People who have increased cals and lost weight...

All you guys out there who have INCREASED cals and lost weight, how much did you increase by and long did it take for your body to adjust to the new cal level and start losing again after the increase?

I was on 1740 total (1300ish net) to lose 2lb week and was losing pretty consistently. due to a knee injury i have gone from doing 6 hours a week boxercise/spinning/running to being unable to do any cardio at all and have put on 0.8lb this week eating 1650 net. im continuing upper body weights / ab work / slow swimming, but these will burn nowhere near as many cals as my usual exercise, and its looking like this is all i can do for at least the next month or two.

I kind of expected to maintain / gain initially due to the sudden increase in net cals, but its still below maintenance cals of 2150 so im hoping it will level out in the next few weeks. i dont want to cut cals much more and risk losing muscle! it would be good to hear from people who have actually done this as seeing the scale go up has me worried even though i know its more than likely only temporary!

thank you :)


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It took a little over 2 weeks to start losing again. But at that point I was already on a 7 week plateau so it didn't seem that long. Keep at it!
  • fitcanuck
    It only took me a week for my body to adjust but it also adjusted very quickly to too low cals and i stopped losing after just two weeks. I gained .6 last week and this week i'm down 1.6 in one week! I had upped my calls to 1500 + eating back exercise cals. Basically I never net lower than 1500.

    I'm 5'6" and 160 right now.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    thanks for your replies!
    its good to see it wont take too long :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    it didnt take long, am down 1lb this week i was worrying over nothing!! :)