New Moms!!!

I'm new to myfitnesspal & also a new mom. My daughter was born January 2nd, 2012 & during my pregnancy I put on 55lbs to my originally 120lb body... Not pretty at all. I have lost about 40lbs of that since giving birth but now I'm stuck, with a big flabby belly & huge legs. I haven't gotten cleared yet to start working out so eating healthy is the only thing I can do for now. Any moms in my boat that have any tips??


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 841 Member
    I'm kind of past there - my youngest is four now - but the best things you can do right now are breastfeed, drink water, eat clean, and go for walks with your baby.

    Don't lift anything heavier than your baby for now, and wait a while before doing ab work especially if you have any split in your lower abs... I can't remember the timeline for that anymore, though. :/
  • tiffanyneedstolose
    Same boat as you. I had my baby gril christmas day and I gained 60 lbs and lost 30 already but im trying to lose another 60.
  • aileenreyes
    Do not rush it. Take it easy. It took you nine months to gain the weight.. It it will at least take a year to take it off. I weighed 175 pounds with my second baby. It has been over a year I just lost all the weight. If your breastfeeding you need to eat.