, 1-2 light, 1-2 moderate, 0 heavy. ((depends on the day))

    Well, the difficulty will be taking "depends on the day", to a normal daily avg.

    Do you really work out 1 hr a day at Moderate - Walking 3.5 to 4 mph, weeding and hoeing, carrying a load, cycling, skiing, tennis, dancing, weight training including rest between sets?

    This method does make it easier to follow on constant basis, but it does require a little homework up front.

    Easiest to place the hrs for everyday things, like sleep.
    But if you work 5 days a week, but sit watching TV a good 6hrs on Sat and Sun, that must be avg out. Big difference between Resting and Light Activity.

    For your above estimate of activity, which really doesn't sound like avg, I show 2564, which does seem high, but 200 lbs is a high BMR of 1709 anyway. And I think that activity level sounds high.

    And actually, at this weight, for the formula that calculates BMR, there is still some inaccuracy that far out from the healthy weights it is based on.
    Now, if you plan on being a weight lifter at that weight, that would be understandable, you can go into that formula and change height to bodyfat %, and get a more accurate estimate.

    But you need to take your normal weekly routine each day, add it all up for the whole week, and divide by 7.

    You can only get out of this effort what you put in. Incorrect in, incorrect out.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    bump! been fighting with 2lbs for the past month...haven't been exercising as much and currently frustrated.
  • lovelee79
    Can someone confirm mine ?
    LOL I just wrapped my mind around MFP, and now trying to figure this out...seems like a lot of calories to me.
    MFP says I should eat 1200,(at sedentary), but I feel that is too low and I'm starving!! So I bumped it up to 1400 which is better, although I usually go over 1400 each day anyways.

    33 years old, (CW 169)
    GW 145
    5'7" (67 in.)
    8 resting, 14 very light, 2 light
    1439 BMR 600 Activity = 2039 calories per day ??? This is what I should eat now as if I am at my future goal weight of 145 lbs?

    Thanks !! :)