Anyone with Thyroid disease?



  • Once your levels are figured out you will begin to feel better. How often do they check your levels? Just curious.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Once your levels are figured out you will begin to feel better. How often do they check your levels? Just curious.

    I am tested every 6-8 weeks (because I am losing weight and effects the med dosing). But I have heard that once your levels even out they can go as long as every 6 months.

    I was on 125 mcg Synthroid.
    Now on 115 mcg Synthroid.
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    My 6 yr old daughter was just diagnosed this year with Grave's and Hashimoto's. The meds were giving her terrible joint pain and swelling at first but with adjustments it seems to be getting better. It scares me to death!

    So sorry to hear about your daughter. That is so young to have to deal with thyroid issues. I wish you all the best.
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    Once your levels are figured out you will begin to feel better. How often do they check your levels? Just curious.

    I am tested every 6-8 weeks (because I am losing weight and effects the med dosing). But I have heard that once your levels even out they can go as long as every 6 months.

    I was on 125 mcg Synthroid.
    Now on 115 mcg Synthroid.

    I get tested about every 3-6 months. I am currently on 175 mcg Synthroid. I still feel so sluggish,and my hair and nails are pathetic. I just hate it. I am 5'9" and used to be a size 4, and now I am just so fat!!!!
  • Hypothyroid here to, taking synthroid. I have managed to drop a lot of weight. I refused to be told that I couldn't do it with a dying thyroid.
  • Hmmmm,

    I have been reading all of these posts as I also have an under active thyroid. I am on synthroid .137mg and have been for many many years now. At first when my doctor diagnosed it, I was getting checked every 8 weeks or so but now I only get checked whenever my prescription runs out. I am given a prescription for 90 days with 3 refills each time. I am only checked once a year.

    I feel fine and definitely know that these pills are doing something right because I can get out of bed when the alarm goes off now and I am no longer freezing anymore..... Lol

    As far as my weight goes, I don't think that these pills will help with weight loss. I still have to put in the time in exercise and eat properly. I used to blame my weight gain on my thyroid but the more I look at what I put into my mouth and how little I did as far as physical activity goes, I am surprised that I wasn't heavier than I was at my highest weight.

    After being diagnosed and on my current dosage for over 10 years now, my only problem is remembering to take that pill each day. Hehe
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Thyroid makes it easier to gain, but not really harder to lose for most people. I was on an inadaquate replacement dose and still managed to lose weight, and upping the dose has not sped up my weight loss at all, except for the fact that I feel so much better I don't spend as much time laying on the couch.
  • Seems like we're a pretty common bunch. I was diagnosed 3 months ago as hypo and have a long family history of it. I've managed to get my levels right but also have just been told I also have adrenal hormone issues. So I want to sleep at random times of the day - not at night when I want to. Makes it very difficult to exercise when you feel like sleeping...
  • Yes! I was diagnosed with Graves disease about 7 years ago. I have steadily gained weight ever since. I then had radioactive iodine therapy and became hypo.
  • bankjm
    bankjm Posts: 24 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2009. I went on tapazole and went into remission in November 2010. I went hyper again in February 2011 and have tried to forget I had it, hoping it would go back into remission. I tried acupuncture and even consulted a natural remedy solution from the web. I have a appt with a new endocrine doctor in a week and Im really afraid of all 3 options. I can tell you that the only weight I've lost was from watching. It doesn't fall off like you read about it happening. I'm interested in finding out what the pros and cons are to all 3 options. I would appreciate your feedback as it doesn't look like the Pittsburgh graves group meets anymore.
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 230 Member
    I was diagnosed with Graves Disease 12 years ago had the radioactive iodine treatment been up and down with my weight and still get checked every 4 months. However I feel great now I've been on the same dose of synthroid for about 4 yrs now. I used to exercise regularly but in the last couple of years been working insane hours and put on some weight. Now I'm back on track to lose it. If any of you need some help or motivation feel free to friend me. Good luck to everyone out there.
  • bankjm
    bankjm Posts: 24 Member
    Has anyone ever tried a Reiki healer? I went to one a few days ago and it was amazing.
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 93 Member
    I was diagnosed hypo about 10 years ago. Every time they got my levels good it would slow right back down! I am now on 300 of St throne and seem to be managing well on that. But in the process I put the 50lbs I lost after my daughter was born back on and then added another 40 on top of that :( I am now turning that around and lost 15lbs before joining mfp and am determined to keep going down. Any one wanting to share motivation and encouragement Please add me!
  • AllensWife1111
    AllensWife1111 Posts: 4 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. I ditched Levothyroxine and started Armour Thyroid and it has done way better. Also, have your T3 as well as T4 levels checked. Check out

    Meanwhile, I am gonna add you guys for more support!
  • Hi, I'm hypothyroid and eat clean, soy free, grain free and wheat/gluten helps a lot. It took a long time to figure it out, but once I started eating like that the weight started melting off along with better sleep quality and regular exercise. I lost over 50 pounds now with 20 to go. Dr Mercola really promotes Palea Diets for people with thyroid issues.
  • I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease (hypothyroidism). I was told just last week and have been watching what I eat and exercising like crazy (daily). So far, it's taken me 4-5 months to only lose 9 pounds. I just can't imagine how much weight I would have gained had I not made a lifestyle change. At this point, I'm happy just to maintain, but it takes so much work when my thyroid isn't working like it should. I try not to get discouraged. My teenage daughter goes to the gym with me. We motivate each other to go work out, even when I feel terrible. I've heard that this disease affects the joints, so I especially try to keep moving so that I don't get stiff. My best advice, never give up.
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    Gaining weight actually helped me get diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. I put on about 60lbs in 2005 seemingly out of nowhere. I decided to see an Endocrinologist to check my thyroid because my family has a history of thyroid issues on my mom's side. Most of them are hypo, but my grandpa and great aunt were hyper--he lost weight and was very antsy and she actually gained weight. Most people think that if you have Graves or Hyperthyroidism that your metabolism will be so fast that you will lose weight and they worry about your heart breaking down, too. But I think some people are so hungry all the time that they gain cause your body is in overdrive.

    Anyway, a nodule was found in my thyroid and I had a biopsy in the beginning of 2006 and it was Papillary Thyroid Cancer. I also had Hashimoto's. So even though my TSH was in a fairly normal range when I gained, I still gained a lot and I believe that the numbers don't always tell the whole story. Even when adjusting your meds, some people will keep complaining that they are tired and get told that the numbers are normal. The synthetic hormone I don't think is the same so it should be adjusted based on individuals and how they feel. But yeah, I thought the weight would fall off me after surgery and RAI and there was no such luck even though my medication technically has me on the high or hyper thyroid end of the scale in order to not stimulate possible Cancer cells.
  • paledi
    paledi Posts: 56 Member
    I have Hashimotos. Diagnosed 3 years ago. It still isn't managed well because my body doesn't convert synthroid (t4) into t3. Recently added cytomel and things are looking a lot better! My weight loss is slower but that's healthier anyway right?
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    hypothyroid here... If I go over my calories at all or if I don't exercise, I gain. I want to see a new doc because I don't really like the one I am seeing. I would love to have some more friends with the same issues, so feel free to add me. We can do this!!!