Anyone with Thyroid disease?



  • mackenzierain
    mackenzierain Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease about 2 years ago and just finished my 18 months of meds in December....finding that i have to work 2x as hard to lose the weight, it can get very frustrating at times....
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid when I was 9 years old, so I feel ya. I take levoxythrine daily. I get my levels checked regularly, but I know it's been hard to ever be thin through my life with the disease. As long as you get checked regularly, and also exericise and eat a healthy diet, it should help. I'll support you!
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (hypo) about 2 years ago. I made my goal weight with Weight Watchers and did great and then all of a sudden I was so drained and wanting to pass out in a corner, any corner. While my (now former) idiot doctor tried to figure out what the heck was wrong with me and putting me through all sorts of tests that he could not even read, I gained about 25 pounds. He put me on the lowest dose of Synthroid possible because he didn't have a clue. Needless to say, I now go to an endocrinologist and my thyroid is regulated just fine. It took a while. I am finding weight loss a little more difficult than before but not impossible.
  • Cuuuhsandra
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was 8, and I've always had bad eating habits until I started changing my lifestyle, so I've put on the pounds like nobody's business all my life.
    Just recently, my health insurance got cancelled OUT OF NO WHERE. I'm 19, and it was supposed to go until I'm 25, so this is a big problem for me. I didn't get to see my endocrinologist this year, and since I'm losing weight I was actually kind of excited to see her (she's always a ***** to me about losing weight)
    I'm on levothyroxin, I don't technically know how it's working for me right now (my thyroid levels have always been up and down) since I haven't been to the doctor in over a year, but I don't feel like it's working as well as it should :(
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Yep me too - 1st diagnosed with Graves Disease in 2005, reoccurence 2008 and 2011 - currently taking Carbimazole ( to suppress thyroid function) 10 mg alternate days -avoiding my endocrinologist, who wants me to take radioactve iodine - cousin (same age as me = 53yr) has done that and not too inpressed with the results. This week is the first time this year I have been able to exercise at the gym (for 50 mins) and my HR only reached 155 (used to get to >185 after 10 mins!). So far this site is encouraging me to exercise daily.
  • Meseebee
    Meseebee Posts: 3 Member
    Seems like there are a lot of people on here who are Hypo. I myself have Graves' disease and in Oct had a total thyroidectomy. I am still somewhat hyper according to my doc but I feel more like the hypo symptoms. I sometimes get frustrated talking to other people who don't have Graves' because their symptoms are so different. It is nice to hear (I guess) that everyone else who posted here who has Graves' has gone through exactly what I went through. I gained weight once I got medicated on Tapozole, I struggled with my original doctor (who thought it was odd that I started gaining weight on the meds), I struggled with treatment options, and I still struggle with losing the weight I gained.

    Does anyone know of a group for people with Graves' disease specifically? Also, any thoughts on what to do when you struggle with being hungry again? This past week has reminded me of the times I was freshly diagnosed and still feeling hungry. I did a little better today, but overall I have blown my calorie goals every day over the past 5-7 days.
  • aulove
    aulove Posts: 34
    Another hypo here. I was diagnosed 15 years ago during my senior year in college. I always had been a size 4-6, but seemingly overnight I gained an abnormal amount of weight. During winter break of my senior year, my mother was quite shocked and demanded I see my doctor.

    Right now I'm on 150 mcg Synthroid, which seems to working great for me finally. Thought I must admit, there are days I simply forget to take it---even after 15 years! And boy can I tell a difference by the end of the day. I tried Levo, but I just felt the generic did not have the same effect on me. For 15 years, I saw my weight slowly creep higher and higher. Honestly, after reading and hearing for years that weight loss is so difficult, if not near impossible, for hypos, I think I just sort of gave up trying to lose. I became less active, eating more junk.

    I had some success with Weight Watchers last year. I had no intention of joining until two coworkers approached me to join them last January. I lost 40 lbs last year, and I'm back at the weight I was 10 years ago. After two 12 week sessions, I decided to try the WW philosophy on my own to save $$, but I hit a plateau. So here I am. Truthfully, I'm so scared my weight will start creeping back up.

    Good luck to all of you going through similar experiences.
  • niknanette
    I was just diagnosed hypothyroid in November, after gaining over 10 pounds in a month and feeling like crap, losing tons of hair, tired all the time, horrible body aches, etc. My doctor put me on Synthroid and after a month my levels were fine but I still felt awful so I asked to switch to Armour. Walgreens actually substitutes Acella NP thyroid instead, but I love it! It works a million times better than synthroid. My TSH is actually a little higher on it but my symptoms are gone.

    Once I felt better it was much easier to exercise everyday and now the weight is finally falling off. I almost have all the weight lost that I gained due to my thyroid, now I have 25 more pounds of baby weight to lose (baby is almost 6 months) and another 10 on top of that would be good. I can't wait to feel normal again!
  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    what is thyroid eye disease? have not heard about that one yet, but I learn about new diagnosis' every time I head to the doc. I am hypo-thyroid 15 years now, and going on 3rd year of dry eye macular degeneration of the right eye, plus a slew of other medical health issues.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    My 19 year old was just to a wallgreens clinic and the dr there said she thinks my daughter has hyper thyroid. Can she really tell that by looking at her neck? She told me to get it checked by her pcp . From what I'm hearing here it makes sense she's put a lot of weight on too.
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    My 19 year old was just to a wallgreens clinic and the dr there said she thinks my daughter has hyper thyroid. Can she really tell that by looking at her neck? She told me to get it checked by her pcp . From what I'm hearing here it makes sense she's put a lot of weight on too.

    If she has a visible lump in the front of her neck, called a Goiter, then that could be why the Dr. said something. It's a swelling of thyroid tissue for many different reasons.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Well I hope she's wrong . My 19 year old already has a lot on her plate to deal with. Thx for the info.
  • mwillis8002
    mwillis8002 Posts: 70 Member
    HI! Hypo here, I just had my TSH checked when I went in for fertility treatment and my DR. put me on synthroid. After 4 wks my levels went down but now I'm going to my regular dr. Any questions I should ask her?
  • chiefmd
    Fertility can be due to other things in addition to low TSH. Definately ask your doctor what other problems can cause both symptoms.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I've gone from one end to the other through the years. I have to say diet and exercise are probably the best things to keep it under control! Especially types of foods eaten!
  • MrsWinks
    Hi I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism after my first son was born, and have tried 3 different medications to get it stable and am now back on Synthroid. I went to an endocrinologist because it was so low (my blood work showed that it was 28, and normal is 2-4) and the endocrinologist diagnosed me with Hashimotos AND PolyCystic Ovarian disease which means my metabolism is pretty much negative and I gain weight from just looking at food.

    I completely understand the frustrations of doing what you're supposed to, and not getting the results you're supposed to. I've never read it, but someone out there wrote a book called "The thyroid diet" and it has things that we're supposed to avoid and things we're supposed to eat an abundance of. My mom bought me a copy and I forgot to take it with me when we moved and things like that get forgotten when you're moving overseas.

    My biggest problem is energy. I have none. I have 2 kids ages 3 and 1, I am a stay at home mom, I am an internet student, i don't feel like I am to busy and there is no way I should feel this tired. Its not even just tired, its just a pure state of exhaustion. The only way I can describe it is the first few months of being pregnant when all I wanted to do was sleep because my body was building another human being and it was physically exhausted. I feel that way all the time now. I can't live on energy drinks, its not healthy for me or my budget. Exercising is supposed to give me energy but it takes the little energy that I have, but I do it because its the only way that I can lose weight and it seems that I have to do 4 times the work out to get the results I used to, I know that our metabolism slows down as we age, but I'm only 26, I don't know how much slower this can get.

    Thanks for letting me vent. My husband doesn't understand. When he has a PT test, he just has to drink water before each meal so he eats less and eat more fruit and he'll drop 10 pounds in a week, its disgusting.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
  • ninainMA
    ninainMA Posts: 10 Member
    Average doctors don't seem to know enough about thyroid disease other than the numbers. Even some endocrinologists. They have a set range of numbers that everyone is supposed to fit in and when you don't feel better then they don't know what's wrong with you. Must be.. weight gain must be menopause, achey bones must be arthritis, fatigue must be you are not getting enough sleep, etc, other words, your getting older (my personal favorite answer)! .I've heard it all. I had surgery and partial thyroidectomy for a nodule which was luckily benign and since then have been riding the roller coaster for that dream concoction of meds....did okay at first but started having similar symptoms I had before diagnosis.
    Finally had to ask my MD to put me on a higher dose of Synthroid to see how I felt and good thing she said yes. Otherwise, I'd have gone to another MD...and since then, so far, so good. Higher dose for me is working...
    Yes there are diets out there for thyroid control and optimizing it's action, I am not a very good patient and hate to take meds, however, the list of foods to avoid was too long and I just couldn't do it have to make that choice for yourself.
    Good luck, I hope you find your answers....
  • JThomas61
    Hi, I am hypothyroid and taking snythroid daily. I have lost 75 pounds through diet and exercise. Feel free to add me.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    i have hypothyroidism. i was diagosed maybe 5 years ago? i haven't gone through treatment though. i am not the kind of person who can take 4 different pills at different times every day =\