A ham sandwich has the same calories as battered cod!



  • fasttrack27
    fat content is irrelevent as you'd still weigh the same after eating 1000cals or fat or 1000cals or carbs
    It's not irrelevant. You would weigh the same but health is not based solely on weight. You are the one talking about one being HEALTHIER than the other.

    Right on! Gotta think about arteries, etc, not just the scale.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    But your body burns fat faster than calories... and plus theres no bloated feeling

    That's actually one of the other downfalls of fat with weight loss. Unlike fiber-rich carbs and protein it takes less work (read: calories burned) for your body to process the food. However, it can help with satiation as many people will probably point out.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    my wraps say they are 190cals each
    I don't know what options you have where you live, but with a little research, I have found a lot of bread/wrap/lavash options under 100 calories here. Some as low as 40. If it were me, I would spend some time in the bread section just reading labels. But I'm here and don't know what your options are.
  • BelleEns
    BelleEns Posts: 36 Member
    I've cut out bread in the week and have ryvita crackerbread instead. It's made a huge difference to my weightloss.

    I hear you, though. Ham sandwich the same as fish from a chippy! Who'd have thought it?
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Can you post the cals you are working with?

    My home made ham sandwich is about 250 Cals (I use medium sliced bread, no spread, 1 slice of ham and some low fat coleslaw)
    Chip shop battered fish is very high in calories, I guess oven baked fish in breadcrumbs is lower - Fish fingers definitely are... but you need to eat something with them to feel full...

    Most of the sandwiches you buy in a shop are +350 cals - but they can go up to 600 - read the packet before you buy!
  • pepermin
    There's also the vitamins to be considered - I'll bet the multigrain bread has more of those.
    For me there's also the "fullness factor" - the ham sandwich contains more food and will keep me full longer than a piece of fried fish.
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 164 Member
    I find this absolutely amazing! Like you, I would have totally assumed the cod would be much more calorific. I eat sandwiches quite a lot on this diet, but have so far avoided the chippy because I thought it would use up my full days' calories.

    Probably not a good idea to have battered cod every day, but once a week, for a treat - why not?! :smile:
  • PoohHugs2
    PoohHugs2 Posts: 13 Member
    Try Arnold or Prepridge Farm Sandwich Thins. They are 100 calorise, 5 grams of fiber, and are delicious. Although thin, they are still satisfying and make you feel like you're still haveing a sandwich.
  • mcbrika
    I use Ole High Fiber/low carb wraps at 71 calories and 17g carbs.
  • frillypantz
    my wraps say they are 190cals each
    I don't know what options you have where you live, but with a little research, I have found a lot of bread/wrap/lavash options under 100 calories here. Some as low as 40. If it were me, I would spend some time in the bread section just reading labels. But I'm here and don't know what your options are.

    There are wraps for 100 in the shops but there about the size of my hand lol
  • fasttrack27
    But your body burns fat faster than calories... and plus theres no bloated feeling

    Huh? You might want to re-think that. Maybe 'burns fat calories faster than carb calories'? So are you saying its good to eat a high fat diet because you can burn it off easier? Sorry, but I find that troubling
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    I gave up sandwiches a long time ago.. firstly they dont even fill me up and secondly the bread has so many calories in!

    I now have tuna/ham or chicken salad for lunch (virtually no carbs!)


    Covent garden soup/Marks and spencer soup/ homemade vegetable soup (all 120-200 calories) & one piece of bread to dip in, I find it keeps me fuller for much longer!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    fat content is irrelevent as you'd still weigh the same after eating 1000cals or fat or 1000cals or carbs

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Unbelievable as it sounds, proper chip-shop cod in batter ranges from around 300 calories for a small portion (which could easily match a ham sandwich!) to 560 for large. The high temperatures it's cooked at prevent much fat from being absorbed.

    I know which I'd rather have, and on Friday I shall also be saving up calories for the accompanying half portion of chips, mushy peas and glass of wine!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I suspect you used 'battered fish portion' for you diary - which would be oven baked, frozen options

    Take away battered fish is 344 Cals for 150g - and I suspect a typical portion is at least double that size.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    PS - wraps: Weight watchers wraps, 109Cal each -
    mission her wraps - 200 cals each

    BUT the weight watchers ones are MUCH smaller - One mission wrap fills me up. A WW one doesn't. Do what you want with that :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    But your body burns fat faster than calories... and plus theres no bloated feeling

    Huh? You might want to re-think that. Maybe 'burns fat calories faster than carb calories'? So are you saying its good to eat a high fat diet because you can burn it off easier? Sorry, but I find that troubling
    Agree'd - totally ABSURD!
    We should all run down to McD for some great diet food.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    When I was still eating bread, I would do an open-faced sandwich to cut down on calories. I was extremely doubtful about giving up starches--- until my trainer pushed me to go paleo. I decided I couldn't knock it if I didn't try it, so I did and no looking back! I'm so much slimmer now, it's actually amazing.

    But at the end of the day, it's about balance. Have the fish once in awhile :)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Maybe the same number of calories, but all calories are NOT created equal.
  • jensensi
    Healthy and low cal are entirely different things. There's also been a lot of research that suggests that calories are not equal. Cals after all is based on how fast food "burns" as in actually lights on FIRE. Our bodies don't do that to food!

    I've been working on lowering my carbs (which are just sugar after all) and eating a fairly high fat diet - BUT only good fats. Avocado, olives, olive oil, almonds. Working for me so far.

    Fried chip shop fish is covered in trans fat - exactly the kind of thing you want to avoid so in that case the sandwich was still the "healthier" option.

    Balance is still the key, but to me healthy nutritious foods should be your main focus. If you're eating the right kind of foods the cals tend to work themselves out anyway.
