


  • Ive gotten gawesome results so far. Im on week 9 and have lost 9 pounds and gained alot of muscle. My before picture to now is a huge improvement. Its different from the first p90x because the first month you are just focusing on balance and core strength. Im on the 2nd month now and its alot more similar to the first p90x. I highly recommend you try it out.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Ive gotten gawesome results so far. Im on week 9 and have lost 9 pounds and gained alot of muscle. My before picture to now is a huge improvement. Its different from the first p90x because the first month you are just focusing on balance and core strength. Im on the 2nd month now and its alot more similar to the first p90x. I highly recommend you try it out.

    Awesome thanks!
  • vaugdds
    vaugdds Posts: 6 Member
    I go to a group P90X class offered through our local parks and Rec department.three times a week. According to my HR monitor watch I am burning 700 Calories each 1 hr class.