

  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I'm not divorced (yet), but I have been separated for 18 months. I have 2 kids aged 3 & 5.
    You just have to take each day as it comes.
    You need time to heal, you need time to discover who you are again. And that takes time. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to hate him, hate him. If you need to get angry, get angry. But in time you will learn not to hate him, and you wont be angry anymore.
    Yes it's tough, but if you have a good support network you can get through it.

    Feel free to add me.
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    I think there is no easy route out when you are the one had been doing the holding one and the person had been on the letting go. For me its better to go through the whole cycle of self sympathizing, getting angry, letting go and taking charge. The faster you get through the phases its the better it is.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    It's not easy, and it hurts. I found solace in finding other divorcees (women and men) who had gone through the same experience. If they could get through it, so could I. That's all I could focus on. I spent quite a few hours in bed crying and staring at the ceiling. Eventually that got old. There are resources online and in your community. Try the library for starters.

    It's scary to be alone. I don't have kids, but I would anticipate they are feeling scared you might leave them too. A family therapist might help. Hugging your kids, telling them you love them, and encouraging them to talk to you probably won't make things worse.

    Take care and good luck.
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    I am so sorry for you; I know from experience how hard it is to go through that. My ex left me a few days before I had my youngest son. My older son was 4 and I had a newborn. I was panicked, in a financial crisis and I felt like the world was falling in. The husband situation would be hard enough and it breaks my heart to hear you say that you had to go through this along with losing your mom.
    What got me through was I started going back to church and started reading the bible. I know that isn't a pc answer but that really is all that got me through it. I found support there in a divorcecare ministry and some counseling for my son, who truly needed just a male counselor - someone who he could feel cared about him when it didn't seem like his dad did.
    Take things one day at a time - spend time reflecting on things, take time to do some relaxing for yourself and try your best to find time with friends who will be there for you.
    Time will get you through it - it's been over 4 years for me now and looking back I couldn't have planned it any better.
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    I divorced a long time ago. You just need to REALIZE that if he loved you and if he wanted you he'd be there. He wouldn't hurt you whether it's physical or emotional. Remind yourself everyday that you kids are important and if he doesn't want to be with you then so be it.
    Try to be more involved in different activities...point is, is to stay BUSY. You don't need him to become a good mom or a good person. You will move on because there are tons of people out there to meet.
    YOU HAVE TO REMIND YOURSELF EVERDAY! He left you so there's no need to want him. He doesn't care or else he'd be right by your side. END OF STORY.
    I'm happily married again and i wouldn't trade him & kids for the world. Best decision i have ever made-keep moving forward and don't look back!!!!!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    From personal experience, any man who ever told me he could not be the man I needed him to be was absolutely right.

    Convince yourself that his leaving is actually a good thing.

    Run. I don't know how it works, but it just stops the cyclical thoughts. I was never married, but I went through something akin to divorce. Running was the closest I ever felt to happiness during that time. If you can't run yet, just walk hard and fast for as long as you can stand it. You'll feel the effects of it for hours afterward. Mentally and physically.

    Remember that no matter what happens --you're going to be ok. You will always be ok.
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member

    Run. I don't know how it works, but it just stops the cyclical thoughts. I was never married, but I went through something akin to divorce. Running was the closest I ever felt to happiness during that time. If you can't run yet, just walk hard and fast for as long as you can stand it. You'll feel the effects of it for hours afterward. Mentally and physically.

    Remember that no matter what happens --you're going to be ok. You will always be ok.

    ^^ Yup^^ For me this has been HUGE! I LOVE to go for walks/jogs gives me time to think, prioritize, and work through a lot of feelings.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm so sorry for all your going through. I can say divorce was like a death for me. There's a healthy dose of denial, then a whole lot of grief, then a giant helping of anger, and then it didn't really matter any more. I was remarried to a great man within a couple of years.

    It took a while but after all the divorce dust settled I have managed to have a really good relationship with my ex. We communicate constantly about our child and both do our best to make sure he's not missing any family events in either of our families. It's really the best it could possibly be post-divorce and it surprises anyone who sees all of us together Just had a class reunion and my husband and ex were joking along while my high school friends looked on with their eyebrows arched. I never would have thought that was possibly ever when my marriage was ending. It was full on war between us.

    You just keep getting through each day until the day your realize you aren't STRUGGLING so hard to get through each day.
  • justMzMimi
    justMzMimi Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. I am sorry to hear about your situation. I am divorced and although my situation is different from yours I can say that it will take time. Time is the only thing that will help you because it takes time for your feelings to change. It may even take you a little more time since your spouse presented this to you and it seems like you were not aware of the possibility of this happening. Focus and you and your children and I believe you will eventually be fine. I had to focus on making myself better and once I started doing that he started fading into the background and I came to the realization that he was an idiot for messing up such a good thing but he definitely did me a favor by doing it because he did not even deserve me.
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    I am currently separated from my husband. He told me he wanted a divorce 3/31/11. I found out about the other woman 4/17/11. He moved out of the bedroom within days. We tried to live in the same house for a few months (for financial reasons). I finally told him to move out in July when he continued to contact his former gf. He moved out on 8/16/11. He tells me he just needs space and to concentrate on himself b/c he doesn't know what he wants. He is extremely depressed and is not making good choices.

    I, too, have no clue how to let him go. We have been married for 20 years. He is my best friend. We have been together more than half our lives. He is so distant at this time. He makes comments about "taking baby steps" toward trying to reconcile. However, his actions do not show it. He is struggling with something within himself that only he and God can fix. I know the good man inside him but he is not here right now.

    I don't know if our marriage is salvagable. I am quite hurt and angry myself. I always knew I was going to spend my life with this man. I imagined growing old with him. He was my only love. I don't know how long I am supposed to sit in limbo. Most days I am strong. I am good at putting on a great facade. However, inside I feel like I am losing my life.

    Sometimes, I think that maybe I should just go ahead and initiate the divorce. That way I could be free to find a man who will love me, enjoy being with me, and that will treat me the way a husband should treat a wife. I know I want to give those same things to the man I am to spend the rest of my life with.

    So, I don't have an answer but I do understand your pain...feel free to add me :)
  • leah07598
    leah07598 Posts: 6 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through, and for the passing of your mother.

    From personal experience, I can tell you what helped me is to realize that I'm not alone. There are millions of divorced people out there, and some with similar stories. Talk to people you know who are divorced. Remember you're not alone. And as cliche as this may sound, time really does heal. My husband out of the blue told me he wanted a divorce, and then without warning, left me and our daughters on 08/11/11. He left for work that day and never came home. We weren't having problems or anything like that. He told me he just wasn't happy. I later on found out he was with another woman. I was devastated. I had what I called my breakdown moments. They happened every day in the beginning. But then, slowly but surely, they happened less and less. It's been about 2 1/2 months, and I still occasionally breakdown, but not nearly as often. Also, between work and getting even more involved in my daughters' lives, I'm finding less and less time to feel bad for myself.

    As far as letting him go, well, again, that comes in time. I still haven't completely let him go. I still get jealous when I think about the other woman. But honestly, I don't really think about it unless he's coming up to pick up the kids for a visitation, which is only about once a month. He takes them for a few hours normally, and brings them home.

    Without my faith, I don't think I would be able to get through this as well as I have. I also truly believe that experiences like this only makes us stronger in the end. I also recommend trying to find a support group in your area so that you can get to know other people with experiences similar to yours. I am currently looking for one myself. I took a required children's first class required for my divorce, and I really enjoyed it.

    I don't know if what helped me will help you, since everyone's experience is unique, as are the techniques that helped them. I hope that some of it helped you, though.

    Just take it one day at a time, or even just one moment at a time. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mmelledge
    mmelledge Posts: 150
    Hey, Smith9905.... how are you doing?

  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    Uhhh things are getting better/easier but the next big blow came last weekend when my ex told me he is marrying the woman he was having the affair with on Valentines day.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Bump. Add me. I'll get back when I have time later...getting kids ready for school right now.