Psoriasis cleared,NSV?

So i've never shared this with any of my mfp friends,but I always suffered with it.For those who might not know of the skin disorder,it pretty much surrounds certain parts of your body with white flaky patches of dry redish can be brought on by stress and also by your diet,i was about 7 when I found out about it.Growing up with it was very difficult! When I reached my highest weight,close to 250,it got alot worse,during the summer I would only wear long sleeves and jeans or sweatpants:( I knew the way I was eating wasn't helping either! After a yr now,changing up my eating and drinking alot of water,i have noticed that my skin is 90% clear! Its such a great feeling not to worry or be embarrased.i can now wear short sleeve shirts and put on shorts without feeling scared of being asked,"why do you have that"?..So I of course count that as a NSV!! Who knew eating better and exercising would make such a huge difference!:)


  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I've suffered from this as well since I was 6 (now 49). People just don't understand how it can impact every aspect of your life. Unfortunately, changing my diet hasn't made a bit of difference in my condition. It's been pretty mild for the last few years now, but I still flare in the fall and winter. I have read many articles that claim that many people find relief, and sometimes even remission, through diet changes and quitting smoking or alcohol. So congrats on your NSV! It's a great feeling to be free of it. Best of luck in the future!
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    I've had it since I was in my teenage years (not exactly sure what age), but when I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and they put me on medication for it, it dried up my psoriasis and very slowly its fading away. It use to be so horrible and crack and bleed and take forever to heal properly! I only ever had it on my ankles, so I pray once I am down to a decent size, it will be totally gone. I know mine was definitely stress related. So glad I don't really have to worry anymore.
  • sazzlewilson
    Great News! I know how much it can impact on your lifestyle. I suffered from Eczema as a kid, and that has pretty much cleared up although i get the occasional flare up, however last year I developed Psoriasis on my palm and I felt very self conscious about it, sometimes friends who first noticed, would say things like 'woah, what happened to your hand' and it just made me more self conscious. Unfortunately there aren't many ways to cover your hands without looking like a MJ impersonator!!
    I went to see a nutritionist, not just for the psoriasis, but general health and wellbeing, and she recommended cutting out dairy and wheat (as advise for the psoriasis), so I did this, and used the cream she sold me and nothing happened, still the same. I persisted with the soy milk, no bread etc, all of the fish oil tablets etc. and still nothing!
    Come Christmas time, I slowly started introducing the things I had cut out of my diet, and it just slowly cleared up. I am now getting my finger prints back, and the lines on my palm and you can only see a bit of scarring. I’m hoping it’s not just the summer heat/vitamin D that has helped, but a general clean up of my diet that has helped.
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    I know this sounds completely crazy! But an old lady told me to use Vicks vapor rub on my psoriasis, and it worked! I apply it twice a day, after a shower is best, as it allows it to soak in a bit better. It has completely cleared on my feet and is almost gone on my hand. I could not believe it actually worked. It smells a bit like you're slathered in Ben Gay, but hey. And the smell wears off after a while.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Not the same thing at all, but I've suffered from sever whole-body eczema for many years. I've used the harshest topical steroids available, and even needed the pills, though it never really helped. Now that I eat better and take better care of myself I rarely need the steroids. It certainly pays to be good to yourself.
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Glad i'm not alone,and im also glad for some of you it has also helped.Ive tryed so many creams and home remedies too,lol..Some worked some didn' for sure does make you feel self conscious! Hopefully one day they will find a cure! Thank you for responding to my post:)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I'm jealous. NOTHING affects my psoriasis. Not diet, not meds, nothing. It's an auto-immune disorder and I have a couple other auto-immune disorders too. I'm just a mess LOL. The upside for me is that mine isn't too bad. I have it on my elbows, one palm, my scalp, ears, and one eyelid. The elbows are the most noticeable thing.
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    Wow! That is great to hear! My daughter was diagnosed at 7 (she is now only 8). She only has a problem on her scalp and behind her ears (they are calling that eczema or a cross between the two). I feel so bad for her. I would really like to treat it naturally but she is a typical kid and veggies are yucky! I am so glad to hear you say this though. We are making steps for a healthier lifestyle overall so hopefully these changes will help! Any additional tips?

    By the way I am very happy for you! That is a HUGE NSV!! I am soooo glad you shared! Thanks.
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    I'm jealous. NOTHING affects my psoriasis. Not diet, not meds, nothing. It's an auto-immune disorder and I have a couple other auto-immune disorders too. I'm just a mess LOL. The upside for me is that mine isn't too bad. I have it on my elbows, one palm, my scalp, ears, and one eyelid. The elbows are the most noticeable thing.
    Ugh yes the elbows! Its soo annoying! My dad also has it too,so I guess it maybe runs in the blood,but his gets pretty bad,he's a smoker,so it tends to get pretty dry.I get on to him about it,but he won't listen! But yes elbows and knees,i hated going to the pool and having to be covered with a towel!
  • jennable
    jennable Posts: 48 Member
    I am new here.....what is NSV? I'm guessing "no small victory"?
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    I am new here.....what is NSV? I'm guessing "no small victory"?
    Close..non scale victory:)
  • jennable
    jennable Posts: 48 Member
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I wish mine would clear up a bit, I've had it since I was a teenager on my elbows and knees, but in the past couple of years it has spread somewhat up my arms as well, I have been at my heaviest recently so can only hope that losing weight helps it! I cant find any creams that help it at all, they make it slightly softer but nothing actually takes it away...complete pain in the *kitten*!
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Wow! That is great to hear! My daughter was diagnosed at 7 (she is now only 8). She only has a problem on her scalp and behind her ears (they are calling that eczema or a cross between the two). I feel so bad for her. I would really like to treat it naturally but she is a typical kid and veggies are yucky! I am so glad to hear you say this though. We are making steps for a healthier lifestyle overall so hopefully these changes will help! Any additional tips?

    By the way I am very happy for you! That is a HUGE NSV!! I am soooo glad you shared! Thanks.
    I can totally understand,okay I have this cream that added extra help,i got it at a store that sells natural stuff,but maybe you can google it, this cream added alot of help and was about 15 dollars,its called Gentamicina+Betametasona+Clotrimazol Crema,i really hope you can find it online..
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Also,The Selsun Blue(medicated one)shampoo helps with the scalp,shampoos that have garlic in it also,they smell funny,but they work!lol
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    When I was having really bad flare ups, I lived in Kansas for a short period of time and went to a Quilt show with my Mother in law and there was a lady selling homemade soaps and stuff and she had this thing called Everything Balm. It really helped me when it was bad. Its all natural and if anyone wants to try it this is her website.
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    Wow! That is great to hear! My daughter was diagnosed at 7 (she is now only 8). She only has a problem on her scalp and behind her ears (they are calling that eczema or a cross between the two). I feel so bad for her. I would really like to treat it naturally but she is a typical kid and veggies are yucky! I am so glad to hear you say this though. We are making steps for a healthier lifestyle overall so hopefully these changes will help! Any additional tips?

    By the way I am very happy for you! That is a HUGE NSV!! I am soooo glad you shared! Thanks.
    I can totally understand,okay I have this cream that added extra help,i got it at a store that sells natural stuff,but maybe you can google it, this cream added alot of help and was about 15 dollars,its called Gentamicina+Betametasona+Clotrimazol Crema,i really hope you can find it online..

    Awesome! I will definitely look that up! $15 is our copay for the derm. I only took her once. They gave her stuff that helped but that included that tar shampoo that scares me! So I have been hesitant to take her back. Ugh. They say this is hereditary but we aren't sure where it came from!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I can totally understand,okay I have this cream that added extra help,i got it at a store that sells natural stuff,but maybe you can google it, this cream added alot of help and was about 15 dollars,its called Gentamicina+Betametasona+Clotrimazol Crema,i really hope you can find it online..

    Awesome! I will definitely look that up! $15 is our copay for the derm. I only took her once. They gave her stuff that helped but that included that tar shampoo that scares me! So I have been hesitant to take her back. Ugh. They say this is hereditary but we aren't sure where it came from!

    Psoriasis IS heriditary, unfortunately. Also, the tar shampoos are very safe, and usually pretty effective. They may smell a little, well, tarry, but they usually work. They're a better alternative to the steroidal-based creams and lotions, which also work well, but can cause thinning of the skin and can eventually stop working as well as you can sometimes build up a resistance to them. The tar shampoos are also usually significantly cheaper than the other types, so that's a bonus as well. Best of luck to your little one!