My 3rd week of P90X



  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Yoga X is done!
    Wow it is a long one!!!!

    I am so much more flexible in the afternoon, it is ridiculous!

    Had a stir fry of lean beef and zucchini

    Time to chill!
  • lovinlife581
    lovinlife581 Posts: 75 Member
    So I got a joint mounted pullup bar on eBay.

    Ok, I meant joist-mounted pull up bar. Typo, Oh well.
  • lovinlife581
    lovinlife581 Posts: 75 Member

    I feel great after yesterday's workout.

    Went to work earlier to get out earlier to do Yoga X.

    At this stage of X I think working out in the evening is better for me!!!

    I tend to prefer working out in the evenings (or at least afternoons), too. I do better when I have a couple meals in me before working out. I don't do well working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I know a lot of people do it, but I bonk pretty quickly if I do.

    I gotta be careful with letting it get too late. Sometimes I'm so tired from the day, it's really difficult to workout. 2 days ago, I conked out on the sofa and my daughter was saying, "C'mon, Mom! Aren't you gonna do your workout??? Wake up!" That was humbling. I finally did get up and do the workout, but it was tough at first. I love when Tony says to just clear your mind of all the stuff going on in your life, just focus on the workout. That sets me straight every time!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    yes, I am finding out that's my case too.
    Today I was late to work, so have another 30 mins to go here, then home and WO!

    The other day while I was PPing my DH was eating dinner and the smeel of food was all around me.
    I finished my workout nevertheless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am doing legs tonight!!!
    I really go crazy with that one!!!!!!

    see you later!
  • lovinlife581
    lovinlife581 Posts: 75 Member
    Shoulder hurts from doing like 900 downward dogs Saturday. I have Chest, Shoulders and Triceps / ARX tonight. Think I'll have to be very careful with the shoulders. Thinking about switching workouts. Not sure yet, I'll have to play it by ear. Have a great day!