Anyone here a former weight watcher?



  • batsen
    batsen Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, it's great to hear from all of you. I am currently a WW member. I joined in September last year and it was the first time I seriously tried to lose weight, and I have had success. I was worried if I stopped with WW that I wouldn't be able to keep it up. I've been trying to figure out the main differences between the WW etools and MFT and I think it's mainly that WW have the resources to keep publishing new articles, recipes, inspirational ideas etc. I also think the smaller numbers involved with counting pro points is simpler than calories, but I guess it's about learning. Well seeing this message board is encouraging and it's good to know that some of you have found MFP easy and effective.
  • batsen
    batsen Posts: 8 Member
    How have people gone learning about portion sizes from calories?
  • lja20
    lja20 Posts: 54 Member
    Whether you're doing WW or MFP it's about weighing and measuring what you're eating in order to figure out points vs calories. That itself teaches you proper portion control. I am a lifetime member of WW. Went initially about 25 years ago, thought I was fat at 121--lost 11pounds and reached goal weight. The plan at that time was the exchange program, where you were allowed so many bread exchanges, so many protein exchanges, etc per day. I actually liked it then. I went monthly for awhile to keep in check, but eventually stopped going. Several years later, after marriage, babies, etc. I went back and the plan was the original points program. I did lose weight on it, but didn't stick with it for longer than about six months. Hated having to pay weekly. Tried the online version for awhile and didn't really like it. I do not like how they change the program all the time, requiring you to have to purchase new tools to be able to convert your calories to points.etc. Got to be way too gimmicky. So, this time I googled food/exercise tracker and found mfp. I'm loving it. It is much easier to deal with the calories--plain and simple. There are so many free sites to find restaurant food calories as well that I don't feel I need to pay WW for gimmicky gadgets etc. Reading the message boards is inspiring also. I also really like how I can see exactly how much salt, protein, calcium etc I'm eating. The charts here are great. Good luck to you and welcome to mfp!
  • AiryM
    AiryM Posts: 51 Member
    Former member as well! I don't know if it's a mental thing, but when I do the points system, it always seems too low. Or I feel like I'm not getting enough activity points when I bust my bust during a workout.

    With calorie counting, the numbers seem different to me. Essentially, I know it's the same thing just different format. It just works better for me to see the actual calories.

    Plus, along with what a few others mentioned, the price for MFP is a lot better. =)

    I did enjoy WW for the recipes. I found some excellent ones.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Iv used weightwatchers for the past year or so and have lost 23lbs but i also use mfp as well just so i am aware of the calories i am eating also. i dont go over my points or my calories and find it a better way to maintain what i am eating and help me to continue to lose weight
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I did the online WW at the beginning of last year. It did help. I stopped when my dues were up. Since I learned the points system, I can continue to use it. I like the idea of eating veggies without using any points. Just have to be careful as to how much of even the veggies I am eating. I purchased the points calculator to use when planning meals.
  • i ahve been doing PP since the begining of this year however i can not seem to get my head into the WW mode at the moment hence the reason i thought i would try this one see how i get on, i know ww has worked for soooo many people in the past but at this moment it is just not for me so hopefully MFP will work for me
  • I did ww about 3 years ago..or so.. I lost 20 lbs, then found out i was prego.. was going to go back after i had kadin, but it's be well he is turning 3 in june, and I have yet to go back.. I did not like the counting points and having to remember what everything was..I have two kids under 5 and just don't have enough time for it.. I like mfp i joined last night 1/29/12, and i found myself coming to the site often to check in with my friends and see what others are saying.. I was under my calories for the first time yesterday, but i was not happy with what i was eating.. so i posted about it and i got so many idea's form friends. No one telling me i was wrong or that i could not do it.. just advise on how to help me.. I felt for the first time.. that even though i'm a pickie eater and don't have lots of money to go buy all the "healthy foods" i can still do it. I'm loooking forward to stepping on that scale in a week and seeing where i'm at.. Losing weight has been hard for me.. I also have a thyroid issue.. I have none.. so it's a little harder for me. but i know i can do it.. SO TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE THAT FEEL DISCOURAGED WE CAN DO IT! other diets may have failed but if we stick together we can do it..
  • bobalouie16
    bobalouie16 Posts: 6 Member
    I am a lifetime member. I no longer count points. I don't like PP, its too much work. I Love how I just have to enter foods in MFP and They do all The work for me. I have nothing against WW I lost over 160 pound (not at one time) With WW but the new systems is a pain and I got board with the meetings.
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm still active on the ww groups and forums. I love ww and p+ worked for me :)
  • I've got a friend who is has lost 60lbs in about 17 months on Weight Watchers so I know it does work. I just couldn't get into it because of the point system personally. I like knowing calories of my food... converting to points seems like an extra step too. Now I know the reason it works so well for her is her job requires a great deal of eating out and travel so having the iPhone App conversion and tracking made all the difference in terms of sticking to it. She also shared she has some issues with feeling most diets make her feel deprived. She resents not being able to eat what she likes and those around her are eating. Even knowing she's only "allowed" 1500 calories rubs her the wrong way... but it being a certain number of points isn't so bad. Plus, they don't count most fruits and vegetables so she can eat as much as she likes.

    She's fine going a couple of weeks not losing, then a couple of weeks of just one pound as long as she is going down and getting to eat what she likes. I wish I was this way.

    If I'm not losing at least 2lbs per week (exception being that last 10lbs), I get anxious. Given I've struggled with my weight all my adult life (yo-yo)... I realize she has a healthier approach.
  • I am a former member. I lost weight on WW, but I felt challenged to lose weight and not much else. I haven't tried the new points plus though, because as a lot of MFP members say, it gets expensive. Plus, I don't think it's healthy to push prepackaged foods! I am trying to eat "clean" this time around, being thoughtful about what I put into my body. You can find really great "clean eating" websites out there... I like The woman who runs the site gives out great information and has recipes that she has made clean, and it's FREE. I've heard from many trainers and athletes that diet is 80-90% of the way your body looks, so I am concentrating on what/how much I eat... and exercising as I am able. I'm hoping to reach my goals of being fit and healthy instead of "skinny" this time around.
  • jigglesnwiggles
    jigglesnwiggles Posts: 13 Member
    I tried the Points Plus and actually gained weight and felt starving all the time. I went back to the old way and had success! I think it was just a gimic to get people to go out and buy all new products. Stick to what works!
  • jennabellaxoxo
    jennabellaxoxo Posts: 232 Member
    Lifetimer's a great system and it worked really well for me but I am looking better than ever with mfp...WW focuses less on actual nutrition I am getting the protein and support I need!! Love mfp!! Good luck!
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    WW well I own it went for so long :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I'm a former member and couldn't afford it
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    I started with WW in July 2010, I lost 30 lbs in four months - pro-points came in just as I was getting to goal, which was November 2010. I cancelled membership then loss access to the tracker. I found MFP in January 2011 and have been here ever since! I love the tracker and the support.

    I am still at my goal weight but for the first 6 months after I stopped weight watchers I lost quite a bit more, so I feel I've gained, but I haven't actually gained any of what I lost on WW, just what I lost since leaving.

    I've been at a plateau for ages - I have recently read about not going under your BMR as it slows the metabolism, so am experimenting with that at the moment by upping my calories - I really hope it works!
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