1.5 weeks & have not lost any weight.. Advice/ Thoughts?

I started w/MFP (eating 1330 calories) almost 2 weeks ago. 1 week ago (last Thursday) I started with a personal trainer doing 30 min of light weight lifting 2 x per week to help with toning. In addition to the twice weekly weights, I have been doing at least 45 min cardio M-F.

I know it hasn't been very long since starting, but I weighed myself tonight hoping to see at least a pound loss and I was about the same weight as my weigh in with the PT last Monday. :(

I'm trying not to get discouraged and will keep this up since it is a lifestyle change, but I can't help but be a little concerned. Am I doing something wrong? Does it take a while for some people to start losing weight?

As an idea- I am 5'7, 172lbs, and hoping to get down to 145 by July.


  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    i'd give it at LEAST a month. It takes your body that long to adjust to changes. I'm guessing the new routine of eating low calories and exercising regularly is a big change right? Your metabolism needs time to get the new game to help you lose weight. The best thing I've ever been told is "you didn't gain the weight in a month why would it all come off in a month?" in other words... I gained mine slowly over ten years! I imagine it'll take awhile to take it off the healthy way! Oh, and MAKE SURE YOU'RE MEASURING!! Last week for example I gained a pound and half but LOST an inch and a half over all! Try not to step on the scale too much and make sure it's the same time of the week.
  • area55
    area55 Posts: 16
    you may be losing fat and gaining muscle. How do your cloths feel? Dont give up !
  • mrskatiee
    Definitely give it a full on month. Make sure you drink lots of water too.
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    It's probably going to be a slower loss for you, just because you're already smaller - the dramatic drops seem to be for people who have a lot of extra weight to go. Generalising here...

    Definitely don't be discouraged this early on! I lost a kilo in the first week, only to gain it back again the next week (thats about 3lbs I think)...but I know I'm eating better, exercising better and I feel great so the scale is not ruling my moods! Don't rely only on the scale, start measuring - that's how I know I have lost size in my thighs, my bust, my waist, even my arms. I do mine weekly with a measuring tape, people on here have recommended calipers as well. Scales are good, but they're not perfectly accurate or infallible. Also, it doesn't sound like you're doing this but just in case - don't weigh or measure every day, choose one set day a week to do all this. Because the minor daily fluctuations can affect you so much that it lessens the impact of the weekly changes.

    Also, with the 1330 cals, did you calculate your BMR and get this, or is it an MFP setting? Best to make sure you're not eating below your BMR ever, or you;re just hurting yourself in the long run.

    Long story short - don't expect overnight results like on reality TV, even the people who've been on those shows admit it's not a sustainable way of life. Don't tie your feelings and sense of worth to a number on the scale, because it's not a perfect measurement. Definitely think about taking bodily measurements- and take some weekly progress photos too. That way when you do get down to your goal you can put up a success story post with photos and get cheered on by the community here!
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Thank you everyone for your motivation. I will definitely give it a little longer, you're right- I didn't gain it all in 1 month so I can't expect to lose it that fast (in my case, I gained 15 lbs in 5 months).

    I am going to check up on my BMR and how it compares to the 1330 cals that MFP gave me. I have not yet looked into that. In addition, think I'll weigh myself in the mornings instead of at night. Don't know what I was thinking weighing myself after working out at night! I'm trying my best not to tie my success to a number, but its sooo hard waiting to feel a difference in the jeans. However, i will stick to it with the help and support from all of you!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well first off I doubt you're gaining muscle if in a calorie deficit. What is happening is that you're new to lifting --and your muscles are retaining water. This is normal. Try not to weigh in the day after lifting as you'll see these newbie gains.

    Good luck!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    give this website a try- it's the one I trust to me how many calories I should be taking in and what my macronutrients should be set to: http://www.dietitian.com/calcbody.php
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Lozze- wow thats something I never knew about!!! Thanks for sharing that.

    Starlage- I am going straight to that after I hit this "post reply". :) Thanks.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You arent eating enough.


    Go to this website and do the body fat calc then the BMR tool.
    Eat exactly what the BMR tool tells you and never eat below BMR.
    Set protein to 30% carbs to 40% fats to 30% and the body fat will melt off leaving lean mass intact.

    PM me if you need help with this.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I hear ya, I posted over a week ago my discouragement. I am 5ft 6 and weight 152. I workout seriously hard, 2 classes of cardio pump, 2 classes of yoga,1 class of zumba and 2 days of cardio every week. I never eat more than 13-1500/day calories and I have only lost 2 lbs! I have no idea what more I can do. I have decided to just keep doing what im doing and hopefully something will give. I do not want to go backwards, only forwards so I will keep pusing. I have been here for a month, give it more time!